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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. I'm genuinely looking forward to this one. So interested to see where they are at after last year.
  2. But how could this be? They got all the big calls right!
  3. Third place game still to come. Really not a fan of the third place game, total waste of time.
  4. So true, it was part of the strategy. "You know that idea of Brexit in your head? Yep, that is exactly what we are going to deliver. Anyone who says we can't do it is directly insulting you and your vision." 15 million people voted for Brexit and no 2 of them can agree on what it was they voted for, including the people who are delivering it now. The only thing I see Brexit voters agreeing on is that it wasn't supposed to be the version we are in now. Then there is the special breed of person who can simultaneously hold the opinion that they got all the big decisions right, but that the agreement that they themselves negotiated is unacceptable and unworkable.
  5. Tun 1. a large beer cask 2. a measure of capacity, usually equal to 252 wine gallons 3. a cask used during the manufacture of beer past tense: tunned So for you to stay tunned you must first contain a large cask of beer or 252 gallons of wine.] Challenge accepted.
  6. Nominative determinism, disproven by James Cleverly in just one tweet.
  7. You can really see why they were so keen to introduce new legislation that effectively makes protesting illegal. It's probably only a matter of time before some minister says "it's not like the public are marching in the streets over this", after making said marching against the law.
  8. The cost of govt fraud Not that I want to change the subject, but the idea that the Tories are the fiscally responsible party of business should be in tatters. I don't like the 5p on income tax measure, as 5p inherently sounds small. The money lost to corruption is staggering.
  9. Gray was investigating parties that break lockdown rules. That was the entire remit. The Met don't want her to mention anything they may be investigating, which is parties that broke lockdown rules. May as well print it in black ink on black paper. But the Met do also say that Gray need not delay in publishing it. It's ridiculous. Not unexpected mind. There is a reason why Boris and pals thinks the rules don't apply to them, it's because the rules genuinely don't apply to them.
  10. Ah yes, the classic story of journalist getting some transfer gossip and deciding not to publish it because it might not happen immediately. The integrity of the man knows no end. I bet he's going to tell his girlfriend that lives in Canada and no one has ever met all about it tonight.
  11. He looked like he was going to be great when he was at Southampton. I have to admit I had forgotten he existed since he went to Arsenal.
  12. The disconnect with real life is unreal. £500k for a single flight is ok but you can feed a child for a week on this:
  13. Yep, totally feeling the same. If you were running a playbook on how to turn a democracy into an autocracy, it would look a lot like this. The Republicans are basically fascist now, deliberately undermining their own democracy, and the Democrats are extensions of large corporations with a President who was happy to be a lame duck from day 1. If Trump gets back in, I can see the need of a number of fairly prominent opposition leaders needing to leave the country (Ilhan Omar, AOC etc).
  14. I just wanted to attend a loved ones funeral. I just wanted to celebrate my sons 15th and 8th birthdays. I just wanted to hug my elderly parents. I just wanted to visit my sister in London. I just wanted to be able to do my job so I could have some money coming in. I didn't do any of these things though, because the law said not to and it was for the greater good. Remember, protect the NHS, save lives? These are all small and innocent sounding things that I and millions of other Brits gave up on because we wanted to do the right thing. Do they think we didn't have long, tough days? Do they think that we didn't deserve to let off a bit of the pressure? I sure as shit don't think that having a birthday cake and 30 or so people is a pill popping Ibiza party, I know exactly what it looks like as it's exactly what we stopped doing! References to how hard they all have to work and how tough they had it as part of the excuse infuriates me so much. It is the most obvious "we are better than you" moment. Their days are longer, their days are tougher, so obviously they deserve to not have the rules apply to them because they are special. The arrogance just winds me up so much. How hard do they really have to work to hand out no contest contract awards to their mates? If we all behaved like they did, then lock down would have achieved nothing. It's the old adage about picking a flower. If you see a beautiful rose bush and walk by, then everyone gets to see a beautiful rose every day. If you pick one to take home, you can have a rose for a day until it fades away. If everyone that walks past picks a rose, they all have a rose for a day and the plant dies and no one gets to see the beautiful rose again. These Tory scum, pick the lot and will say to your face that you didn't deserve them in the first place.
  15. Straggler


    Fifa president: more World Cups could save African migrants from death in the sea Not all hero's wear capes.
  16. Really well taken goal. Always well in control of the ball and sent the keeper the wrong way with the finish.
  17. 100% agree. There is only so much arse covering that Johnson and Dick can do and all of a sudden Dick has realized that she can hardly cover her own arse let alone Johnson's so has decided to let him cover his own. The problem is that as Johnson and Dick are trying so hard to cover their own arses, they will probably end up just shafting themselves in the process. I'm sure Johnson will be unhappy to find that Dick has gone from covering his arse to pumping him for information. They will both look back on this and wonder how they ever came to the conclusion that Dick was ever able to cover Johnson's arse.
  18. Nothing happier than a fish in muck. Hang on, that's pigs isn't it? Or are pigs the things we slaughter and incinerate? Yes, that's right, our happy British fish swim in human (British) shit and we slaughter pigs so they can be burned and this is all part of the necessary post Brexit transition.
  19. This picture was from 2018: Only thing that has changed is the list has grown longer.
  20. A pattern that has supported almost every single Tory govt since the 2ndWW. As a population we vote for a Lib/Lab coalition almost every single election, but FPTP gives us Tory wins and minority rule. We hardly ever have a govt that is representative of us as a people. So glad you raised this point, as it is so easy to despair about your neighbour, but it is really the system that is the problem.
  21. He is a f****** snake. The lot of them are. The austerity Marie-Antoinette "don't let them eat cake".
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