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Everything posted by thetrees

  1. Many journalists work close to football managers.
  2. If that person charged you a large amount to come in and his house was shit do you not have the right to voice your opinion? If I wasn't happy with the quality of food from tesco I doubt their chief exec would ban me for telling them. Sure you can have an opinion, but if you don't like it, f off, and take your large amount of money with you. Fortunately for the Chief Exec of Tesco, he wouldn't have to look at your ugly face every time that you went shopping, so not a particularly good comparison.
  3. A reasonable summary, although I am surprised that such a dedicated supporter doesn't know who signed Ireland. Good that it focuses on Lambert, the most inept manager that we have ever had. Interesting that he sees Levy as a 'football man'. I'd be interested to know his opinion as to the point when Levy went from being a Faulkner like person to a 'football man' Getting excluded from the Director's area is no big deal and no surprise. If you walk into someone's house and shit on their lounge carpet, then you can hardly be expected to be offered a seat and a cup of tea. And Randy Lerner reads Twitter, apparently. Might be useful for some of the more outraged.
  4. Graham Taylor. Does he have a proven track record in business?
  5. I would have thought that the priority should be to hire a team manager who knows the technical side of football, because the present one clearly doesn't.
  6. What felt like the defining game of the season that we last went down was Norwich at home. They put three past us that day, with Steve Hodge adding their other one, an early own goal. If we go one down on Sunday, we may not recover...
  7. As I stated before, 'i'm a Celebrity beckons...' You'll do pretty well as you are popular, cute, and have personality. You'll maybe even win it. The following year you will be a shoe in as a presenter on the extra show on ITV2 Take your chance and go and make some money girl.
  8. Regardless of the plight of the Villa, the endowing of an £85m contract on a player who has never realised his potential, by a club that can't afford to pay it but will get away with it, has further alienated me from this billy big time bullshit Premier League/Champions League scenario. In terms of watching sport where most of the participants are still in touch with reality, and generally playing for love of the game, then I am better invested in 6 Nations rugby and England/Warwickshire cricket. But I'll renew, because that's what you do. The closest I have ever come to not renewing was after two years of O'Neill, and I still did it then. I shall protest, but my protest will be towards Sky.
  9. How about watching the magnificent 6 Nations game in a magnificent crowd, only to have to share the train home with a bunch of pissed up Manure supporters? Credit to the BTP for keeping them quiet.
  10. Where has it been said that the owner has 'meddled'? Before Paul Lambert set foot in Villa Park, he said that Hutton's career with the club was over. Why was that? He has picked Agbonlahor, Given, Bent, Delph and N'Zogbia, the first four of whom earn more than Hutton, with Charlie being on about the same. Why is that? It's all smoke and mirrors. Lambert has a problem with Hutton that pre-dates his (Lambert's) arrival at Villa Park. His 'softening' statement is all about ridding himself of a millstone, and absolutely nothing to do with sympathy for the player, because there isn't any.
  11. Pleasure flight in the "Death Cruiser" tomorrow. If you read that the 9 o'clock one went down, please delete my account.
  12. I guess that you need to point the finger at Faulkner for that one. The O'Neill resignation/dismissal* was a dispute about control of such things, so we can assume that Faulkner had complete control by the time that the Hutton contract was negotiated. *delete as per your point of view
  13. If all teachers did that, wouldn't that halve the circulation of 'The Guardian'?
  14. thetrees


    This year two places that I intended to visit were Ukraine and Venezuela. I next intend to visit Scotland.
  15. Congratulations on the beginning of your journey to joining the band of the second most loathesome people on the planet. Once fully qualified you will be ready to take up your apprenticeship in an estate agency, where you can really hit top spot.
  16. I do a bit of that in my spare time
  17. Is it Orange Nope definitely not (and not green either). It drops less calls than all the other networks including the network that owns the masts Can't be KPN then......
  18. If the club cannot afford to pick Hutton solely because of his wages, why are they picking Gabby and Delph?
  19. I never run into famous people, but i did run into Ms.Brooks on a flight from Antigua to Barbados around this time last year. So at least I can say that I have run into an infamous person!
  20. I pay shitloads of tax and worry about my pension, all thanks to Gordon Brown!
  21. To be entertained To win 10 games at home and lose no more than 2 I don't care about league position, so long as it is above 17
  22. They will have voted for it I get that. But if it were a 60/40 majority, then around 3 million wouldn't have voted for it. If a 60/40 majority is taken as a yes result.
  23. In the event of a Scottish vote for independence, we could see millions of EU citizens stripped of their citizenship against their own will. I'm not sure how that will sit in the world of human rights.
  24. In fairness I think that only the most unreasonable would not see the Houllier tenure as a dose of bad luck. They went about things the right way and appointed a manager of immense pedigree. McLeish was downright foolish, but Houllier was unlucky. Just me disagreeing on that one then? Awful appointment IMO. Management style of isolating all the senior squad and it was only after Houllier was unfortunately taken ill that that the results improved and the side reached their potential. Changed the style of play whether or not it suited the players and too pig headed to admit he was wrong. Remember we were in the relegation spots for most of the season with a team that included Young, Downing and Petrov. I would give a limb for one player of that quality in the current side! No, I agree with everything that you have written, because it's a pretty good summary of the Houllier tenure. That was the bad luck to which I referred. But the appointment was made in good faith, and seemed a good one at the time.
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