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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. So just to confirm, that bunch of people who looked like they were morons, were indeed morons.
  2. Can't wait for the day three installment where it turns out that Cummings broke lockdown for a tour of Hubei's wet markets.
  3. They've already said - they're going for the "we will not waste our time responding to these false allegations" approach. Which after a day of a desperate PR crusade, I'm sure will go well.
  4. Turns out there is a sequel though...
  5. You'd think that Mary Wakefield's brother who also lives in London would have been a more appropriate first port-of-call for emergency childcare than a drive across the country.
  6. My kids lost their grandfather two weeks ago and didn't see him before he died, because lockdown. He only lived a 20 minute drive away. Anyone who supports these amoral shits should really be worried about the state of their consciences.
  7. The culture war. If people force themselves to believe that he's made a massive **** up with this then they might have to start to get their head around the fact that he's made a massive **** up with that.
  8. Government: Also Government:
  9. Play-off final was pretty good to be fair.
  10. Presumably his point though, is what were those people doing two weeks ago that meant they got infected? Given that we were nearly a month into lockdown by then.
  11. I guess they at least correct themselves where appropriate.
  12. To be fair, the actual BBC report doesn't use the word universal in its description. They just describe it as "a monthly basic income scheme for the most vulnerable households" That choice of "universal" appears to be a bit of a colourful journalistic flourish added in the tweet you linked.
  13. There was definitely no questioning of Government strategy during World War II. Which is why Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain led the UK and its allies to victory.
  14. The first. He's also about to become the new Political Editor of The Sun. So he's in the rather unpleasant position of his professional career depending on how well he can kiss the arse of the bloke who cuckolded him.
  15. It's not like there's huge amounts of other original programming they could be putting on in its place...
  16. Pfft, lightweight. The show is two hours in.
  17. Given he's bound to be in the 90 minute best of that the BBC are showing beforehand...
  18. I've Googled it so that other people don't need to waste their time with this dimwittery, Georgia and Cyprus have the magic bullet 9pm curfew.
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