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Everything posted by ozvillafan

  1. I remember someone complaining long and loud about MON, his tactics and his spending history - especially how he left Celtic in a poor state - while the rest of us enjoyed the ride. ... though I seem to recall it was kiwivillain (too lazy to look, though).
  2. Not sure where to put this, thought this would be a good spot. Link
  3. Of all our midfield, KEA is the one on a different wavelength. Watch how many times he passes AND then moves immediately into a space for the easy return pass. I don't see that from anyone else in our midfield. That said, he's not a bruiser and he appears more defensively minded. He should be what our back 4 are looking to pass to the majority of the time and building a plays through him. Seems Delph is playing that role, too - which is making our midfield lack a cutting edge. I'd play him instead of delph and bring in an attacking centre midfielder in more of a diamond midfield formation. If Ireland is still injured, then what about Gardner?
  4. The only downside I see to Lambert's reign so far is that he hasn't used the same team twice. Dont get me wrong - that's a good thing! - but for a team that is still finding it's feet, it means it takes even longer for us to gel together. That means more inconsistency ahead in the coming months. But, longer term, this sets us up much better. We will have real options from the bench who can fit into a system, be immediately at home and make an impact tactically instead of predictable subs into the same setup (10 mins to go - sub Petrov for Sidwell). Our results have not been great - but I like what I am seeing and will be patient till I see it bear the fruit I know it eventually will.
  5. I feel the same happened against WBA (although we got a draw from that). First half we dictated the pace and had the better chances.... ... but didn't convert them and it cost us. Benteke's 2 missed chances at the beginning of the 2nd half was the turning point.
  6. Like the rest of the squad, I like what I am seeing in Benteke even if the performances aren't quite "there" yet. He will only get better as he gets more time on the pitch and with the squad.
  7. I'm surprised by some of the comments here. I'm wondering if people are concerned because it was WBA instead of any other top 6 side? They have been in excellent form. You can see we are a work in progress and, for mine, that is our best PL game this season. While we are still a little hesitant and disjointed - especially in the final third - but we are getting longer spells of sustained and patient possession. Our results are not matching our performances at the moment, but that will change as the season progresses. Special mentions to Holman, Bennet and Albrighton who all had good games.
  8. I think he was at his best when he had Big John Carew playing in front of him. Benteke turns up and Gabby has another blinder. That is no coincidence. The last 2 managers played him wide - if they played him at all - where he is mostly ineffectual. His best position has always been when facing goal running at/through/around defenses to get himself in a scoring position. The easiest way to do this is to have him run off a target man who can hold play up and lay balls into his path. I think consistently playing him just behind Benteke would bring more consistent performances.
  9. Still travelled though - but only to Jordan.
  10. I'm not sure I follow the argument here. While it's clear Warnock and Hutton are not in Lambert's plans, neither player has found another club, either full time or on loan. We don't know why that is the case, though there are some clues: - They are on large wages that another club is unlikely to match. They won't want to move for less. - They are not great quality, so other clubs are unlikely to come knocking on our door. - They can be troublesome (at least we know that with Warnock already), so other clubs are unlikely to want them on loan. But, apparently, the club is to blame for a "failed approach". Do people really think that the club just sits on its hands and does nothing in these situations? Or that moving unwanted players on is as easy as it is on FM?
  11. He just needs a run of games, imo. Of all our centre backs, he is easily the most comfortable on the ball. This is important if we are to keep playing the way we did at Newcastle where we played out from the back more often than not and kept the long balls to a minimum.
  12. :shock: Swinging wildly between relegation to europe based on the last game played is "scientific"? Really? I would have thought a scientific approach would be based on the evidence or common facts over a number of games (e.g. possession rates, shots on goal, etc), not a one-off result.
  13. He was too far from Arfa - agreed. But, then, he's NOT a defender. The fact that he tracked back to the edge of the box to help says enough.
  14. This got me thinking - where had I seen this before? Ange Postecoglou in the A-League. I'm sure I mentioned this before. Basically, he took over a team that was mired in medocrity with a lot of overpaid older players who had too much power. Long story short: They finished that year in last place (no relegation). He got rid of the troublemakers despite their experience/influence/rapport with fans and built a team based on young hungry players..... ... and finished the next season as Premiers, playing a beautiful attacking brand of football and breaking the Australian record for number of consecutive games without defeat. Sure, the A-League isn't the Premier League. Neither is the Budesliga. Point is, this approach works given time and with the right man in place. Lambert is that man.
  15. He infuriates me, bless him. If his touch and passing were half as strong as his workrate, he'd be a world beater. I honestly think his feet are 2 steps ahead of his brain.
  16. The energy in midfield really put Newcastle on the back foot. Pressurising further up the pitch is not something we are used to seeing from Villa and it really unsettled the Newcastle midfield. Special mention to Guzan. Somebody asked why he got so many MOTM votes seeing as he didn't have a lot to do but what he did do was make every ball into the box his. He came for through balls. He came for corners. he even wiped out Lichaj in order to claim the ball. That kind of command from your GK gives the defense great confidence and it showed in how they contained Ba and Cisse. Also a special mention for Holman. You are starting to see why he delights and frustrates in the same game. His pressure and energy in midfield really got us going forward.... ... but his passing and silly fouls got us backpedalling.
  17. ozvillafan


    I'm expecting a loss against Newcastle... ... but I'm looking forward to who plays, how we play and what we have learned. We are on the right track, but it will take more games before we bear a lot of fruit.
  18. I've not been this positive since Houllier took the game to ManUre at home (only to lose it in the last 10 minutes). I was hoping we would sign OGS or Martinez instead of Lambert. I was concerned that Lambert would be too "British" in his outlook and unable to overhaul the squad or instill a new style. And I've never been happier to be so wrong. We won't be winning the league. We wont be in Europe. But I can see that - at last! - we are building something that will be special
  19. If you are talking Newcastle tomorrow, then prepare for disappointment. We are at least 12 months behind where they are. If you are talking Newcastle later in the season, then that may be a better guide.
  20. What I like about Lambert so far is not so much his purchases but what he has done with our existing players. What you stated was certainly correct about the type of players he prefers and this extends to existing players. If they have no desire to contribute to the cause (hungry, willing to learn and wanting to be here) then they are left in no doubt as to where they stand (Collins, Warnock, Hutton, for example). It shows that he is building and will take no prisoners while doin so. And, imo, that is exactly what we need at this point.
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