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Everything posted by powell91

  1. If a bottom half PL team come for him he will be gone. When he hit that small patch of form I was really singing his praises probably because we are that bad that the smallest glimmer of positivity and I was all over it. If we can hang on to him then great but if not I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Since his red card he has became non existent again.
  2. Yeah this kind of shit does my head in I get it at work too, people assume that cuz gabby has been here so long they think it's ridiculous that he is not in the team. The one that really makes my blood boil is when people say we need him for his pace. He lost he **** pace years ago FFS.
  3. Think a lot of our players we send out tend to flourish more when they are away from the poisonous toxic atmosphere of aston villa football club.
  4. Look like his guy is one of the culprits in terms of attitude and commitment to the cause. If I were remi I would **** him off to the reserves.
  5. The only exciting thing for them this season is our demise which just shows how irrelevant they are.
  6. Yep agree as far as im concerned he is better than guzan and rightfully belongs in the first team.
  7. The guy **** up big time but that doesn't mean he should be burnt at the stake, he has been the one of very few shining lights in this season.
  8. They wouldn't even accept him if you donated him to a charity shop.
  9. I just don't know what to think anymore this club has become so **** up that I can't really tell if garde is a good manager or not. The way he comes across and the way he handles himself pleases me yet results wise I sometimes think could another manger be doing better. However with the board a shambles and the team a train wreck I feel garde can be the man to bring stability to club with the correct support from the board which ultimately he is very much lacking right now. Whether garde hangs around is another question but if he does the championship needs to be the place where he can strip everything poisonous away and start a clean slate and build a new identity. The only problem is villa and common sense do not compute and i fear more uneducated decisions from the board may lead us to further doom and with the more and more signals we get indicating that we will be having to rely on our academy for success we could be in for a long dark period in this clubs history which is very sad indeed.
  10. someone needs to assassinate this ref
  11. **** this enitre club i hope we rot in the conference thats what we deserve
  12. Remi is the only person I trust at the club at the moment so welcome Eric.
  13. I suppose it all depends on the what kind of values the player holds unfortunately I see very little loyalty in football today so I won't hold my breath.
  14. Im just waiting for hollis to pull that mask off and show that its really jeremy peace
  15. Well any hope of the players (that we want to stay) staying is very low especially now fox has said that every contract signed in the last 2 years has had a relegation wage cut clause in it it would be another serious rebuild and by the looks of it our academy will take center stage hmmmm if thats the case could be a long LONG time before we see ourselves in the premier league again.
  16. We are gonna be ran like the olbiyun
  17. When people slow down for speed cameras and there are no white lines on the road!!! Which clearly means its not working.
  18. I would definitely take vidic I don't actually think he would ask for a high wage and if he did we wouldn't sign him, he is a leader and would be a great presence in the dressing room. I can't comment on his fitness levels now but I would see this as a decent signing and low risk.
  19. powell91

    Lovre Kalinić

    Has this happened yet?? Come on already!! I just want a signing!! God I wish I was more patient.
  20. Klopp pictures me as a bloke that when he gets home has a human centipede crawling around his living room floor.
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