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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Since you posted this it has become my hard rotation on the TV for tidying the living room. His voice is just lovely. Particular fan of The Olsen Brothers cover and the Sebastian Tellier cover.
  2. In Ad Astra, Brad Pitt plays a rocket scientist who owns a car. Thus achieving the trifecta of things that do not impress Shania Twain. (Nicked from Jake Yapp's excellent daily podcast)
  3. I'm not a betting man, but I'd put good money on a married, blonde scientist, probably in her early thirties having joined the advisory team in the last week or so.
  4. Don't worry, having been told that it was a pack of lies, he went out and used the lies anyway. Anybody still supporting this bunch of chancers deserves everything that's coming to them.
  5. That's probably unfair. I reckon that some of them are so unbelievably stupid that they are not lying, and genuinely believe that he did nothing wrong.
  6. Living in Somerset I can confirm that it could easily end up going through a lot of doors. Probably mine included.
  7. I'm no expert, but I'd guess that tramples all over GDPR legislation. You can't just phone someone and start quoting personal data at whoever picks up the phone. You'd be at an impasse. "Tell me all this personal data before I tell you a load of sensitive medical information that I'm calling you about". "No, you tell me a load of information to prove that you are calling me for a legitimate reason".
  8. Can't imagine any problems there.
  9. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Yup. Almost as if it's a standard way of dealing with protestors. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/19/world/americas/chile-protests-eye-injuries.amp.html
  10. Presumably to give a bit of extra "we do the right thing" cred and allow them to re-point the spotlight on the lack of resignations elsewhere...
  11. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    One of the journalists reporting on the riots, shot by a police robber bullet...
  12. Looks like it was a nice day to take a trip to Durdle Door.
  14. No, to pursue it further retrospectively would be treating it differently.
  15. In other "elites" news*: Of course he's not doing that, because he's doing that on his horse called that. https://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/sir-humphry-misses-pheasant-season-to-go-riding/amp/?__twitter_impression=true *news in the most loose sense, as it's from 2017.
  16. I get the feeling that people are going to disagree with the Prime Minister on the topic of how closed it is.
  17. As evergreen a comment as the "Chaos with Ed Miliband" tweet. Bob Grant, in The Spectator, 26th July 2008: “Mr Kawczynski’s first problem is that he is, by general cross-party agreement, the stupidest MP in the present House of Commons, arguably the stupidest ever. His second problem is that, unlike many stupid people, he doesn’t appreciate how stupid he is.”
  18. "We will start repeating the Government's lies to provide balance to everyone else's objective truth"
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