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Everything posted by daggy_333

  1. Can't imagine he'd be cheap. Is his contract nearly up? Signed a new 3 year contract August 2011
  2. Apart from the fact that i believe he's 30/31, what makes you think he'd be cheap?
  3. Can a mod please change the title of this thread before West Ham change there mind!!
  4. You really should apply some context to your sentence before putting comments like that! I just very nearly had a heart attack as I thought WE had Darren Bent. My near heart attack was a close call but i'm afraid you now owe me some new underwear as i seem to have shat myself :evil: Sorry, should have put it in quotes Your 'sorry' isn't going to clean my underwear lol.
  5. You really should apply some context to your sentence before putting comments like that! I just very nearly had a heart attack as I thought WE had Darren Bent. My near heart attack was a close call but i'm afraid you now owe me some new underwear as i seem to have shat myself :evil:
  6. Vlaar Vlaar whoever you may be You came from Holland with El Ahmadi You've got a bad knee and you've got short hair But you play for the villa so we don't care Or something like that?
  7. Vlaar vlaar whoever you may be You came from Holland with El Ahmadi you've got a bad knee and you've got short hair But you play for the villa so we don't care Or something like that?
  8. The Holte has been dire for a couple of years now, hopefully this season will be different.
  9. Is anybody else worried that after we've all got hyped up about this signing, that his past injury record might mean he fails his medical.....?
  10. I don't often agree with you but you're quite right on this!
  11. Gee thanks ;-) Although you want to be careful there are those who will rip your tongue out for merely suggesting that Richard did the person who gave you your info mention anything about Lerner looking for investment/to sell the Browns?
  12. Mat Kendrick ‏@MatKendrick I don't think Brad Guzan was on the flight home. But I'm told there's no truth in talk of him going on loan to Chivas or anywhere else.
  13. Hmm Im not sure how much i believe this, surely if it was true it would have got more attention in the English media maybe even a mention on the os?
  14. Wtf?? Where have u read this?? Link??
  15. And what if he was Lamberts number 1 target? What if Lambert has had to keep quiet because Lerner has told him that he must sell a CB before buying a new one. What if this has caused Vlaar to turn us down and we end up with a B or C target defender? Your scenarios could well be true but I think it's just as likely that it hasn't all gone to plan. I guess we'll only know when we see the defender we end up with however i suspect in terms of Vlaar no side will admit mistakes. Eternal pessimist. I get the feeling that you would be happy if we end up with choice B or C just so you can say i told you so!
  16. This has all gone strangely quiet :-/
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