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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. This. He could be Dwight Howard's Scottish twin but seeing as he doesn't score or create goals, has poor spatial awareness and can't perform at a high tempo or under pressure then it wouldn't matter anyway. You can see he is technically proficient in the sense he'd do well passing between cones or crossing into a bin but his ability to use those skills in real time is very poor.
  2. I read that as referring to Belgium, not Villa.
  3. ArteSuave


    Which puts it at 58/1 for either to happen by my reckoning.
  4. Add this one to the Villa stat pile. Most shots without a goal this season: Barry Bannan with 17
  5. I don't know shit about players this age. Will Villa receive a transfer fee? Is his entire family moving down to Landan? Assuming the unthinkable that (unlikely as it seems, but stay with me) he hasn't left because his parents read the Bannan thread, why would he leave?
  6. The other forum I post on used to put on events where members would fight each other. Then again it is a combat sports forum so it made a bit more sense. FWIW I seriously doubt Gonzalez actually broke his wrist. I also agree that fighting 3 more rounds with a broken wrist would have been a terrible idea (although it has been done, as mentioned). I do disagree on this definitely being his last shot at a title though, he's certainly good enough to hold one.
  7. I agree that one of the Welsh Premier League teams will be interested in him. My money would be on Airbus UK or Bangor.
  8. Unbelievable. He looked pretty good though (Gonzalez that is, obviously). Needs to rethink his S&C.
  9. The only injury I've ever cheered. word removed
  10. Let me know if he needs a lift.
  11. ArteSuave


    Anyway, after today's results the bookies have SLASHED our odds of relegation to just 50-1. That's right, 50-1, we're practically odds on to go down.
  12. ArteSuave


    As a person who owns a telly I can confirm.
  13. Benteke and Sylla who are the other two? Williams and Johnson (or Delfouneso if you were to believe the senile old man who sits behind me).
  14. Tbh, it does kinda look like nothing more than a polo shirt. But it's a huge improvement on our pyjama top from this year. I like the look of this season home-kit, reminds of those loose 90s shirts. It reminds me of those 90s shirts too, which is why I don't like it.
  15. Our kit is shaped like a c&b bin bag with sleeves. That kit is shaped like a human torso. It also has a cool continental feel to the badge/logo placements.
  16. Please macron, just do this ferfeckssake
  17. Biggest waste of potential of any player I can remember us having and it's 99% his own fault. Remember the season he had with Robinho and look at him now, what the **** happened? I remember Bellamy raving about him when he joined city, saying he's the most skilful player he's ever trained with so hopefully he has a word and takes him to Cardiff. The fact he had a self imposed exile from international by the time he was about 22 sums up what a terrible decision maker he is.
  18. Which set pieces have shown this? Why, all of the ones that we've scored from of course. Oh no, that's none, the team must be shit at winning balls in the air. Oh no, Benteke is the best in **** Europe at that, the team must be too used to scoring from Westwood's type 3 hoofs and they've forgotten to score off Barry 'Beckham Pernambucano' Bannan's orgasmic crosses.
  19. Bony will be moving above our level I think. Lot of people saying he will go Chelsea He seemed dead set on coming to Villa last summer and I'm not sure he'll want to play 4th fiddle behind Torres, Ba and Lukaku.
  20. Sounds like the customer wanted to DHUTWU and she politely declined.
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