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Everything posted by lp_villa830

  1. Are they recorded on Jacks phone too?
  2. What is happening with this Stefan, we having another session?
  3. So you want to replace Bell and Pieterson? who with? There aren't any better players in county cricket than them. Yes, atleast temporarily. The cricket team is fast becoming like the football team, players being picked on rep rather than recent form.
  4. Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.
  5. Batting needs a major shake up only ones I would keep are Cook, Trott and Root. Everyone else has been disappointing/inconsistent for quite a while now.
  6. I still think a Benteke/Bent partnership would have caused teams major problems if we had stuck with it. we shall never find out now though. Maybe Bent is training with the reserves/youth as both parties felt it would be more beneficial to stay in England In case any bids came in.
  7. They have no business on pavements, that's for sure. So in Birmingham where there are next to no cycle lanes where or what am I to do? I risk death by maniacal/impatient drivers and if I go on the pavement I risk the abuse and ire of the pedestrians. As it is I alternate between the two. 2 Options: 1) Quit cycling 2) Move to the country (or a city with cycle lanes). option 3 get a car 4) Put a ak47 in your saddlebag and let rip on any inconsiderate motorists.
  8. They have no business on pavements, that's for sure. So in Birmingham where there are next to no cycle lanes where or what am I to do? I risk death by maniacal/impatient drivers and if I go on the pavement I risk the abuse and ire of the pedestrians. As it is I alternate between the two. 2 Options: 1) Quit cycling 2) Move to the country (or a city with cycle lanes). option 3 get a car 4) Put a ak47 in your saddlebag and let rip on any inconsiderate motorists.
  9. Listen to Free/BRMB on the bike to and from work. Other than that don't listen to an awful lot of radio.
  10. 8 pints, 8 pints, 8 pints. How very predictable of you to come out here and start talking nonsense with your little posse of leprechaun and bitch. One thing you got right was my record. Yes it, no sorry I am impressive and I want to prove it more. My sports agency will takeover this place and turn you into a drip smaller than 2 quartz. But first I have to prove I can get, get the gold around my own waist to prove my credentials to all the other superstars of VTW!
  11. This goes beyond the FA. The FA could impose arbitrary wage caps, a universal transfer fee limit, hell, even go really crazy and have a player draft like they do in the NFL. And all of the good players will piss off to Germany, Italy and Spain, and leave us watching Joe **** Bennett walking around thinking he's Ronaldo. Needs UEFA/FIFA to impose strict squad rules to stop the big teams by all the talent just to sit on the bench/reserves. But that'll never happen.
  12. Hogso that is now 2 out of 2 wins for Mr.Money Money. I.e me! You have accepted defeat graciously on both occasion and for that I respect you. But enough is enough! I deserve a title shot, not playing the opener with this offal eating, turd rolling sow.
  13. Lerner and Faulkner would have to have powers of hypnosis to get that deal.
  14. We have to be careful how we look at all of the money. Benteke has £3m of wages for the next three years and if we were to get say £24m for him, we'd find ourselves £27m to the good. Two £5.5m players at £40k a week for four years is £27m gone - but you can guarantee that this place would go mental claiming we hadn't spent it and Lerner had pocketed it because the fees only amount to £11m. Because of how low his wages are, you can pretty much take whatever fee we get for Benteke and half it for a fair idea of how much it'll give us to spend on transfers. Why would the money we get for Benteke have to go on paying the entire wages of a replacement? The money should be made available to sign a player and his wages should be covered by the amount the club make each year from television. I don't get this thinking at all. Agreed BJ10, this wages discussion bores the arse off me. Why could we not use part of Dunne's/ Makoun's/ Warnock's wages etc? Have we not used that with the 6 players already brought in plus Bakers and Weimanns new contracts. If we can get rid of Ireland, Bent and Given I would expect a decent investment from any CB sale, otherwise we are looking in the bargain bucket again.
  15. I think he's very much a Mourinho style player. Mourinho plays very direct football and it will be a case of 'give the ball to Benteke and let him score' just like it was with Drogba Stylistically yes it just seems like Mourinho likes to spend on expensive completely proven players, not gamble on young talent. Look at his past signings, most are older no? Did he not spend a packet on a relatively unproven Drogba in his first spell at Chelsea. The two are as close to carbon copies of each other as you can get. Anyway, I don't see how this changes anything. We all knew he'd be off if someone offered what we want, and that is still the case only difference is CB forfeiting his portion of the deal.
  16. Spurs are the only team I can see testing our resolve to keep him this summer so them missing out on Villa is a worry.
  17. It all depends on what he likes for breakfast If he has 1 egg he's fine but if he has two its all over for him That seems more than reasonable. What did Cameron have for breakfast?
  18. Could happen, as you say. More worrying short term is a bunch of the more *ahem*, "hard core" MB types deciding they don't really like this turn of events and indulging in some insurgency action. Had not considered that, but you are right. If they are already active in Syria only take a few of those to kick it off in their own back yard.
  19. I am not exactly up to date on the whole situation and what you say makes sense, only an idiot would call for that from his own people. But after a coup their will always be people fighting against each other for influence so i would expect the opposition vote to be split again. Whereas those supporters of the MB are now even more likely to support their candidate.
  20. What happens if in the next election another Morsi type candidate wins? Another coup or do they just get on with democracy.
  21. Samba deal seems dodgy, has anything similar happened like it before?
  22. Swansea are being robbed by the Scousers, so no surprise there.
  23. I wouldn't call that doing nothing as you are keeping your mind engaged. I just need to be physically moving, which would seem surprising if you saw me.
  24. I don't know but if by Saturday lunch time i have done nothing but eat, sleep, drink and poop. I start to feel really shitty and have to do anything, even if it is just polish.
  25. I hate days like that, feel like such a lazy sod.
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