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Everything posted by MagicMushroom

  1. Weve still got a chance if we can get back-to-back wins in our next two games. Due to results over the weekend, Man City effectively bacame like a bonus game. The real work starts Saturday. Balls it up, and we are gone.
  2. We are paying for our lack of experience and small depth to our squad. What Lambert could do was goverened by economics and, yes he could of done things differenty. But he was given no support in trying to correct those mistakes during January, effectively being hung out to dry. This club was in a big mess well before Lambert which is born out by the fact that nobody would touch us with a barge pole. Lambert had the guts to give it ago and has had to deal with a bunch of idiots that run the club. What im trying to say is, Lambert is not blameless, but our anger needs to be pointed elsewhere. And in any case, Lerner no longer cares, so with that, Lambert stays whether we like it or not. If Lerner is still here in the summer, then i confidently predict that Lambert will see what budget he has before walking out, and that will happen whatever division we are in. Lerner and Lambert are already on that collision cause.
  3. Will they let a Gimp through customs?
  4. God, please be true. Anybody but our current inept owner! We said that in 2006. Yeah, but sooner or later we will get an half decent owner. Its just when lol.
  5. Sorry for being thick, but who the **** is Dave Beeston?
  6. So Randy waived his interest payments, which if he chose not to, would of left us 37m in debt? So just how much is this fake taken out the club in the past? Doug would of been crucified if it were him. Just a shame he never had an american accent.
  7. God, please be true. Anybody but our current inept owner!
  8. OK, ive been pretty negative on here lately. Im sorry for it and wish i could be a little more cheerful. But love being love and the hurt you feel when that love is dying, has got to me. So i am now going to attempt being positive by saying that 9 points from our next three games will be achieved. Yes folks, we will scrape through tomorrow by the single goal then go on and do Reading and QPR. It wont be pretty and it wont be plain sailing, but it will happen. Dont quite know why i feel this, because i think we are shit. However, im happy to go with it.
  9. Did you read that in the Beano or are you just making it up?
  10. Thats only your opinion and not a fact. Ellis could easilly have sold to somebody whom knows how to run a Football club properly, so maybe we wouldent be in the factual world of shit we are in at this moment in time. And as for gestures. Instead of waiving interest payments, why did he not give his manager the 17 million during January?
  11. Scores going our way at moment!
  12. Great gesture? Are you actually serious? Looks it to me. I've never given up my right to £17.7m so I'm not sure how difficult a decision it is to make, but I'm guessing it plays on your mind a little bit. Really? All it does is make it easier for him to sell up. Now thats a gesture that will be applauded by the vast majority of people. When he does and the truth of his stewardship of this club comes out, you will be one of the majority.
  13. Im not so sure. I bet his confidence has been drained, and there are a few that will readilly give him stick if he fails to score. I mean, when hes not scoring, he offers very little and is an easy target. He scores week in week out though So hes scored in how many games hes played this season? And hes getting stick from certain supporters for being what, lazy? Same things happened at Spurs and at Sunderland, and fans are all to ready to jump on players backs especially so if they look like they are not putting in a shift. Now thats not me saying hes shit because i think that he and Benteke can play off each other, its just that Lamberts or the clubs refusal to play him regularly has effcted his confidence so much, he wont make a difference now.
  14. Im not so sure. I bet his confidence has been drained, and there are a few that will readilly give him stick if he fails to score. I mean, when hes not scoring, he offers very little and is an easy target.
  15. No ones asking for him to be knighted, just to realise the money he has put into a club to try and make it successful, which has failed miserabley, but atleast he gave it a try Shall we praise him for downgrading us to a poxy mid table championship side, because believe me, thats what that statement about self proficency entails. Shall we praise uncle Doug for letting Big Ron splash the cash and give it go? Cant wait for the bollox they come out with when selling season tickets for the championship.
  16. Robin Russell can jump off a cliff with Lerner and the rest of half witted board. When are we fans going to let them know its time to sell up? Love how they try and paint a rosy picture of their ****-up. Faulkner and the other stooges are there on monday evening, so its time to give them some grief. Support the team but give Faulkner hell.
  17. Hindsight is great, but even if he had done that, we would probably be in the same boat. You have to have an owner whom actually cares, and not one that gives up after finding things more difficult than what he imagined. We would of sold Cahill by now and be in the same mess. Besides, all managers make the same mistake of shipping someone out to early.
  18. Great idea if only anyone could agree who it was. For page after page of inconclusive discussion on this subject, see every other thread on this messageboard. We would all end up hanging each other. Hey, theres an idea for a protest.........a mass die-in.
  19. ...no presence Im sure some said the same aout Delaney when he first appeared?
  20. not that I care about Sky opinion but they did same on goals on sunday when showing the analysis it was here is Cazorla 2nd goal and they showed Weimann goal with a muttering here is the villa goal I blame sky for turning a more or less level playing field to the circus we have now, so **** em. But we are seen as a joke by a vast majority of people, both in Football and the mediia, and have you seen the reaction you get when you have worn anything Villa lately? Ive just come back from the South-west and i always wear our colours, even when we are shit. But this is the worst ive seen this club portrayed.....ever!!! Almost decked three plastics. Personally, i just want to hang the person responable for bringing the name of this great club to nout more than a laughing stock.
  21. Well Faukners a self confessed Rugger man, admitting that he "knows nothing about Football" when he was hired. So if true about the away kit, they can shove it.
  22. Same for me. Thing is, i was convinced we would go down this season since the end of the last one. The writing has been on the wall for that long, and its a disgrace that this has been allowed to transpire.
  23. We seem to have gotten into a habit of doing that. This will be the next Cahill, and to be honest, sell this kid and im finished with Lerners Villa.
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