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Everything posted by Giro

  1. Yerp exactly that. No clear plan of what to do or where to be in the future We all laughed at arsenal but at least they have some idea on what they want to be
  2. Scenes when he scores from a cross-cum-shot on his debut I’ll see myself out………
  3. True but it’s always what if’s with this club Just frustrating
  4. I have a feeling this will bite us on the arse in years to come
  5. Proud brummie here, what a great job they did there
  6. There doing a good job of this ceremony I do love this city
  7. How come? Blocking the keepers vision? thought it was a legit goal
  8. Nope, absolutel zilch Has to be this tourney though
  9. It’s coming home great finish that is
  10. Agreed some shocking finishing here
  11. Giro


    Working from home has been disgusting today im dreading tonight’s sleep
  12. Apart from the weird esq “live laugh love” wording on the front I really like it
  13. Goffin absolutely fell apart
  14. That’s the frustrating thing, all the over levels are smashing it apart from main team. It’s like two steps forward but a hundred back
  15. God the senior team need to win something soon
  16. Birmingham’s number ones! Get the trophy parade going
  17. Nah moss is miles ahead of him
  18. Jon moss was defo the worst ref I’ve ever laid eyes on
  19. 48 quid for that that is absolutely pony
  20. James Justin definitely won a competition to play for England. Awful
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