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Everything posted by daggy_333

  1. Get French Football News‏ @GFFN 1m1 minute ago More Aston Villa have had a loan offer for Marseille midfielder Grégory Sertic rejected by the player; he wants to move to Spain or the MLS http://bit.ly/SertVilla
  2. Always such a happy soul You're like Sir Gary Cahills polar opposite
  3. Not everyone views our players with such rose tinted glasses as yourself SGC. Our current full backs are absolute garbage. Hutton although passionate is distinctly average and definitely getting worse. Bree deserves a chance but so far has shown he's got a lot of work to do and Taylor is quite frankly awful. He offers nothing going forward and is very easily beaten by opposition attackers.
  4. Well we need someone to replace Micah on the 'doing nothing to earn their salary list' when Micah leaves in the summer
  5. That sounds like a horrendous idea mate. He doesn't tackle when he plays in midfield. I'd sooner keep Taylor there and I think he's bloody awful.
  6. SGC this is why it's so hard to take you seriously. Outstanding and excellent aren't words that are used for players like RHM. They're used for top class established players. He may well become an outstanding player, who knows. But for now he's nothing more than a prospect.
  7. Are either of the 2 park LB's currently available?
  8. He's quite often not great. Usually if you criticize him though people give you shit for it. He slips under the radar way too often.
  9. Not allowed to criticize Conor he scores goals and gets some assists.
  10. Seriously? 1 player out of that 11 is his and that's the bloody goalkeeper!
  11. Apparently the WBA assistant manager is favourite for the Luton Town job too.
  12. You question why somebody thinks he's not going to cut it at this level and then state you think he'll do great at Cambridge. It's literally impossible to know how he will do at Cambridge. I'm hoping it'll be the making of him, a lot will depend on whether or not he can stay fit because up til now he looks very injury prone for such a young player.
  13. Lansbury is beginning to show his true form? Well if that's the case it's a good job he's got a contract for another 2 years, he might actually be showing some form by then.....
  14. Looked at fault for the 1st goal from where i was sat in the upper Doug Ellis, don't think he could be blamed for the 2nd and 3rd.
  15. One of the things i noticed yesterday was just how slow our team is. We have very little pace in our team. I'd love to see that rectified at some point!
  16. I thought we paid €7 million?
  17. Gives us a spine of young players and plenty of experience integrated into the team too.
  18. I'd go.... Steer Bree Elphick Revan Taylor Adomah JDH Lansbury El Ghazi O'Hare Hogan
  19. villareport‏ @villareport FollowingFollowing @villareport More Dean Smith has confirmed Axel Tuanzebe has had an operation and will miss 8-10 weeks, while Ørjan Nyland will miss the rest of the season after rupturing his achilles. [av] #avfc
  20. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/8097563/wolves-accepted-bid-aston-villa-kortney-hause/ Wolves have accepted a bid from Aston Villa for centre-back Kortney Hause
  21. I don't think we would recall Steer just to put him on the bench for one game.
  22. Wonder how Bunn and Moreira feel knowing that they're so bad that we've chosen to recall Steer effectively for one match before Kalinic joins
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