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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. I don't think there will be a dramatic change in squad numbers. Everyone to keep their squad numbers I would say, then Richards given 4, Gueye hopefully given 8, I'd like Grealish to get 10 but just as happy for him to just get a lower number and someone like Praet who already wears the number being given to him here. If he were ever to sign for us.
  2. For me, I prefer the scenario where we bring in, say, 2 more players of similar quality to what we've got in so far and keeping hold of Benteke and Delph, to the scenario where they both leave but we have the funds for 6-8 players available because of it
  3. I'm interested to see how his career goes from here. Good luck to him
  4. That brings back memories. I think that guy was my favourite player when he was at Pompey.
  5. To be fair Aspas looked a good signing at the time and I think he'd have been a better option than Balotelli, Borini and Lambert for them last season. Luis Alberto was very young too, was never gonna come in and set the world on fire.
  6. I was more keen on him before I watched the highlights video. Plays best in the reserves and a few of those goals would have been saved by stationary objects, the keepers seemed to help a lot of his shots go in. On a plus note, at least he knows how to hit the target, even if it isn't very well. Tell him to use those piledriver shots from 10-20 yards out and you've got someone a bit more dangerous
  7. A lot of people on here seem to know little about how the quota works. You realise Chelsea were 5 players short of the quota last year? As it stands City are 6 short, they could quite easily go into the season still that short. They'd just have less players in their over 21 squad. Signing Roberts / Sterling won't improve their quota or get them out the ****, they're too young to be part of the squad. It'll be players like Denayer and Rekik if any that will suffer and sit in the squad as final options.
  8. How is his first name pronounced? I'm thinking it's Jar-Ron
  9. Thank goodness we're strongly linked with a left back, I was getting worried. Right on the last day of the window too! Really really wish we'd just go for Willems instead. Same league and all. He's surely a better option? PSV would probably be asking 5x what Ajax want though I guess. All you guys who seem to know him (except the FM ones) do you think there's a realistic chance he can still reignite his career? Like Delph? I mean if he's had injuries and set backs then he might never be the same player, but if he had as much potential as some make out then surely a full season injury free could see him develop a lot?
  10. It's weird the Dutch league. For every Huntelaar there is an Alfonso Alves.
  11. I very much doubt we've opened with a £3.5mil bid, and I also doubt Groningen would be willing to reject that sort of offer
  12. So everyone keeps saying but we've signed Richards and sold Weimann and Lowton. Our squad is so bad right now that it's too important to put everything on hold for a big chunk of the transfer window. Lerner must know that. It's fairly obvious that we aren't embargoed. I was just wondering if anyone knew why or if it is even a policy during a proposed takeover. Pretty sure that rumour has stemmed from Football Manager. A player works for the club, they are effectively staff for this business, you cannot stop them from leaving and you cannot be stopped from employing people. If players weren't allowed to leave then hospitality staff and groundsmen would be blocked from handing in resignations etc.
  13. I think when fit and playing well he's excellent. I alsothink he was a great signing and has been good for the club. However, I also think he's become an absolute liability this season, throughout his time here he's consistently sat out injured, often when we've needed him most. This has also led to an unsettled back line as when fit we couldn't afford to leave him out but when injured we had to adjust and couldn't. The nail in the coffin is saying he's looking to go onto bigger and better things. The only thing that's held him back whilst playing for us is himself, he was a premier league player, our captain, he's now known by most football fans, he's played consistently for his country including a world cup semi final. If he moves he'll be able to achieve, at most, the same, almost definitely less, all whilst continuing to be injury prone
  14. Probably, but I doubt we'll see Gil much, if at all. I hope Gil will feature, but if not I'd imagine it would be Benteke up top with Sinclair left side, Chery right and Grealish in the middle
  15. I'm confident he'll be replacing N'zogbia. They are essentially the exact same type of player.
  16. Only been supporting Villa since the end of the DOL era so I appreciate that most of you will look at my "best" players in astonishment 1 Friedel 2 L Young 3 Bouma 4 Mellberg 5 Laursen 6 Barry 7 Young 8 Milner 9 Angel 10 Carew 11 Petrov With notable mentions to players I always had a soft spot for with no real foundation in some cases, 1 Guzan, 3 Samuel, 6 Downing, 7 Hendrie, 8 McCann, 10 Weimann. If De La Cruz had worn number 2 he'd have been first on the list
  17. http://www.vi.nl/nieuws/groningen-wijst-eerste-bod-aston-villa-op-chery-af.htm How reliable is this site, does this basically confirm we've gone for him or potentially made up gossip?
  18. This is what I was gonna post. Screams of "sign him up" from anyone and everyone watching. He's friends with Bacuna too. Could be a real possibility Now not denying he's friends with Bacuna but if it's based on them being at Groningen together, wouldn't be possible as he joined when Bacuna left. Bacuna's brother is still at the club and I believe he's still in touch with a lot of the guys there. Maybe not ones that signed after he'd left though, I did jump to conclusions. If we're signing Chery, I think he'd be an excellent addition and would be a younger better version of N'zogbia if he adjusts
  19. This is what I was gonna post. Screams of "sign him up" from anyone and everyone watching. He's friends with Bacuna too. Could be a real possibility
  20. I have the sneakiest of suspicions that we may be in for Arda Turan
  21. We are allowed to sign people without them being in order of priority/ability. Sherwood might see this as the least important player to swap but if he's the one that needs doing most urgently then get it done. Why wait and not get a keeper he wants because he needs to sign a left back first because it's more important? It just seems so illogical to me. If Newcastle put in a 10m bid for Austin, and it was accepted, would people be against us matching it and going for him because other areas need strengthening? Seems more like sentimentality than anything
  22. Why does someone being a season ticket holder make them knowledgeable about what's going on within their chosen club?think more to do with saying " wasnt about loss of form " a stoke season ticket holder would know more about there GK form than us Villa Fans Indeed how silly of me to think that a Stoke STH knows more about his club than a poster on VT.your doing it again saying about his club clearly says wasnt about a dip in form if he has a season ticket then he would know more about his GK performance than we would so the season ticket reference would be important in the regards to the " wasnt a dip in form " no need to be a plum about it either with sarcasm Pretty sure he was sarcastically agreeing with what you were saying, seeing as he was the OP. Read what he put again, your saying the same thing
  23. I've gone from getting excited about all the rumours to dismissing them all completely because they aren't exciting or positive anymore
  24. Do any of you think that there's a chance Guzan has asked to leave? Potentially mentioned it to the manager when he came in that he wanted to go back to America or simply move on somewhere new. Sherwood didn't have a problem so long as he didn't let him down before the end of the season or get distracted. When he did exactly that then he was dropped. I think there's a veryreal chance that he's asked to leave and because he's much more replaceable compared to a Benteke then he's been told he can go
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