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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Sure. But what is being described suggests the part in question is "shit Austin Powers".
  2. She is this current Government. She's Work & Pensions Secretary. She's also clearly been yelled at, as she's since tweeted again saying how much she admires Rashford etc etc.
  3. The excuse they've used is that they have been using a list of where people might have been born, rather than where they have travelled from. And I guess in the long list of this Government's errors, it'll probably struggle to break the top thousand. Still funny though.
  4. I wonder if they somewhat missed the point of the first film...
  5. And rather impressively, it's a website that somehow includes countries that haven't existed since before websites existed.
  6. "Of course our modern, world class, state of the art Government IT systems can cope with all the extra bureaucracy that we want to bring in"
  7. Because as far as I am aware he hasn't been arrested, therefore he hasn't been charged, therefore he hasn't pleaded guilty, therefore hasn't been sentenced. Other than that, the two cases are just the same.
  8. The BBC reported 29 arrests from the protests the previous weekend. The poster quoted said that they hadn't been dealt with as quickly as Mr Banks. I asked how he knew that, unless he had been reading the listings for the local magistrates courts. As let's face it, it's hardly going to be front-page news. If he has checked that source and they haven't been processed, then like you I would be curious as to why. I suspect however, that it's a case "because I don't know about it, that means it hasn't happened". Which would be very silly.
  9. Has it been dealt with quicker? You clearly follow the listings at local magistrates courts a lot closer than I do.
  10. That different levels of justice shouldn't be dished out of the basis of how angry Twitter or the Daily Mail is about a particular case.
  11. I'd have thought Davos's mate the sex pirate would've made it on there.
  12. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    I think it's pretty clear that he's never been fit to do his job.
  13. Aibohphobia is a fear of palindromes. It is also itself, a palindrome.
  14. It's fine. You might remember last week how she was exasperatedly reminding everyone that the graffiti was on the plinth not the statue .
  15. Did they let the rest of him go?
  16. It's fake, unfortunately.
  17. They bring in Mr Muscle
  18. I dunno. I expect they wanted pictures of them fighting back groups of anarchists trying to deface war memorials. Not pictures of pissed-up fat blokes pissing on a murdered policeman's memorial after the people they wanted to fight just decided to do it on a different day.
  19. Only a trick in the way that a three year old thinks you've tricked him that you've actually taken his nose.
  20. Not really. The answer is 0%. Because if you decided to go for a ruck in London today you're a prick. And there is literally no valid reason to have done so. Other than being a prick.
  21. What percentage of today's marchers do you reckon were doing it for the right reasons?
  22. No offence, but your post really suggests that people haven't.
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