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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. Incidentally, I knew we had a penalty desperately chancing a look at Villa Talk but was then handed a poopy child by my wife in an area with limited signal and I was out of the game. I didn’t see anything again until after FT so I just got to see 3-2 and sigh relief. If I had to watch that double crossbar challenge Dougie attempted, my child wouldn’t have been the only poopy one…
  2. Spoony

    Unai Emery

    If he asked for a statue and a stand to be named after him right now, I’d give it to him. Ive been a Villa fan only since 2001ish and this is the only time as a fan Ive been truly excited and happy except for perhaps MON’s first league cup final as that felt like a false dawn of a corner turned. Even under the MON days it just felt a bit ‘off’ most of the time. Now we feel like real challengers. I actually wouldn’t be stunned if we won the league. Obviously it’d be incredible but because of what Unai has already done it wouldn’t appear absurd. then you remember that a very short time ago we were 17th under Gerrard.
  3. I was proper twisting the knife on this guy. Now I think he could well be one of our best players. He’s made me out to be a mug and Ive learned my lesson about (1) giving players time and (2) the effect shit coaching can have on a player. Hence I will back Zaniolo, Diaby and any future wavering signing to the death
  4. He needs Bouba. With Bouba he is world class. It’s the one worrying thing with Villa - we are very very reliant on our starting XI. I use worry loosely given we are 2nd in the league lol.
  5. Didn’t he score from like 40 yards on the volley once? Absolute worldy
  6. So weird. Only a day ago there was two or three articles on the BBC about the United win against Villa being a renaissance of sorts. It’s almost like our national unbiased reporting organisation just spaffs themselves about United at every opportunity but surely that isn’t the case
  7. Think VAR will look at this? Looks pretty marginal for offside
  8. It’s gut wrenching how far we have dropped off. As this is Villa this season has felt like a generational chance to achieve something. Now we are in relegation form (not that we are going to be anywhere near relegation but this is presently 2 points from what should be a guaranteed 9)
  9. lol it’s just so laughable. I was with my in laws during the Shef Utd game who have no interest in football but have interest in my interests if that makes sense, so I had to explain why I wasn’t celebrating, why the score could be 1-0 then suddenly not 1-0, what all the stopping was all about and then why is it still on when we got to a gazillion minutes or whatever it was. It has completely changed football from what was recognisable even to a layperson. The soul has been torn from the game. And for what exactly? 1% more accurate decisions but a HELL of a lot more controversy and sitting around waiting and not celebrating?
  10. First let’s flick through 5 completely pointless frames. Then let’s analyse the obvious onside for 2 minutes. Then let’s check every other rule that could possibly be breached. I honestly don’t blame the officials because of how much they are scrutinised now. This absolutely kills the game
  11. Just save yourself the bother and don’t celebrate
  12. How can we go from almost top at Christmas to being unable to beat the worst teams in the league
  13. We are going to **** this up again aren’t we…
  14. We are going to **** this up again aren’t we
  15. I’m going to be terribly miserable if we fail to win yet another winnable game
  16. It’s totally impossible to referee at every level. You try and enforce it and every set of players and coaches kick off at wasting time. Everyone does it, literally no point trying to stop it as all players and coaches are petulant cheating cry babies
  17. I find the pixelated thing really weird. I have absolutely no idea what they were trying to achieve there. Some sort of fargo style embroidered look?
  18. Lovely efforts but way too busy for me. Which just goes how impossible it is to please the masses. that being said, this wouldn't actively disappoint me. What Villa struggle with is making something that isn’t objectively shite
  19. Exactly the same. And I think a lot are in that boat. And they initially said they’d gauge reaction to it as the season went on. Which was obviously total bullshit as we all knew it would be.
  20. There’s no point sugar coating it, these fan consultations are bollocks and they’re only interested in rinsing as much cash out as possible. Which I understand as that’s just what football is now, but it’s shit and our owners are frankly no better than any other billionaire using football as their plaything and getting it as commercialised and cash producing as possible. Your everyday non-day tripper non-tourist fans aren’t even secondary - I wouldn’t even know where they are in the pecking order anymore.
  21. Agreed entirely. Early days and he’s already throwing massive disruption into things that just didn’t need to be disrupted like this. He hasn’t got a clue how an English football club should operate and he has no respect for fans or football heritage. You can’t just come in and Yankee everything up.
  22. Spoony

    Jhon Durán

    Someone needs to explain to me what this “something” is. He comes on, clatters people, has a strop and can’t hit the target. I see absolutely nothing in him. To have him as our backup instead of Archer makes zero sense. It only makes sense if you want the option to play with more of a target man but he has absolutely nothing in his locker to fulfil that role
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