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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. Takeover has to be happening now surely?!
  2. Just on FUT now and I'm making a Silver team. Thought it would be fun to make a Villa academy team.
  3. I was looking at this. Anyone decent has already moved on. Only decent player in their squad was Mauri and he's gone to Milan
  4. Can't find the link where he said a little more but Willems looks like he wants to move and will follow Depay out of PSV. I think he'd be a great signing and although it's slim I do think we'd have a chance to sign him http://www.football-oranje.com/jetro-willems-ready-next-challenge/
  5. Think we're well stocked on Right backs and should be concentrating on a few other areas of the pitch. I wouldn't be upset to see Bacuna Richards or Hutton starting in August but there are other positions we're in more urgent need of addressing.
  6. There are whispers that she signed an agreement with Lerner when he first bought us, which states that the club must invest in a new Left back every 12 months. And they have to be bad enough for fans to not get suspicious about the high turnover. Cissokho was deliberately injured and then forced out the match day squad after showing Benteke levels of improvement under Sherwood as it would mean questions asked when we were trying to sell him to Huddersfield EDIT/DISCLAIMER: These whispers have no foundation and are purely Speculation, during the Summer, in 2015. Hence why this has been posted here and is entirely on topic
  7. I once gave some her info, if I recall it was on Joe Bennett.............. She then sent me a message saying that she "knew my secret" and that she was adamant I was "Paul Lambert feeding her information on behalf of him" and that If "I didn't meet with her then she would out me to the press" She followed this up by going mental and a bit Jehovas Witness on everyone.............. **** Lunatic !! She was always a Jehovah's Witness, check out the early posts in the religion thread although it may be a different thread. Thought going jehovahs witness on someone was what the kids are saying these days. Not that she actually was actually preaching her faith. Since I said a couple of blunt things to her I've been blocked. Sounds like most have. She's more of a myth than a woman now. Some say she holds the documents needed to complete a transfer for Dale Stephens, and is the only living member of a bloodline that is granted access to any room in the belfry.
  8. You've forgotten already!! Haha. To be fair to the guy it says far more about me than it does about him
  9. So, I like the sound of Amavi but if not him, what do people think to the potential of us signing a player like Jetro Willems? Playing for PSV, he's a "winner" other option who doesn't have too much hype surrounding him I'd say would be Abdul Baba from Ausberg?
  10. There are far more people who are getting outraged about people moaning about his behaviour, than there are people moaning about his behaviour. It's hard to come across a young lad who hasn't been in his position on a holiday. If he weren't in the media spotlight he could talk to anyone about what had happened and he'd get the standard response of "well we've all been there" Even being in the media spotlight. Who cares? Supposed to be setting an example??? Who honestly thinks someone his age would follow that example. He doesn't need to set an example that noone will pay attention to, and noone will think that's the correct way to behave just because he's doing it. They'll be doing it anyway if they haven't already. If they don't drink or get in that state then they will also continue to act like that.
  11. I still think the huddlestone and Townsend links are "lazy journalism" to an extent. It makes sense that we'd sign them, but I don't think we will. Other targets would be more appealing. There's a big unknown over the new owners too and where that will leave us
  12. I don't get their obsession with Raheem. He won't even be part of their 25 man squad so won't count towards home grown players. What's the point?
  13. Hope he leaves and has a good career. Has become surplus to requirements but is one of those players that will be remembered for all the right reasons by me. Sunderland display, Stoke goal, Swansea goal (I think)
  14. RT @pritch_21: Prediction; Juventus 1-3 Barca Morata Neymar Rakitic Suarez

  15. Normally ask people I know about there opinions on players we are looking to sign, may as well have man city fans on speed dial at the moment. Sinclair, Trippier and Richards potentially our first 3 signings. Not that it's bad or I have a problem with it. Just coincidental. Especially considering the worries people had about Tim only signing Spurs players
  16. I can't comment on the first part of your post but yes i think we have let a lot go this year but the majority of them were nowhere near good enough in reality. Out of interest, (I know names but don't follow the youth team enough to form any opinions on the players) is there anybody in the youth/reserve team that you feel is good enough to take the next step? Any players who we could see starting to make the bench in the next 12 months? Just wondering if players like Kinsella, Sellars etc. Will make it
  17. Yeah fair point, he still has time to prove he can push on, I think he is pretty much there as a physical athlete and could cope in that respect. It's his thought process when going forward, it's the only thing that worries me. Like N'zogbia to a certain extent, doesn't release the ball in time more often than not. Hopefully that can be coached out of him
  18. I don't like to write players off but I watched a fair amount of him at Preston last year and don't think he's good enough to be first choice for them in any position in their different formations. So I don't expect the guy to make it here unfortunately. Would love to be proved wrong though.
  19. Pretty sure we can still buy and sell. They are granted access to our accounts, to see incomings, outgoings and forecasts. Those accounts will change weekly you'd have thought, whilst they have access to the accounts I'd imagine they can still change, it's just that they can view those changes. Aren't players just staff members effectively? Surely we can fire and hire in other areas of the business. Why not the playing staff. If someone in hospitality hands in their notice is it rejected until the business is sold?
  20. Was about to say the same with him supposedly a good prospect. I'd heard about Alfie Crooks too. Is there any write up about the leaving players?
  21. I said I think it was something like 7. The sentence was punctuated with a question mark. I wasn't claiming it was Gospel, I couldn't remember the number but I knew it was high
  22. Went on a night out, there was a couple there who were forest fans, I didn't really know anything about there season so didn't wanna get talking football, but someone dropped me in it saying I was a big villa fan. Thought they'd rip the hell out of me but instead they spent the next half hour raving about what an incredible player Gardner was. I said I wasn't sure if he could make the step up to the premier league and they just said that he was a cut above and should already be playing for us. They were saying how shocked they were that we hadn't recalled him. I have confidence he will kick on and I'm excited to see how he does next season. He's still quite young, I think that's easy to forget
  23. At the man city game they spin facts around as the game is going on. After Guzan passed the ball to Aguero a fact went round stating Guzan had made more direct errors leading to a goal than any other keeper in the league this season. Think it was 7 mistakes that lead directly to a goal? I can't remember them all so dunno where the stat came from but it was a worrying thing to read
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