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Everything posted by thetrees

  1. Are the right wing nut jobs really that shallow that a tax cut, or the promise of one, will stop them putting an x alongside the extreme right wing nut jobs name. As for those of us with morals and a social conscience then a tax cut isn't going to make up for the fact that the average person is far worse half now than they were in 2010. Most importantly though it isn't going to change the fact that the poorest and most vulnerable in society haven't just been hit the hardest in the pocket they have been hit again by having the public services they are most reliant on slashed. It is shameful how this Tory led mob have acted over the last 4 years. Mark, you appear to have this idea that only people on the left can have 'morals and a social conscience' I would counter that there are plenty on the left who have no such emotions, and that some that you would deem are on the right do indeed possess such qualities as you describe them. Morality is most definitely not the preserve of the left, regardless of what they would like us to believe.
  2. They are not Sutton schools though are they. They are Birmingham schools. Many of those residing in Sutton Coldfield may not like it but is just as much a part of Birmingham as Erdington, Northfield, Ladywood, Hall Green, Perry Barr, Kingstanding etc. I have lived or worked in Sutton Coldfield for a good chunk of my life and some think they are a cut above being associated with Birmingham. Why I don't know because they aren't and just simply come across as deluded prats with their heads up their own backsides. Well I have always been proud of Birmingham, showing it off to surprised foreign visitors once again this week, but as a lifelong Sutton resident I believe that the town should never have lost its independence, and that it should be restored at the earliest possible moment. I assume that makes me a 'deluded prat'?
  3. flew with them to russia in september, from manchester, didnt like having to do the computer thing before going to the check in, they were also really under staffed running 2 desks for 3 flights and seemed to have some problems with customers (chinese people who couldnt understand that you can only have one piece of hand luggage as opposed to 3 or 4 like they trying to do), not that it stopped them going on breaks... people around me started complaining that it was taking so long, someone from lufthansa simply shouted "dont worry your flights delayed anyway" was a shocking service pretty sure it was just a manchester airport thing because they great everywhere else, the connections were very good as was the info provided to those who were impacted by the delay a lot of checkin staff are not airline employees are they? I must admit the many times i have used lufthansa in Germany and to and from the country i have found them to be (not surprisingly) ...... German. Check in staff for non-based airlines are provided by the handling agents, which at BHX and probably MAN are Swissport and Servisair (known by their staff as 'Circusair') With Lufthansa's network from BHX, I can't get over the fact that a guy who lives in Kidderminster is sent to Manchester to go to Moscow via Germany. It's a crazy world!
  4. I think that you will find that it is the rather large amount of council tax revenue that ensures keeping Sutton in Birmingham. The scandalous 'garden grab' developments, a result of Labour policy, helped to increase that revenue further. Sutton people getting 'pissy' is more about the fact that they pour revenue into the city coffers, but are the last to get anything out and, as a result, are short on school places and the like. This in turn isn't helped by the eco-friendly Labour party introducing a policy that allows people to drive their kids across the city to attend Sutton schools. We are a bit like the reverse of Scotland. Labour don't want to lose us because of the revenue, and the Tories don't want us out because it would severely diminish their standing in the City Council elections. Me, I would leave Birmingham behind tomorrow and let them go and develop brown field inner city sites, rather than our green belt.
  5. Will he not be looking for this to repaid in the asking price for the club? Or if not all of it a large chunk of it? From all of the signs, I would imagine that he would cut and run for £150m-£200m. Still a big ask in the current climate though.
  6. Yep, I know Ranjit. If you are looking for investment from him , forget it.
  7. I didn't notice anyone arguing or supporting.
  8. This post is way too sensible. We have had one man sink £250m into the club. I can't imagine that another one will be found.
  9. One of my pictures made it onto 'Mail online' Will I be thrown of VT, or just lynched by the vociferous VT left?
  10. Yep, especially when the team singing it can't sell out 3,000 seats.True . I found their support very bizarre decent turn out by norwich I thought. Yep, I always admire supporters who will drag hundreds of miles through crap weather on a late Sunday afternoon for a game that is on telly. It wasn't them who couldn't sell 3000 seats, because each one of them did their bit. Great away support, Norwich. It's not only the lads who go away, whole families do, and the old 'uns. They are a smashing club, and I genuinely hope that they stay up.
  11. If a player doesn't celebrate scoring a goal, you have to question his overall desire to play the game. Cross him off the list.
  12. I'd forgotten about the season that we were pushing for CL under O'Leary
  13. Today's result confirms my opinion that Lambert is doing a very good job so far. I agree. The team's reaction for the immediate 20 minutes after is pre-match team talk, coupled with their reaction after his half time talk clearly define the man as a managerial genius.
  14. 15 minutes of fun. A moment of brilliance from Benteke turned it around. Defence played okay. Bacuna looked good today. El Ahmadi everywhere blocking, stifling, tackling and not getting booked! He even managed a couple of passes! Nice save from Brad near the end. So a few pieces of wallpaper over the cracks, because basically we are still shite and Lambert has not got a clue.
  15. Best performance of a Villa player at Villa Park this season.
  16. Managers don't walk nowadays. If our last three managers had any integrity about them, they would have walked. They all went for the big pay off instead. All managers should be hired on rolling contracts. At least that way the worst that they need to be compensated is one year's salary. I doubt whether any contributors to VT, regardless of how long that they have been in their particular job for, would have the comfort of knowing that they would receive one year's salary as compensation, should they lose their job.
  17. There is a delicious irony in that those who constantly refer to Mr. Lerner's inherited wealth are hanging on the every word of Howard Hodgson Junior. And that is with all respect to HH Junior who, like Mr Lerner, may possibly be capable and successful in his own right.
  18. Filing date was yesterday, so the actual accounts will show up on CH and through the various credit checking agency channels during the coming week.
  19. Snowy's explanation makes far more sense than this. It is only the same as depreciating a capital asset in any company, such as a car. The only difference is that after 3 years a company's cars are worth something!
  20. It seems to me that many people don't like Faulkner because he got rid of O'Neill. I have to confess that, on the face of it, I don't like him too much. The one thing that I do like him for though is that he was the one who got rid of O'Neill
  21. Why is it about nothing?The statutory accounts may say more but, perhaps, there is more than enough to be read into (and from) the figures released by the club via the Mail. Sorry, I missed the bit from the Birmingham Mirror. Everything is clear.
  22. Wayne Rooney used to be a paper boy for his Uncle's newsagents in Liverpool. Manure are paying £300k a week to a paper boy.
  23. So a thread about nothing has reached 5 pages. I assume that next week it will be a thread about something. I have my credit checking agency on 'alert' for the moment!
  24. Let's face it, as well as plundering pension funds and generally screwing the working man, Gordon Brown was excellent at closing off loopholes and taxing by stealth. He made damned sure that tax avoidance would only be something available to the super rich.
  25. It's everyone's mission in life to avoid tax ... Be it those nasty rich people to those honest hard working class tradesman who will always work for cash sorry Tony but that is complete and utter nonsense. For you maybe its a priority to avoid tax but for many it certainly is not. Now, now Tony. How dare you suggest that those hard working 'working class' people evade tax. But then, of course, they are the biggest group of regular tax evaders, alongside those who are super rich and can afford very clever accountants to dig through every loophole going. Meanwhile, moderately successful business people on PAYE, who work and worry damn hard in creating and ensuring stable employment for others end up faced with either putting hard earned money into a pension fund, with questionable long term value, which will be taxed at a later date anyway, or paying the highest rate of tax in Europe. I have no problem with paying tax, but I believe that it is immoral for more than half of any portion of earned money to be taken by government. If only I were a builder or something. My lifestyle would be so much better.
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