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Everything posted by VillaEire

  1. We need Ash back on the wing. We need Gabby up front. It's glaringly obvious. I don't know how he left it so long without making a change. Clueless
  2. Yeah I didnt find Cyrus that funny - it was decent but there was never a moment when I even found myself giggling.
  3. CV why don't you just start an IPhone vs Android thread and leave the IPhone topic for people who have one to discuss the apps without trawling through pages of crap?
  4. Connection Interrupted That's all I seem to see these days.
  5. I was supposed to head into town to celebrate my 30th tonight but I'm snowed in. Oh well the joys of being a Christmas baby. What a balls!
  6. VillaEire

    Snow Watch!

    Snowing in Sligo. Oh joy.
  7. As a former barman I have voted no. It's the best thing that ever happened. It's not only the smell on the clothes but even at the end of the night not having to clean out filthy ashtrays is a big plus. I can live with going outside with a sweeping brush instead. I spent many a busy night behind the bar with tears streaming down my face because there was so much smoke in the air. Pubs are much cleaner as a result of the ban too.
  8. I've got mine tomorrow night. It could be messy. Usually we go for a sit down meal and then there's a band and dj after but this year it's just finger food. At least with the full meal people would stay reasonably civilised but this will just be messy from the off as most will probably head out straight after work (me included) A few married men have succumbed to temptation in recent years too. What is it with Christmas parties? Everyone is always well up for it!
  9. Pardew's greatest achievement was getting West Ham promoted. Reminds me of someone....oh yeah Hughton. He only has marginally more Premiership experience than a man who was assistant at Spurs for several years. Pardew's most recent job was in League 1. Newcastle really are a joke.
  10. VillaEire

    Snow Watch!

    Ha Ha I just heard on the news over here that a woman in Kent rang the emergency services because somebody stole her snowman. They played the call and she was deadly serious. There really are some loopy people about!
  11. Is Gabby definitely fit for this one? We really need him back.
  12. I had a seriously bad day yesterday. Lag city. Does anyone know if snow/cold weather affect broadband connections?
  13. For me I've written this season off once MON walked out the way he did. It's a transitional time for us now. The fact that Bannan, Clark, Delfouneso and Albrighton are getting this experience under their belts will stand us in good nick in the long term. They have had 2 very different lessons in the last couple of weeks. Blackburn bullied them physically and then Arsenal did us with their movement. The young lads can only learn from this and will be better because of it. I just hope we have good runs in the cups because I think midtable is all we are going to get in the league. I look forward to next season.
  14. I work in the public sector and I am a homeowner
  15. People on Facebook who on Sunday night put up a status saying "That's it. If Wagner gets through I'm never watching X-Factor again" and then the following Saturday have a status "Dinner done, Fire on, all set for X-Factor" Grrrrrrr. Repeat x 5 weeks
  16. My mate did a Med Cruise for his honeymoon a couple of months ago and said Dubrovnik was his favourite place out of anywhere they visited and will definitely be returning in the future.
  17. Well done Sligo Rovers on a great cup win. Ciaran Kelly saved all 4 penalties in the shoot out too. That man won't need to put his hand in his pocket for a pint for a long while!
  18. Well done Wee Barry! Enjoy the game and don't get injured.
  19. Yes but in recent years it's more because I get the most part of 2 weeks off work. I do think when you don't have kids around your house at Christmas it loses it's sparkle and excitement. (I just get bladdered instead)
  20. Only really got a chance to play today. Had a couple of games online and got my ass handed to me. Hopefully my stats will pick up when I get to know the maps and unlock better guns.
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