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Everything posted by VillaEire

  1. Given knows he won't get 85k here. Those figures are bullshit. And I'd also like to know who all these goalies are who command their boxes? I honestly can't think of many in the modern game who regularly claim crosses.
  2. Welcome new member krulak_is a bluenose. I'm sure you will be a hoot.
  3. Watched "Hall Pass" last night. It's good for a few laughs. By no means brilliant but it passed a couple of hours on a hungover Sunday.
  4. There is no evidence to support any of this nonsense. Calm down dear. :bonk: Dude what the ****. Honestly, this is what I can't stand. It's the fact fans still say stuff like 'nonsense' when the **** board hired McLeish with no logical explanation whatsoever. We were on our knees when everything looked dark under Houllier. We were in the bottom 3 at winter. Instead of sacking him, Randy decided to spend over 20m on a player who scores goals to help us get out of this mess. They'll probably do the same with McLeish as another panic buy, but who is he gonna pick? The other Bent? Marcus?
  5. The fixtures are announced tomorrow isn't it? Our first 3 or 4 fixtures are going to set the tone for AM's tenure at Villa. He must be praying for some handy home games.
  6. SSN said that Villa want to be kept informed of any bids and didn't AM make a bid for him in the Jan window?
  7. Sorry my mistake. I was trying to find some sort of positive in all this and when I thought I found one even that was wrong!
  8. Roy Aitken is AM's assistant and Spink was GK coach so at least they have prior links to the club. Sid would be given a coaching role you would imagine.
  9. Their pedigree is finishing mid-table, is that what we want? Bollocks is it...... Martin Jol was a bout of food poisoning away from the champs league with Spurs and finished 5th with Hamburg and 2nd with Ajax Mark Hughes had limited resources at both Blackburn (where i believe he had a top 7 finish) and Fulham (who incidently finished 8th last year). He didnt really get a fair crack of the whip at city did he Their pedigree certainly isnt mid table With Spurs and lots of money spent he finished 5th. With the biggest team in Holland he finished 2nd. Hughes has never finished outside mid-table - and was not winning enough games with city after sunking over £150m on lescott, santa cruz etc. Their pedigree certainly is mid-table. You forgot to mention he turned a winning wolfsburg team into a losing one... When did Jol/Hughes manage Wolfsburg?
  10. One can only dream I can't understand why they aren't on the poll :winkold:
  11. It won't hit you until he' she has arrived in the world! The actual birth was the worst and best time of my life at the same time! Truely magical. We probably started to tell friends around the 8 week mark, i was pissed and let it slip to a couple of close mates. Its too difficult to keep quiet! Big lifestyle changes on the way but i love it, wouldn't have it any other way. I've purposely not gone out the last few weeks because I don't trust myself to keep my mouth shut after a few pints. Plus the fact that people will be asking the mrs why she isn't drinking so it's easier to just steer clear even though our friends probably think we have turned into hermits.
  12. Congrats Julie! Glamorous granny!
  13. Cheers guys. I can't wait for the weeks to pass. It seems a long way away but it will probably fly in.
  14. My wife is 8 weeks pregnant with our first child. We have told our families only and are waiting until after the 12 week mark to tell our friends and workmates. It's bloody hard to do! It also doesn't seem real yet. When does the reality hit you? After the first scan I imagine? Big changes to our lifestyle on the way but it's exciting!
  15. Ryan Giggs has admitted to suffering from homesickness. While he said he is very happy in Manchester he does Miss Wales occasionally.
  16. That's nonsense, full page ads in newspapers and tv ads in every break. It's not like they weren't putting themselves out there.
  17. Crazy stuff, Heat - Celtics went to OT aswell
  18. I see Harry has refused to criticise Charlie Adam for the tackle on Bale which translates to "I'm in for him in the summer."
  19. Just started watching Dexter - really enjoying it but made the mistake of watching the first episode with the missus. Now she wants to watch it too so I can't watch it at my own pace. I have to wait until she is "in the mood" to watch it. Rookie mistake.
  20. And then stop suddenly to look around and you walk into the back of them.
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