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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. He would almost certainly be a more effective winger than a pile of £12m in cash, so if they've got the money going spare...
  2. This is the speculation thread though. He'll have his own thread if there's a solid link. I suppose we can talk about Jay Spearing if you like.
  3. If you only compare players to Ronaldinho at his peak then almost everyone ever is/was/will always be shit. That seems like an unfair benchmark just because it's the same guy. He has definitely been far better than any attacker we've had for the vast majority of his career. Compared to the other attacking players currently on a free looking at a base salary of $90k/month, he's pretty **** good IMO. He was my suggestion for CED's player to get him hard in winter.
  4. And 06-07 at Barca. And '11 At Flamengo. And '12 and '13 at Mineiro. His absolute worst period was Barca 07-08 (9 goals and 4 assists in 26 games) and then at Milan 08-09 (when he managed a pitiful 10 goals and 8 assists).
  5. I think we agreed that he's an absolute waste of space IIRC.
  6. As long as he does the footbally bit on a Saturday. Sadly he hasn't really done this on regular basis since 2006 But he has though.
  7. As long as he does the footbally bit on a Saturday.
  8. That makes sense really. Also, Vince Gilligan on the Fly: So it was made to be boring on purpose, to make the good episodes seem better.
  9. Neither did Ibrahimovic at Balotelli's age.
  10. Isco? Good player, but he should have CL clubs after him. He's very good. You're clearly not well versed in the art of the cheeky bid.
  11. The amount of wanking over that episode is just absurd. It was like someone's cinematography course work.
  12. McLeish win percentage: 21% Lambert win percentage: 32%
  13. Is that true?! If so that's an incredible stat. I can't think of any off the top of my head but armbar-triangle-omoplata is like the strongest, smoothest sub chain going.
  14. Serious question; what constitutes being "overly excited"? As far as I can see being happy about our possible new found defensive solidity has absolutely no negative consequences even if it turns out to be a false dawn. What harm can being happy about some aspect of Villa possibly do? You say "overly excited" as if any slight overestimation of our team would have some terrible effect on something. People are happy because some of our players did good and your response is that they only did good because the opponents were shit and have somehow come to the conclusion that "it's only a matter of time before the floodgates open".
  15. Agbonlahor is nowhere near that big. He's built like a sprinter and he runs fast like a sprinter.
  16. As always happens when a team with a distinctive style wins a major tournament, copycat teams attempt to mimic them.
  17. Wherever the next one is held, hopefully they choose a more popular tournament mascot.
  18. good. He's shit. Exactly the kind of clogging waddler that can hopefully get Agbonlahor out of his shit run of form.
  19. No chance they will sell Berahino. He's their most important player. They're Sandwell Town not Bayern Munich. If anyone big wants one of their players then they'll be off like a shot. That's what I'm hoping for.
  20. The other animals now know their place too.
  21. Justice was done. Good job everyone. Take that you human weaklings.
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