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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Wealthy people that have no morals when it comes to earning more money. We know of Beckham/Messi/Ronaldo all on the middle eastern payrolls. You've got top golfers joining the Saudi tour as well. Just this week, I've heard Ronnie O'Sullivan saying the Snooker world championship should be moved to Saudi - yes, he's signed a deal with Saudi. To a lesser degree, I heard Simon Mayo on an Airbnb advert - really Simon, you that needy for money that you would take those arseholes cash? Reminds me of this Monty Burns quote
  2. Must admit, I do like Fonseca. Would be a good option for a Premier League team.
  3. Compared to the clown at small heath, who walks along the touchline in his royal blue suit, shouting soundbites
  4. I used to think he was third best in the world behind Ederson and Allison. I think Emi is better than those now.
  5. Raman Subba Row, 92 England cricketer and formerly the oldest surviving English test player.
  6. Kind of glad. It crystalizes things now, and we know exactly what we need to do.
  7. Spawny DVBs mate. Refs are all on our side mate. Conspiracy mate. Martinez should have had 6 red cards mate. First season in Europe in over a decade, yet apparently UEFA are in our pocket and fixing games for us to get through. Mate.
  8. Absolutely. I think we can also get 4 points from Palace and Brighton away. That takes us to 71 points and still leaves the Liverpool game. I'd be hopeful that secures 4th
  9. No way to talk about some posters on this forum
  10. Chaucer would be jealous of your prose.
  11. He could have resigned? Held out for the sacking though. Football management is one of the few jobs you can have where you can be financially rewarded for being shite.
  12. They have a point. 250k every week at their £3bn stadium. Each spending £50 on a peaky blinder cap with KRO SOTV embroidered on it. How can we compete. Mate.
  13. Never mind the Football Manager game. Its Football Accountant now. Manage your balance sheet. Increase the cost of pies and pints. Change the badge and roll out a new wet look strip. Can you win the profit and loss trophy!
  14. How would it derail the season? We could play the kids on Thursday and still not beat Bournemouth. Or we could go for it on Thursday and beat Bournemouth. There are no guarantees. Our win at Arsenal came off the back of a tough game 3 days earlier. in other games, we've looked less effective after a longer break. You just got to take one game at a time and aim to win every one. IMO.
  15. Xela


    Arteta said they could have scored 3, 4 or 5. Delusion runs from the very top. That being said, I hope they win tonight!
  16. Good points. Luckily I spend less now than I did when i was earning half my current salary! I've completely checked out of the materialistic life. Never mind keeping up the neighbours, i'm sure mine think i'm the local bag lady with a beard! Yes on the pension (got over 20% going into mine) but caveated with the fact it will be locked away to pensionable age. If you want to retire earlier, at say 50, you'll need some funds to be able to see you through until you can access it.
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