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Everything posted by AVFCforever1991

  1. For some reason he reminds me of Samir nasri, And not just because they have the same name. Its the style of play, the confidence on the ball, the control.. Could become a very good player, with the right manager.
  2. Anyone who thinks he is doing a good job must be blind, because we finished 9th last year and this year we are battling relegation.. something is very wrong.. McLeish is not the right man for the job, and never will be. Now we are **** be he is going to bring in all his shitty players this summer, and when he gets sacked we will be left with a squad full of AM shit players.. we are screwed.
  3. Why did baker step over the ball and let it run, Also why are we bringing heskey on, when we need to score.. McLeish has not got a **** clue... Get rid now!!!!
  4. I think it would be a good sign or protest to not renew it.
  5. I blame Garnder for Stokes goal, there was no need to give a free kick in that position.
  6. I think collins is a good shout to be captain, you can really see he is a natural leader.
  7. Sack him and let Kevin Mac take charge. He knows all the players better than AM anyway.. All the academy players he knows personally. I really think the players would thrive under KM.
  8. Yeah have to admit collins has been a lion at the back. I say get rid of dunne. I think Clark and collins at the back could be a strong CB pairing. Edit: Or put clark at LB and Cuellar and collins CB pairing?
  9. I think getting rid of a bent would be stupid, If we sold him for anything less than 25 mill. Him and weimann could make a lethal partnership.
  10. Yeah I wouldn't read to much in to them tbh. People have been saying this for ages, I remember in November that we are going to be bought in february. That never happened, then I heard rumours we are going to be bought in April, Well it could still happen but we are sitting here on the 10th of April and doesn't look to likely.. But you can always hope and pray for a miracle right.
  11. Its time to clear out the old, who dont care and are just their to pick up their pay checks every week.. And bring in the young players who actually care about the club.. This summer will be huge in terms of the future of the club.
  12. It was reminiscent of what Thierry henry use to do for the Arsenal... We have got a special player on our hands here. Please don't sell him as soon as he becomes big.
  13. Unfortunately we are now in the position where we have to hope McLeish spends it well.. We are in a situation where if we don't buy anyone we go down.. We could still go down after buying but we would have at least tried to stay up. If we went down having not spent a penny you know for a fact Sky Sports would be saying, "if only they spent in the summer" ignoring McLeish completely. So put us into even worse finacial debt.. If we were going to go down I would rather spend less now, than have a bunch of shit players that will leave us for less money if we got relegated. Giving McLeish money spend is like letting stewie griffin near the big red Nuke button..
  14. I will be the happiest little Villain in the world.. Please just get rid of this guy, I can't take it anymore.. I want AVFC back
  15. Just looking back at my quote, I still hold this opinion, note my appraisal of Mcleish is lower mid table at best ! I dis agree, I think he is championship personally.
  16. It's fair enough. I just didn't see much evideence to suggest houllier was the right man. He managed to finish 9th. Cant see that happening this season.
  17. The board must be aware of this. They must be aware of how the fans feel. And yet they do nothing. And this Mr Lerner is why you can get ****! They are aware how the fans feel, the thing is they just DONT CARE.
  18. personally I believe wolves are already down, So it will be 2 other clubs. I dont have a clue what 2 clubs it will be, Wigan winning 2 on the trott, Bolton Beating Wolves Away.. We have to pray Man utd beat blackburn tonight,otherwise it look even a worse situation that it already is.
  19. Remember what that guy Tweeted about Muamba, Got sent to prison, Maybe this idiot will get the same fate.
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