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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but Spearing was part of the pitiful Bolton team who failed to relegate SHA a few months ago. I recorded that one. You can try and pretend that judging a player on his PL stint and what people have seen of two years of highlights is "ridiculous" but you know its not. I've seen a shit load more of Spearing than I had of Sanchez or Okore or Vlaar or Benteke or Kozak before they signed.
  2. I've actually bought this weird flat black rectangle that shows highlights from Bolton's (and every football league club) games every Saturday night during the season. Also it sometimes even plays entire matches live. These things are the future I tells ya! Personally I don't spend my Saturday nights watching highlights of Bolton, but whatever blows your hair back, I guess. I'm not sure what I'd ascertain from highlights either but there you go. Prepare to be even more shocked. I've bought ANOTHER black rectangle that records the stuff that the first black rectangle shows! Incredible I know. Also your question was if anyone had actually seen Bolton play in the last two years. You don't have to have seen every second of Bolton action from that time to be able to answer yes. I have no idea why people having seen a Championship player play over two seasons would surprise you. And are you seriously sayin you've never formed an opinion of a potential signing without watching extensive full game footage? Okay then bro.
  3. I've actually bought this weird flat black rectangle that shows highlights from Bolton's (and every football league club) games every Saturday night during the season. Also it sometimes even plays entire matches live. These things are the future I tells ya!
  4. We're also playing Hull next week.
  5. If Chadli doesn't make the squad for spurs today I'm going to get my hopes up for the rest of the window that its him we're bringing in.
  6. First goddamn pass of his Villa career and it was a peach. Mfw
  7. That's up there with George Orwell. Ooooooh. Omar.jpg
  8. Yeah that would do it I think, as long as its enough to get you through your workout and would be part of your daily intake anyway.
  9. One day I'll cut your face. Consider this fair warning.
  10. The idea is that if your total daily caloric intake is the same either way and the only variable is when you eat relative to your HIT, then eating before means you are able to output a higher workload and your EPOC is higher, both of which mean more total calories burned. Yes, technically you'll burn more fat during the workout if you've fasted beforehand, but as I say you'll use less calories in total and if you eat the same amount over the course of the day then the net amount of fat lost will be less.
  11. The absolute **** IDIOT sitting behind me today that as usual took every opportunity to slag Vlaar off. I haven't seen the word removed for a few months so I'd forgotten what a **** halfwit he was, but he took a disliking to Vlaar from his first game here for some unfathomable reason and is too stubborn to admit his mistake. Maybe its my imagination but I swear he described every touch Vlaar had as "shit". So instead of putting myself through the bother of debating this man and his incorrect views I thought I'd just vent on here.
  12. I know bro , I just felt the need to clarify seeing a the two of you feckers had picked up on the fact its a long running issue, as if to imply that every post on this thread isn't about an old problem. Racist signs? That's been going on for ages. Neeeeext. Religious fuckwittery? Thousands of years mate.
  13. I'm aware other clubs have words removed and I've been aware we have our fair share for far longer than VT has existed but neither of those things mean that they don't still piss me off. If it doesn't qualify for this thread then I send my apologies and humbly request someone be kind enough to PM me a list of criteria a post on this thread has to satisfy.
  14. Probably because it's pathetic to accuse fellow fans of being "sheep" just because they're content with a 0-0 draw against a decent team while our two best strikers are out. Not saying that I agree with the OP but, Newcastle also had their best striker out and we were the home side - without a shot on target. Did they? I'm assuming he means Papiss '10 goals in his last 60 league games' Cisse. Hardly their best striker but that doesn't fit with the narrative that we only kept a clean sheet because of who they were missing.
  15. Sorry for football talk but there are some **** words removed who support Villa. Jesus wept.
  16. EPOC is excess post exercise oxygen consumption. In the fat burning context its basically the elevation of your BMR for a period after intense exercise. Eating before HIT increases the size of this elevation. HIT in a fasted state not only results in lower EPOC, it also hinders your performance when doing the exercise.
  17. Do it at whatever time suits you. The minimal benefit from training at what may be considered an optimum time is really not going to make a difference to anyone but those who are the top end and looking at every tiny detail to be an elite athlete/bodybuilder. You are far more likely to stick to a regular training regime if you do it at a time that suits your lifestyle/other commitments. In the most general sense I agree with your point about fitting it around your life to make it more likely you'll keep it up but I don't agree that its "not going to make a difference to anyone" except elite athletes. The level that elite athletes operate on is far beyond that of someone looking to shed fat, so this debate isn't particularly relevant to them and elite bodybuilders are on such a range of PEDs that they can't really be used as a measuring stick either. Maybe it's because I've become obsessed with marginal gains but to me it seems obvious that anyone who trains consistently for an extended period of time would benefit from a small agvantage from every training session. The detail that elite athletes go to is far beyond the scope of LSD with low insulin and lift with full glycogen. This goes with what I've inferred milfner's lifestyle to be like (someone motivated enough to train early in the morning combined with the amount of free time a student has) meaning it would be realistic for him to maintain his current training plan instead of one where he trains LSD directly after eating if he's going to gain a small advantage from every session in the pursuit of his goals. Especially when the question he asked was would it be "better" for him to do it after eating, the answer is no. Obviously if he was a parent working long hours then his realistically achievable training regime would be different. Things like IIFYM and other easy to maintain plans are fine but their existence doesn't mean there aren't better alternatives and when he's accidentally training well already it's surely better that he sticks with that. Sorry for tldr and any preachiness.
  18. It's the perfect mix of having a laugh and still showing how nails he is.
  19. I think that might just be because they're really stupid.
  20. Why would that be the case? They can take both feet off the floor and not fall over. Their tail acts like a seat. Their tail also acts as a counter balance, enabling them to quickly change direction. Don't have a gif of this one though, sorry. Here's a link to an article about their awesome tails though: Link
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