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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. Right, off to the match. Good luck y'all.
  2. You seem like you're losing it a bit Cas. I don't know who is beating Lambert with anything. Certainly I'm not. Basically it seems to me that your whole shtick is based on your opinion that Lambert would have signed somebody by now if he had money, rather than it just being the usual case of silly season chicken that even clubs like Arsenal, with an apparent fortune to spend, have to play.
  3. Is that so? And where has he said this? And to whom?
  4. When you hear how they feather their own nests and the stunts they pull to get deals done (or otherwise), you'd realise. I dont suppose they're all like that but all too many. I'll say no more about them.
  5. It's true. They're absolute scum. The sooner the game **** them off, the better.
  6. Yes, I'll go and tell him now. I'll say "Paul, this kid on the net reckons I need to tell you that you need a defensive midfielder and that you've got some money to spend because, well, you didn't know that".
  7. No. I said we have money to spend. That was in question last week or whenever, yes? Obviously we then may or may not use it. For ****'s sake.
  8. I understand. Really I do. But I'm equally sick of reading people spout things I know aren't true and which then cause millions of pages of moaning. It's for the "desperate fans" that I posted the info in the first place, yes? Sorry about the lack of signings but your inability to scan through all this bullshit is not my problem. A friendly word of advice though. If this thread annoys you so much (and I can understand that), it might be worth avoiding it until deadline day. Because that's most likely when we'll do anything in my opinion. In closing, my transfer cock is **** huge.
  9. I agree. Why would I think I'm not right either way? You can have money and not spend it after all. That would be foolish but it's not impossible. I get it though. You think I'm a liar. No **** given.
  10. If you mean the supposed letter from General Krulak, no. It's not based on that. I dont know if that's genuine or not but it wouldn't suprise me.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean but I doubt very much that it's from the same source. And I hate the term ITK. I sometimes get to hear things, I sometimes chase them up, especially when I'm concerned. I sometimes share them. In this case, I know one thing and one thing only and only posted it because it's contradictary to what's being spread about by those I think are fantasists or are misinformed. Whether anybody believes it or thinks its important or not is up to them.
  12. No, its being quite specific about something, yet having no idea or control over the ultimate outcome. See the difference? Let me know if you need help.
  13. My info comes indirectly from the top. What about you Cas?
  14. I must stress. Whilst I completely stand behind what I said as true, that doesn't guarantee signings. I'm merely saying there is money. Not if or how it will be spent. My own opinion is that the stakes are too high not to do business. So there will be some players coming in. Maybe they're first choice, maybe they're fifth. Maybe they're relatively expensive or loans. I dont know. But I'm a poker player and I'd go all in to say we will be signing players.
  15. If you say so. Another idiot for the ignore list.
  16. Right, now you go and find me where Lerner, Lambert and journos have said there is nothing to spend. In fact only a day or two ago Pat Murphy said the opposite, as have Nursey and a few others and that's just the ones I'm aware of and I dont pay that much attetion to the press. I dont expect you to trust me and quite frankly it doesn't bother me. I just know that what I've been told is solid and more reliable than any journalist or fantasist.
  17. How is it fact? Who says there is no money? Who says nobody wants to come? I see no facts, just (negative) opinions. I can understand the negativity but there are no facts there.
  18. Says who? The tea leaves? Nostradamus? Chicken licken?
  19. I dont know if we're buying anybody, nor have I used the term "splashing out". I dont have a crystal ball and transfer windows are silly and anything can happen. What I do know is that there is money to spend. Absolutely 100%, no doubt about it. A few fellows pretending to be clued up said there was nothing to spend and they're wrong. That's it. Some people may or may not recall but when I hear things from a certain place, it's cast iron. I'd put good money on it. I've give a few things out in the past (like Solksjaer - and got my wrists slapped for it) but that's not showing off, just a fact. Some people know I'm legit and that's all I care about. I wouldn't say anything except I dont want this place descending into chaos based on bullshit rumours and scaremongering.
  20. "The word last week was firm that we were signing no-one." Whose words were those?
  21. I agree with the poker player analogy that Murphy uses in regards to Lambert. The hand he suggests he has (by body language) is not the one he actually has. I think that Lambert is playing his cards close to his chest and is willing to play "chicken" somewhat with agents as the deadline approaches. Which is a bit dangerous. I know there is money to spend. I also think he'll use the loan system as a last resort, rather than getting nobody in, but he'd rather get his targets, obviously.
  22. Yes, the snow would cover his grass allergy for a while.
  23. You can't prepare to be amazed. Also... whatever.
  24. I think that would be a terrible signing to be honest and I doubt there's any chance of it happening.
  25. I agree that CM is the priority. I'd be amazed if we didn't at least sign one strong central midfielder.
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