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Everything posted by AVFCforever1991

  1. He's a good player, hopefully he gets a chance now
  2. Irony is jack leaving played a part No one can compare, apart from city and and pep obviously
  3. We should get Patrick Vieira , not sure if he would come but his palace side have looked very solid so far
  4. I didn't want it to end this way but it looked as though he's taken us as far as possible, we have brilliant memories of Dean's reign in charge from 15th in the championship to mid table and a league cup final, good luck Dean.
  5. Palace are looking really solid, literally the opposite of us
  6. Norwich beating Brentford is good for us, keeps Brentford in range, we need as many teams down here as possible
  7. The truth is he's just a very tactically limited manager and hasn't seemed to have grown at all, we're just hoofing it forward with no plan , hoping it would work. Chucking strikers on had the complete opposite effect, we looked much worse and actually lost intensity in the midfield.
  8. We should have spent the Grealish money on Ward-Prowse
  9. One of our best players today, but he needs to be doing full 90, first half wasn't great but 2nd half he was good
  10. There's literally no plan, just lumping it forward, absolute shite
  11. Improved in the 2nd half, but still lacking serious quality in the finals 3rd
  12. El Ghazi just runs down a blind alley, get your head up and pass
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