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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. Also McGinn just gave the ball away, Tielemans has too, Watkins hasn’t even been involved, etc. Zaniolo is just getting torpedoed for shite the others are doing as well. They
  2. Funny thing is most refs in the upper leagues will tell you it’s so much easier to referee top tier football.
  3. Carlos clearly has a bet against us. We are playing very badly.
  4. I said this in the pre match thread - I can’t get excited about these games now. The Villa players have consistently shown this doesn’t really matter to them so how as a fan are you meant to be excited for these games. They’ve shown up literally once.
  5. Their fans like to remind us that Martinez is not in fact the best keeper in the world and Onana is better. Hilarious really. Onana would be competition for Olsen, not Martinez.
  6. So is that an issue with VAR or an issue with the rules, or both? Legally speaking why isn’t it a foul? Just playing devils advocate here as I agree it SHOULDN’T be a penalty, but whether by the letter of the law it IS a penalty is another matter.
  7. Yeah I don’t really get the narrative that it’s just English refs. We have literally seen it in the conference with Villa let alone anything else.
  8. The blame can’t all be at the refs doors. Players buying fouls, exaggerating contact, etc. has a huge part to play. The premier league is just a ridiculous soap opera now.
  9. Ollie Watkins of 1-2 years ago is neeeever finishing like that. The hours have paid off. He remains a conundrum to me of sorts. He seems to always have a few missed easy chances in his locker and it drives me mad, yet he still bangs in double figures? Either I need to rethink what a top striker outside of the non-humans like Hazard looks like and accept this just happens unless you’re super human, or if he did start burying all his easy chances he’d be one of the world’s top 2-3 strikers.
  10. I’m not. Kind of a fool me twice situation. We’ve only turned up to one conference game. These barely feel like competitive fixtures to me now because of how we have been treating them.
  11. Really off the boil right now. Might be time for Bailey to have a stint. We know he’s quality, first season, etc. might just be time for a rest and to fight for his place
  12. I have gastric flu right now so it’d take too long to categorise my shits.
  13. You know I think I have previously only ever been the kennether, never the kennethee
  14. Just a reminder that we don’t really need VAR. this linesman has been brilliant. He’s called all of them spot on.
  15. I’m amazed we didn’t score there. It’s so weird how quiet their stadium goes when we are attacking. It’s like the sound is switched off
  16. So pleased that Tielemans got his act together. He’s firing now
  17. I just can’t fathom how it is that we lose so much pace and fight and passion away from home
  18. Spurs fans would disagree. Then we can go round and round in circles discussing it. We just need to ditch VAR it is tedious at this point on top of everything else.
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