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Everything posted by deeps

  1. does is gonna be jus like last season lads
  2. i know Live feeds have their own thread but where are you all watching this? i can't get a good feed any where!
  3. Owen yes he won't play 40+ games a season but if u get 25 games outta him hes bound to score 15-20 with the quality we have on the wings if u ask me. 29 and to me the kinda head we need. Gabby, Big John & Owen would be a nice strike force. RSC to me doesn't seem the same player. Saying that if we got him i'd give him the chance, however Blackburn's asking price is a joke in itself. Crouch..... NO. (Nuff Said) Defoe... Again? Really? We've been over this! Ashton... Now if this man could keep fit he would get my vote. I just cant see him staying fitter than Michael if I'm honest. Same pattern with this guy. Scores great goals ina 4-6 match spell. England talk begins. BANG hes injured. Heskey... Good player lets not deny him of that. But if we get him we need another. To me he would jus replace the Hare. Would like for us to get Owen and Heskey thou. But wont get 2 so im saying Owen. I think if we only get Owen the Hare won't leave us in Jan. (Unless MON sees the Fonz as a 4th Striker already!)
  4. should we bring GODS chant back for Ash? Ou Ah Ashley Young....??? just a thought he needs a chant asap! might leave us otherwise looooool!
  5. mmmmm good point but still dodgy with tht little plot he fell 4 if it was true!
  6. Lerner or AV06 is what we need. We need new players better squad no interferance or butting in jus here Martin spend this 50 million! if we get Still he wont re-new Martins yr roling contract. keep him 4 this season and we'll then see Sven in mangement again! DONT WANT STILL. Nev, ok Villa fan good man but not a lot of money, ask me? not good for the future!!!!!! be the same as doug now 2 million here and there after he gives 20 m in the 1st season! Lerner for me 2 be hnest, might be american but has 800 million in his bank (billion dollors) not as much as we all think when we hear billionaire but remeber.... HE MAKES MONEY EVERYDAY FROM THT NFL TEAM!!!!! hes a highly respected and well run business man! bring him in!!! HERE HERE!!!
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