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Everything posted by AndyBM

  1. it doesnt matter if hes been terrible or if we agree that he should not play at cb, fact is, sherwood clearly plans on playing him there as one of our main two this season.
  2. a liverpool fanzine has claimed that they are not in the running for adama traore... funny they would say that if its true theyve lost out to villa.
  3. Great minds. Thirded. Pretty good side for Grealish, Gil to fight their way back in to with I imagine another couple of signings on the horizon. Fourthded, which I am aware isn't a word. Based on who's fit at present that would be my team for Bournemouth although it wouldn't surprise me to see Gabby in for Gestede. Fifthded.
  4. Some a##hole on talksport yesterday lunchtime spoke about villas transfer so far. He mentioned how villa fans can expect to have a worst season coming up than last season due to losing our leading goalscorer, our captain and our best defender, i dont think he realized how much of a sicknote Vlaar was. Then he went on about how Richards was crazy for coming to us instead on Inter and why would Berbatov want to come to us as well making out like it would be a bad decision.
  5. up to now, ive always said gabby should start, for this season im now not sure.
  6. AndyBM

    Joe Bennett

    so we are having some english players in the squad then? lol
  7. i hope this doesnt happen. it would be another player weve signed on the wrong side of his carrier.
  8. hes either going to turn out like cahill... or ridgewell.
  9. ive never been a fan of clark, but i think hes deserved to be considered for the main partner for richards, over okore as well
  10. the only one im dissapointed to see leave is luna
  11. so far this window we have signed a goalkeeper, right back, centre back, left back, defensive midfielder, left winger, and striker, whether they be starters or squad rotation. any other links to players in these positions is probably worth disregarding now, apart from another striker, we also need an attacking midfielder edit: we dont need a right winger imo
  12. media are desperate to find any tottenham link. we all know what happened last time petrov recommended a player..
  13. this guy is an oxygen theft, i didn't agree with his purchase and i'm surprised hes still here, we have no use for him, we cant carry players anymore, they all need to pull their weight, i really hope that if were stuck with him for another season, he isnt put into the 25.
  14. maybe hes not replacing anyone, maybe hes going to be our regular rb?
  15. hes said all the right things to the media to please the fans, but like all modern day footballers, hes still a journey man and will jump ship when a cruise liner approaches, lets just hope he puts a few in the net before hes gone.
  16. There's options the club can pursue without having to rename the whole stadium for revenue, current supporters may know of it as villa park, but what about the next generation of fans, or fans from abroad? If the club wants to put bums on seats then offer more tickets to local schools as incentives, whats the club got to lose? they'll make a few extra quid through merchantise and catering
  17. if ayew is so keen to come to villa then surely he will not demand such a high signing on fee considering hes already going to be on wages 3 times more?
  18. Bennett, N'Zogbia, Tonev and Cole should be the next ones to leave Senderos, Hutton and Richardson can still be decent squad rotation
  19. we dont seem to have put up much fight with the inflated fee, its like the club just accepted it
  20. he looks good, i'm rather surprised that he is at such a young age, i won't be building my hopes up as i don't want them to crash and burn, lol.
  21. if he's going to shoot from anywhere and not bring anyone else into play, we might as well put him up front and get him closer to goal seeing as we have no other strikers...
  22. this is the problem with utility players, they're not very good anywhere.
  23. i wouldnt have a problem with adebayor as a short term fix as long as hes cheap and doesnt rip the club off like bent or nzogbia.
  24. even media outlets on the continent have to make up cr&p to sell papers.
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