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Everything posted by AVFCforever1991

  1. McGinn should not be playing in a 2 man midfield
  2. Got injured riding the teacups at Disneyland
  3. Time will tell but that's what I think will happen and I'm happy we've got someone in to do that
  4. Some of these players are in for a shock, no more slacking, Gerrard won't accept anything less than 100%, I feel like he's got a lot of influence from Benitez and Benitez is a lot more strict than Smith, so I imagine Gerrard will be in the same mould
  5. Really like what I'm hearing from him in that interview, especially about the defensive shape and organisation. He's going to be a success here, I'm convinced of it.
  6. I scrubbed Dawkins from my villa memory, thanks for reminding me about this dark chapter
  7. Spanish is much easier to learn though
  8. Yeah I'm confident that when Gerrard retires from management, he'll be considered a great, he's going to win many league titles and champions Leagues
  9. Favourite? Nothing to do with the fact that Foden has been better than Grealish this season?
  10. I feel the players are in for a bit of a shock, Gerrard will whip them into better shape, the team organisation and shape will probably be #1 priority For the amount we are paying him I hope he has some good ideas...
  11. Everyone knows he's going to end up at Liverpool, but that is only if he does a good job with villa, so that's extra motivation for him
  12. Can he be player/manager please
  13. I hope we keep Trez, he's a brilliant squad player to have
  14. This is a shit take, he hasn't been given a chance
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