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Everything posted by John

  1. Do Leeds know we have a £40m clause in his contract that has to be paid to free him from his contract with us???
  2. What if they don't? Given that, if they do both decide they want to go and we accept an offer I agree we seem to have little choice but to sell at the moment. We won't be happy bunnies if we do though.
  3. He has year left on his contract after the club triggered an extra year option on it. Other clubs will be looking at him as well. Good signing for a club with some money. I wonder whether City like us need to bring in some cash and The Baggies are aware of that hence what seems a low bid?
  4. John

    Going Under ?

    I think we agreed part payments with them and will have paid the first of them (I hope).
  5. James Nursey seems to be wallowing in our misfortune. Heard him interviewed the other day about our crisis on Talksport I think it may have been and he appeared to be fighting back the laughter. Perhaps Gabby will offer to play for us next season for nothing? He will be unlikely to be playing anywhere else and it might be a way of him trying to do something to recompense us for the salary he was paid for the last couple of seasons.How about it Gabby?
  6. John

    Alan Hutton

    If we are able to offer him another contract then I'm sure it would be far less than his last one and less than he might get for playing somewhere else. If he was willing to stay on such terms then I consider it would be good to have him still with us in August.
  7. John


    If not they can stay and will be likely to get as many games as they want.
  8. Cash reasons before football ones dictate our current transfer policy. Losing Chester will be another body blow for our football club to take all those responsible for this sad state of affairs should hang their heads in shame.
  9. Don't mention the first named player too often here. We have a problem with that slithering snake about the circumstances in which he left us. Otherwise losing those players must have been hard to take we felt for you then and we're feeling sorry for ourselves just now.
  10. There is no way Wilshire (who is a free agent) would drop down a division even if we had the money to pay his wages and a signing on sweetener. Adama would cost big money that we don't have in addition to Albert if either player wanted to go back to their old clubs. I would have both Johnstone and Snodders back tomorrow but it was more we couldn't afford to offer them another year than they wanted away. Some nice ideas had we gone up though. UTV.
  11. John

    Keinan Davis

    He played a lot of games for us.at a time when we had no other available forward and did a very good job for us early on. We possibly overplayed him through necessity. As a young player he probably needed the odd break from the first team (which he should be able to get in the coming season) but we had no real alternative and he was willing to play through for the club's benefit possibly at cost to himself. Without breaks from the first team his game suffered a bit and his lack of goals possibly also had an impact on his confidence in the second half of the season. I back him to be back at his best next season hopefully with us.
  12. Did you put in a buy back clause like that when you sold Tom Ince and Will Hughes? Thanks for your considered opinion from all at cloud cuckoo land.
  13. Sadly we don't have "small amounts of money" and no doubt they would want to be paid for playing for us. If we did find some cash behind the sofa I agree that we should have a look at adding some Scandinavian players.
  14. John

    Going Under ?

    That leaves him with only £1.20 of his fortnightly job seekers allowance left to live on or has he taken out a second mortgage on his hovel?
  15. So when are they going to get their HMRC & FFP moments? The sooner the better or are the authorities to busy with the bigger club to worry about small fry like them?
  16. The 2018 World Cup will soon be upon us. What better time to put our current football anxieties to one side (if only temporarily) and to focus on our favourite World Cup moments to date (seen live on television or in person)? I have had a quick think and have given my own admittedly England biased choices below. How about doing the same yourself? Favourite World Cups: 1st 1966, 2nd 1970, 3rd 1990. Match: England 4 West Germany 2 (1966), Italy 3 Brazil 2 (1982), Portugal 5 North Korea 3 (1966). Goal: Carlos Alberto 1970 WCF, David Platt 1990 winner vs Belgium, Geoff Hurst 1966 “They think it’s all over.” Song: Nessun dorma (1990), Back Home (1970), World in Motion (1990). Moment: Bobby Moore lifting the trophy 1966, Gazza’s tears 1990 vs Germany, Nobby Stiles post 66 final impromptu dancing. Goal Celebration: Marco Tardelli 1982 WCF, Gary Lineker 1990 vs West Germany, Roger Mila vs Columbia 1990. Team: England 1966, Brazil 1970, Netherlands 1974. To add a little negativity in advance of what is to come this year, I add my three: Worst moments: Gerd Muller’s winning goal 1970 WCQF, Waddle’s penalty miss vs West Germany 1990, Batty’s penalty miss vs Argentina 1998. Infamous moments: The hand of Diego 1994, Schumacher’s brutal foul on Battiston 1982, Lampard’s equalising goal that wasn’t 2010 vs Germany.
  17. £15m sounds about what Levy would test the water with. Remember the bid they made to sign Benteke all those years ago. We told him we would not shift on our asking price then I guess he thinks we won't be able to turn down a low bid this time. I hope he is proven wrong.. If we have to sell let's not sell for peanuts because Levy wouldn't.
  18. That's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. When did the knuckle draggers find two ha'pnnies to run together then?
  19. I value him at £40m. I think in normal circumstances the club would not have considered bids below £35m. If other clubs don't value him at £40m they would have been at liberty to take their money elsewhere and buy someone else who did meet their valuation.Sadly, these are not normal circumstances and it's a buyer's market at Villa Park. As a result clubs will make derisory bids for our players in the knowledge that we have little choice other than to sell our players to try to stay afloat. English players do come at a premium price and the value we put on Jack reflects that but you can't always get what you want particularly when money is too tight to mention.
  20. John


    Just one peanut I suspect. Vultures!
  21. Jack had less than half a season. I don't care what non Villa fans might say (at the moment it is best not to listen to them at all). Maddison looks good but not Jack good! It is sad that the vultures will be in and offering peanuts for our future England international and that we look likely to have to accept the least insulting of a set of insulting bids to pay the bills for a month or two. I would not be shocked if Norwich get more for their player as well.
  22. John

    Going Under ?

    Surely Fulham could do the decent thing and write of the £6m the above says we still owe them for the Fencegate forward that we signed from them given their win at Wembley has had such a big impact on our current mess.
  23. Wolves fans gloating. They forget quickly the mess they were in not so long ago. I wish them well for next season.....
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