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Everything posted by deeps

  1. Hope the good news this morning isn’t a sign of us getting a low blow later
  2. How do Sky post an article saying we have accepted the bid, then say we declined to comment?
  3. It’s bugging me more than it should. With the season starting for us 2 weeks today for him to leave now is a massive slap in the face. I will lose some faith in the owners too if this goes through. It’s hard not to. I remember when they came in we heard a lot of “buying players who we can build, develop and raise their value”... guess it means no matter who steps up next could be off if the £’s is right? Lets hope this has an ESW ending. I can’t see it myself.
  4. Transfers like this weaken the league. Every time we have a player in our hands this mob pop up. Bored if it (I’ve had a drink or 10)
  5. Agent has played a blinder. If way it’s pay day for him and Jack
  6. If you don’t like it... don’t buy it
  7. Blame kappa all you want but someone at the club would’ve chose the kit design in the end.
  8. I’d love this one. Can it happen?
  9. 40 does seem steep but I trust the club
  10. As someone who has someone very close to me suffering from mental illness it is horrible to see them videos of Ross. He is clearly struggling with some mental health issues. He’s a human at the end of the day, I hope he can seek the help he needs.
  11. I think Brooks will be here if Bournemouth don’t win the POs (I think they will mind, myself).
  12. Where’s the dude with the early line ups
  13. Jack is out. Please say it ain’t so.
  14. Could well be spot on! Spurs to get their second in the 64th
  15. Awful. Awful. Awful. Playing with Trez in games like this is like playing with 10 men as well.
  16. So Arsenal above us now. Leeds down our necks. We only ourselves to blame. No Jack gives me no hope. I’d take a point if offered now. Can’t see it. 0-3 Kane x 3
  17. Hi all. Thought I’d share, KitBag’s eBay store is selling the away kit for £23 with free shipping. Stadium fit.
  18. Barkley almost had 2 assists, don’t get the hate. Shocking performance
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