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Everything posted by deeps

  1. I mean, Anwar against a big physical side never has a happy ending does it? Worst half I’ve seen us since pre lockdown #1
  2. Got a bad feeling, no idea why. Hoping we come away with a nice win and Jack still has his legs as I see Fredricks trying to kick chunks out of him.
  3. Unless he gets a really bad long term injury between now and June, I’m more than certain that he’ll be signing on a perm. Some of the comments on here about him are baffling.
  4. He’s replacing no one. It’s called progressing and having options. It’s how big clubs move.
  5. One I expect us to win which worries me. I would be fuming if Newcastle ended their run against us, but it would not surprise me.
  6. But the passage of Mings getting the ball he was offside. Mistake or not from mings.
  7. Will most likely be a silly fine if anything.
  8. The Howard one I believe became an issue in the end. I remember that. Massive game this was for the Baggies and silly that they couldn’t play one of their best players.
  9. West Ham 6 ahead of us. Having games in hand is great but pressure is on now to perform in the next 4-5 games to catch them (playing them helps).
  10. Seems it. From looking it seems the below are not about the team at the moment... AEG, Trez (we know he has covid), Bertrand, Conor (unless leaving?), Marvellous, Hause, Freddy (unless leaving?) Also not seen pics of the other 2 keepers? Guess we’ll find out today, if Smith spills the beans, or just have to wait for the squad tomorrow.
  11. Trez confirmed he has Covid he’s not back
  12. Reports in France saying Samson is happening. €15-€20m
  13. I’ve said for a while to my old man (big Celtic fan) that I see him going there. He agrees. The Brendon link plus they need to slowly start to plan for life without Vardy. Whenever he doesn’t play they look toothless up top.
  14. Gregg Evans saying we’re going to be quiet this window. Thought I’d share as he’s ‘always on the money’* *sarcasm
  15. Surely the game cannot go ahead. Day 10 would be Wednesday so that’s 10 days of no training, no prep etc. Those positive may still feel unwell or may still be negative. Hope this isn’t a ‘pride’ or ‘look at Villa getting on with it’ kinda thing.
  16. He’s quoting Ashley Preece from BM. No need to be ‘nice guys’ about this Villa. Could care less what Jose is thinking
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