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Everything posted by StefanAVFC

  1. Lynch out for Sunday. Suddenly a lot more nervous. This season has been brutal for injuries to key players (not necessary volume of injuries) Lynch, Rawls, Graham, Chancellor, Okung, Sweezy, Mebane, Lane
  2. I cant play late but ill be on
  3. That isn't a 'they shouldn't be a playoff team' slant because they're clearly good, but I doubt any number 1 seed has had the QB drama you're having.
  4. The Broncos are the worst 1st seed ever probably.
  5. American football use it and still get the decision wrong because the rules are stupidly ambiguous. For instance, your catch example is wrong because nobody can agree what a catch actually is.
  6. I think the question is, does anyone think we'd be in the situation we are now if we'd binned Sherwood and brought in Garde for the pre-season? I don't think we'd be drastically better off but I don't think we'd be bottom and so many points away from safety either.
  7. COming on Stevo?
  8. Yep. That's it. Nothing about going to games. If you totally stop following the club once we go down, then you're not a fan. Simple as that.
  9. Not sure what the argument is about. Surely by definition, if you've given up watching out matches because we've been relegated (in any medium) then you're not a fan. What's the point of being a fan if you're not going to watch/follow games. Not a better fan comment. Common sense. if I watched a TV show and it became awful one season and I stopped watching it, then I wouldn't say I was a fan. I used to be. Nothing to do with 'better fan' nonsense.
  10. StefanAVFC

    IT stuff

    It happens when the website thinks you have text in any boxes that you are able to input text into AFAIK
  11. Would it be fair/accurate to mention the D word about the Seahawks if we win the SB this year? 2 wins in 3 years (and 3 appearances in a row)
  12. Seahawks red hot at the right time again. Cardinals didn't pull starters until they were 20+ points down.
  13. His demeanour doesn't give the impression of somebody who is low on confidence. More sulking and 'can't be arsed'
  14. Watching grealish stroll around the pitch earning multiples more in a week than I do in a year makes me so angry. I dont care if he's 20. Put the effort in.
  15. Shockingly shit lazy pass by grealish when we were in. **** off
  16. Grealish is naff. What happened to him?
  17. From the last few games at least, Okore > richards
  18. Not on until wednesday now
  19. Didn't see a thread yet and won't get chance to do it later. Happy new year you bunch of words removed and retroubrates. Heres to a positive new year to all of you and a happier 2016 for villa. Cheers.
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