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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. A great idea right up until the point Toto tells Bottas to "race competitively with Max" and runs him off the track 3 races running. Horner would do the same too. If you give these guys an inch they will take the mile. The stewards need to interfere to stop the teams being the enemy of good racing. Let's face it, both team heads would be 100% comfy with a procession every race, so long as they are at the front.
  2. Yep, It is all but impossible to prove intent from the footage, but the results are the results. To use a footballing analogy, if you dive into a tackle and arrive late taking out the person in possession of the ball it is a foul, and it is penalised. It matters not if the intent was always to get the ball if the ball is missed. I have the same feeling about this one. I don't see enough here to say for sure that it was deliberate and worthy of a more stringent penalty, but a 5-second slap on the wrist seems about right. To let it go is to invite other people to do the same thing down the line, and how many matches have we seen where the first few bad tackles go unpunished, and the ref ends up losing control as everyone thinks that they get one 'free' one. Totally agree on the quality of the racing too, Brazil was so much fun to watch and even more thrilling in the context of an amazing season. I'm trying to work out which car is most suited for the last 3 tracks. It looks to my uneducated eye like one for Red Bull, one for Mercedes and one pretty even. With the wild cards of technical problems, tyres, penalties, accidents, safety cars, and all the rest I'm hooked in hard for what is to come.
  3. He'd be yanking at the emergency door in that photo if that had been true.
  4. I understand that Boris has decided that the time has come for him to step in and personally take charge of inappropriately groping women.
  5. Kane got 15% of his England goals this week.
  6. May as well blow the final whistle. This game is done. Pointless exercise.
  7. He answered the question about Liverpool perfectly. He needs to squash that nonsense and he did it by acknowledging it and then focusing 100% on the Villa and determination to win under any and all circumstances. If he can keep that attitude going at Anfield he will go a long way to winning me over.
  8. It is however a really effective way of moving money out of the hands of the majority and directly into the hands of the mega wealthy. If actually put to a vote this sort of activity would lose by as big a margin as is possible in our version of democracy, but still it happens. Just show once again that they are not governing for us.
  9. At the time of the referendum most people were going from a position of not knowing, to then voting one way or the other. It's not a matter of persuading a remainer to become leave with a lie, it is getting the vote of the huge mass of people in the middle. The entire premise of the leave campaign was based on lies. There is virtually nothing that they promised that has proven to be true. In the last month or so how many stories have their been about fishermen very specifically complaining about how they were lied to (it's a lot)? Before that were the farmers who's crops went unpicked. Then there are the students who wanted to study in Europe. The leave campaign very clearly stated that they intended to keep us in the single market, they derided people who claimed otherwise. Never mind the bus that was the tip of the spear of the lie that we would be better able to fund our public services because we would all be financially better off outside Europe. It was then and has proven to be utter bollocks. The lies were repeated in the press, they were all over Facebook, they were claxoned all over the place and if you don't think all these lies had an impact on the result then I have a tower in Paris to sell you. To say that there were no lies and even if there were lies they didn't make a difference is factually as wrong as it is possible to be wrong.
  10. First time I've seen someone with 20 yards of space in the 18 yard box.
  11. Was it not enshrined in the Magna Carta that a freeman should not be imprisoned without the lawful judgment of his peers(onal friends)?
  12. Just for clarity, there is no law requiring the EU status of salt and pepper on a roast in the bag chicken. Country of origin for the meat is sufficient. The rest is just marketing and the justification is bs.
  13. It's funny that the first reaction to my unpopular opinion is someone just agreeing with me.
  14. It has come to my attention that I do have an unpopular opinion. I think all music is boring. I don't listen to it. I don't ban it or anything, I don't hate it, I just can't be bothered about it. The idea of actually listening to an album as an activity is very alien to me, I can't really imagine music as anything other than background whilst something else is happening. Concert going is rubbish, I may as well stick my TV at the other end of my garden and squint at it as I blast my ears at an unpleasant level with my headphones on to replicate the experience. I think I've given the whole thing a fair crack, I've been to all sorts of events from Glastonbury to the Gypsy Kings and the main thing I took away from them is that I don't want to do any of those things again. It's a very expensive way of hearing the same music you have already heard, but not produced at the same standard as the carefully crafted studio album (which I'm also not going to listen to). My wife loves music, so It's around me all the time and I do find some of it better than other bits, but if I'm home alone I'd much rather listen to a podcast than stick music on.
  15. Looking at us from the outside it seems that we look like a soft touch. Can't argue with that on form at the moment. The result to me is secondary to the performance. If we remain passive we don't deserve the points anyway. The Guardian view on the Villa team for this weekend
  16. The problem with a 20 year plan to see the benefits is that it is a bullshit position. The only way we will be able to say after 20 years that it was categorically a good decision is if the EU completely collapses and somehow, that not being in it saves us, which is in and of itself pretty much impossible to conceive. Over 20 years there are far too many global events and issues that will shape the world way more than brexit will do. There will be different governments here who's decisions will mitigate against the harm already done or possibly make things worse. If after 5 years things are objectively worse, the upside over the next 15 years to get us back to the status quo will have to be so dramatic that it breaks credibility to suggest it will happen. Can anyone show me an economic, or social, or environmental forecast that has us making the sorts of strides over the next 15 years that will undo the damage of the last 5? The chancellor can't. 20 years of pain to get to this unspecified fairy tale Neverland just condemns a couple of generations for a promise that cannot be made. In the last 20 years we had the global financial crisis, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter created, the war on terror, China broke through as the major economic giant. 20 years is just a stupidly long timescale to measure the impact of an economic decision such as this one. It looked a bad idea when it was designed, it has been a bad idea in practice. There is no evidence that there will be a positive outcome in the future. If Brexit was going to be a good thing for us we would know it by now. The fact is even the people who negotiated it know it is bad for us, as they keep going back to try and renegotiate the deal they made, that they announced with great fanfare and now say are deeply unfair and unworkable.
  17. The argument that it is too expensive not to tip raw human crap into the sea is hardly an encouraging one anyway. It can't be a long-term solution, unless the plan is to physically join Britain and Europe with a bridge of poo, but if it is short term this should come with a plan to stop this dumping being a necessity. I see in the spin they put out to combat all the bad press they keep banging on about the 3 billion to tackle pollution in rivers etc, but at the same time are saying they can't possibly legislate to ban this horrible discharge because it would cost 660 billion to fix everything up. I assume at 660 Billion they are getting Dido Harding rates, from the hastily set up Gove & Mogg Industrial Shit Handlers ltd, via a no bid procurement process. 3 billion to solve a 660 billion problem is like signing Peter Dinklage to play in goal. I mean it is something, but it's hardly dealing with the scale of the problem.
  18. Not to everyone. I spend years thinking that the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim thread was a debate about which one was best, Elder Scrolls or Skyrim. (I did get the Wow reference though... I think)
  19. It doesn't have to be as bad as it is here. We are learning to live with it as our peers are dealing with it.
  20. I was wondering what it would take to get me to check out of football in its entirety. This will help me along the path. TBH it is only really this website that keeps me engaged at this stage.
  21. Looking at the proposed 'David's Law'. I think it may make the title of this thread and a decent number of the posts on here against the law. I'm a bit mixed on this one as I do think that the internet needs to be better regulated to prevent the spread of hate, violence and lies, but I don't trust the Tories to use it for anything much other than to silence critics. Combine this proposal with the other little ditty Raab dropped the other day, when they get to overrule the courts if the Govt think the courts have got it wrong and we have another shift towards autocracy.
  22. It is by design. It is why you can purchase XP boosts in the store that ups all the XP you collect by 50%. They want you to get so bored with the game that you are prepared to pay to skip gameplay. They know what a good game looks like and very deliberately padded it to encourage microtransactions. I should really have this comment in the things that piss me off about video games thread.
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