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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed Motorcycle Diaries last night. Made me really want to travel though. I love how they filmed at the actual leper colony that still had people living there from their actual visit.
  2. Get one that's attached to the little blade thing.
  3. Long as you drink loads its great Before : After : Will drinking heavily have the same aesthetic effect on Villa's performance?
  4. Weekend in Newcastle. Drinking session Saturday then out and to the game Sunday. 5 hours on a train either side. What's Newcastle like for a night out?
  5. I finally started getting my passport loaded with stamps and visas and then it expired and I had to get a new one. Only been on EU trips since
  6. Wainy316

    Do you read?

    Well then your "GTFO" carries no weight then.
  7. Wainy316

    Do you read?

    GTFO. It is. It's better and less ghey. For the record I do like LOTR.
  8. Wainy316

    Do you read?

    How about George RR Martin envisioned a deeper and better world than Tolkien?
  9. Wainy316


    If you're doing 2 places do Berlin and Hamburg. Two days Hamburg, three Berlin, that's what I did when I interrailed.
  10. So I was about to say "Arrrrgh what the hell is this True Detective". Then I saw the trailer and I think I may have to give it a watch.
  11. 1998? Let's not jump the gun, begin with 1997. Austin a midcard heel, Rocky Maivia just starting out, the Connecticut blue-blood Hunter Hearst Helmsley, pre-broken-backed-googley-eyed-balding Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker before that biker silliness, The Hart Foundation! The hugely underrated Can-Am Express, Goldust, Mankind, Sunny. Oh 1997 was good. All very true. I did say myself I was going to watch from June 97. Omariqy, get your ass back to 97!
  12. You know me too well, I was greeted by a sea of yellow I like to put the green and yellow in together and have a delightful lemon and lime concoction.
  13. Get your ass back to 1998 immediately!
  14. These are great! Here is number 2. Looking forward to the next one.
  15. No you're messing up the rules. Cool people: Green and yellows best Lame majority: Black and red best Orange always in the middle.
  16. My world has just been flipped upside down.
  17. I thought 'droll' was just similar to 'dry' in terms of humour. Not anymore, the definition was changed to mean figuratively too. But that literally makes no sense.
  18. Literally is literally the most incorrectly used word.
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