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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. Can't always win playing champagne football and this is a tough place to go. Also, we should have won at a canter in the reverse fixture so **** Sheffield United. Smash and grab? Maybe not but a draw was fair. We'll take it. Good signs. Wouldn't mind a forward with some magic tomorrow mind. Would make things a bit easier.
  2. No doubt seven nations army. Axxxx-el Toooo-an-zeeeeeee-beeeeee.
  3. I think there's a class player in Onomah and hopefully he'll show that in the run in. I'd keep him personally. That said, if Grealish stays fit we won't need him as much. A more mobile DM is welcome. Thought we might loan a left back too. Obviously a striker is vital, but wouldn't send Onomah back. I think we'll need him.
  4. Despite nearly a year in charge, lavish funds and a whole preseason to prepare. This team looks not at all prepared, disjointed and tentative. Even at home against modest opposition. Of all the things that can be overlooked and forgiven, a poorly prepared team is not one of them. What, if anything, goes on at Bodymoor Heath? Are they tidying up ahead of HS2 already? I see no evidence of any sporting preparation, personally.
  5. Unfortunately it's time to stop this particular bus. Get rid, and get the next one right for the love of all that's holy. We're a first rate club and a fourth rate team. It's not good enough and I'll never accept limping out of any cup. Many of the players that are failing miserably are his signings or one's that he's persisting with for no good reason. I hate that we're here again but why push a bad hand? Pull the plug.
  6. Well, we might see the emergence of Sellars as a result. Who knows. Disappointed we couldn't sign a striker, but until that gobshite sells up, we'll never get what we need. Always half a job with Lerner. We're strong enough everywhere except the two areas you cannot afford not to be. In the sticks and up front. So we roll the dice again, but I reckon we'll be O.K.
  7. He's shite as a number 10 but would be OK in the centre. Especially by the standard of our midfield. Still, he'll never come here. And that doesn't bother me because he's a horrible clearing in the woods.
  8. Transfer Rumours And B******s? Acronym fail.
  9. True, and we'll be playing championship football if we don't get new owners.
  10. I think the problem isn't how many layers of management there are, just that Faulkner isn't really qualified as a CEO of a massive football club. His brand of corporate bullshit is more suited to a commercial director role or something. And I think there are two quite obvious reasons as to why Randy opposed the FFP ruling. Firstly, it basically closes the door behind the current powers that be, and secondly because if a wealthy group or individual can't legitimately throw money at a club to be successful, which would have to happen with Villa, it makes us less desirable and harder to sell.
  11. Yes, enjoy watching your team mates win trophies Joleon. Nice one.
  12. We have no depth of quality in midfield. There is no excuse for a club our size being so weak in any area.
  13. Definitely needed. So, who were the targets? It doesn't look like it matters letting the cat out of the bag now.
  14. You may not like his politics but Cameron was brought up around Aston Villa and is a fan of Villa if he is a fan of anybody. I doubt he would use that connection for any benefit to us other than what is also good for his role. But you never know.
  15. We are most certainly better off from a wages to turnover point of view now. The wages of Dunne and Bent probably account for the combined salary of all this summers signings so far, for instance.
  16. It's like 3-2-1 in here. Pretty lame winding fans up today of all days Tim. Not that I thought it was anything but a wind up. Next time you're spotted in public you will be pelted with fruit. Those Pineapples don't half hurt too may I add.
  17. Its not true that we had to shift players first. It just has panned out that way and is obviously preferable.
  18. Nothing to do with a change of heart. There has been and is money available to Lambert all window. What might alter that further is if Bent leaves today. That could mean we can get an extra player or two in or perhaps a better standard of player. I still think there will be at least one, possibly two more players in even if Bent stays. And if a loan is part of that, who cares as long as they're good enough.
  19. Sign some players or we're down du Pan.
  20. As I've said all along, there is some money to spend. Whether that translates into getting players in, I dont know. But dont rule it out. I still expect some last minute shopping, personally.
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