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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Only 5 and a half hours if train back for me. Ugh.
  2. Great film. Put me off eating raw octopus though. Well you're not missing out because it tastes of nothing and takes 15 years to chew.
  3. Mates birthday so with Villa playing we decided to go up and make a weekend of it. It was originally Saturday 5:30 kick off which would've been ace.
  4. AIDS in both testes. Ouch.
  5. Not when she find outs that present day her couldn't stratusfy your needs.
  6. I'm going to have a stinking hangover if it helps.
  7. Sunny was special because she was the original and unchallenged.
  8. The ground is in the city centre. It's my understanding that the ground is in one of the most vibrant and bar/pub laden areas, so I reckon we'll be catered for.
  9. Thanks Mooney - what a howler! Living down South for long enough I've taken to saying "see" instead of "saw". As in "I see a helicopter over London Bridge today". It's an evolution of language. **** it, knock yourself out MV. "See" for past tense?
  10. It's a sea of white hair. The two ginger's stand out a mile.
  11. I believe it was. I watched Carew's missed penalty on the expensive internet at Brum airport.
  12. Yeah, I can imagine that. Ridiculously patriotic would be another understatement.
  13. What's all this about Kim Yu-Na getting screwed? I used to teach in her home town, to say she was a local hero was an understatement.
  14. There are originally from the West Mids I believe.
  15. He doesn't discriminate by sex either...
  16. Is 'fount' a real thing because you wrote it 3 times
  17. What sort of night out are you after? Do you want cheep drink? Nice drink? Good music? Chart and Dance stuff? Classy girls? Slags? Strippers? Nice drink, followed by cheap drink, followed by good music. I'm not allowed girls.
  18. How dare you! If there was any doubt that you'd turned heel, there's not anymore.
  19. Wainy316


    You would say that because they named the city after you.
  20. I love Vader but he was criminally mis-used in WWF.
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