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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. This is the team for me (possibly with inverted wingers): ----------------------------------Martinez---------------------------------- Cash--------------Konsa-----------------Mings-------------Targett -------------------------------------Luiz---------------------------------------- -----------------------McGinn-------------Sanson----------------------- Buendia-------------------------------------------------------------Bailey ---------------------------------Watkins-------------------------------------
  2. Nope. Just like hardly anyone is Smith Out. Just like hardly anyone is writing Buendia off and just like nobody is scapegoating Ramsey. Calling out a bad performance is hardly scapegoating.
  3. Shame we didn’t buy another one in the Summer then eh..
  4. I think you know that’s nonsense. Why would people not want two of our players to play well together?! Individually, they’re both very good players but surely you can see they haven’t exactly been great together (yet).
  5. I’ve been very underwhelmed in all honesty. I really thought he’d be better than he has been, but that’s not to say he won’t be a hit given more game time. Still early days but you can’t exactly say he’s had a great start to his Villa career.
  6. Don’t think Smith was at fault today, but what he does need to understand is there are certain things that need tweaking. My biggest gripe with this current side is the front two. They’re not playing well together at all and there seems to be very minimal chemistry. I genuinely can’t think of a single moment this season where they’ve linked up to create a chance. It could be that they’re very similar, I don’t know, but it isn’t quite clicking. If we’re persisting with the 3-5-2 then it might be the case that one needs to be dropped for Buendia. Personally, I’d like to see the 4-2-3-1 brought back but you still have the same dilemma, Ings or Watkins.
  7. Let’s see if Smith has the balls to drop him after another average display. He’s scored 1 goal from open play in 7. Very poor return.
  8. No it’s not. Ings and Watkins have been terrible together up front.
  9. This is a team we are aspiring to finish above. That’s what disappoints me so much about today - it just confirms we’re probably not ready to mount a challenge for the top 8.
  10. As bad as we’ve been at times, I think we’re unfortunate to be losing. They’re just as bad. If we can equalise, we’ll go on to win it.
  11. Time to mix it up a bit in the final third. Buendia on at the very least.
  12. Have Ings and Watkins linked up once yet in the matches theyve played together?
  13. Watkins having a poor season (sorry, has to be said)
  14. The Watkins/Ings thing not really working again.
  15. This is just nonsense. Sorry, but it is. Luiz has been very good, but our best player by a country mile? No chance. I’d argue Cash and McGinn have been as good if not better. Ings has been good, no more, no less. In fact, with Buendia fit and raring to go, one might suggest Ings would be the one to make way for him. Ultimately, we’ve had a good start to the season and we have competition for places so whilst I don’t agree with your statement, it’s great to even be having these discussions!
  16. Apparently he played well again tonight. Not sure if any others watched it?
  17. Whenever I watch women’s football, I just find myself staring at their arses.
  18. Watkins is a great player for us but we’re not talking about a Jack Grealish level player here. He can be replaced. It might cost a lot to do it, but there will be players out there that can do what he does who will want to join us. Replacing JG was impossible because the best players in Europe aren’t in a rush to join us. Especially ones that cost 100m. He was irreplaceable to us as he would be to any team. If Watkins leaves in the future, so be it, it will be for a lot of money and we’ll improve as a result.
  19. McGinn has been our best player this season, probably alongside Luiz. If Sanson comes in, it will probably be for Ramsey, and even then I think that's a mistake. This is what competition does. Our midfield has gone up to a level I never thought I'd see and I think a lot of that is to do with the players knowing they have to play well otherwise they'll be dropped.
  20. Yeh, I definitely think they’re contributing but there will come a time I think when they’ll have to link up more. Buendia is our record signing and right now i think id rather him replace one of Ings or Watkins than the midfield 3.
  21. Yeh I’m with you, Paul. I’d still like Watkins to play with Buendia just in behind. I don’t think Watkins and Ings have really clicked at all yet but that’s not to say either are bad players - I certainly rate both individually.
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