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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. We are still living with the damage caused by Lerner. A lot of the bad feeling that supporters still feel has been brewing since those days. He really was a shambolic owner. A well intentioned idiot if you will! This bad feeling will not erode over night but we have made huge strides as a club under our new owners. Sometimes it’s hard to see that but just look at where we were 18 months ago and compare it to where we are now. Even relegation would not be a disaster now, although hopefully it will be avoided.
  2. When asked about transfers the other week, Dean said that they had lots of players in which they were interested and hopefully the press would not be aware of any of them. I think we could see a few left field signings that only hit the media as they are happening. Hopefully they are left field because nobody would ever have seen them coming rather than nobody has ever heard of them!
  3. Massive day in the South East for my two great sporting loves Villa and Leicester Tigers. Both face huge games that could go a long way to deciding whether either will be championship clubs next season. I cannot contemplate that happening to either so I am hoping for a double victory today. Both clubs used to beat Watford and Quins for fun. Those days are long gone for now but I have a feeling that today is going to be the turning point. Come on boys. Let’s bring the points back up the M1 where they belong!
  4. I think you are spot on. The insults that we throw at our team are so counter productive. We sit there wondering why Wesley looks low on confidence a second before calling him a three legged Donkey! It is ridiculous. It actually takes a bit of discipline to support your team properly. Whilst the 90 minutes is in action the best supporters get behind the team and lift them. VP has been toxic at times over the past few years and it is never helpful to the team. Towards the end of last season and at the start of this, everything clicked and the support was amazing. It really was spine tingling at times. The boys need us to stay at those levels of support and help the club stay up. It’s a massive few months ahead and our part in what unfolds is far from insignificant.
  5. Very good player who is still getting up to speed following injury. He will be back to his best soon. He still has a shot of going to the Euros with Belgium
  6. Trez is the summer signing that has impressed the least so far but you can see that he is trying too hard at the minute. He just needs to relax and find some confidence. Until that happens it is pretty difficult to judge him.
  7. Good comparison there to Bouma who was one of my favourite players. It took him a season to really settle in. Some of his first season performances were pretty poor but he went on to become a very consistent player. He is a top bloke too. I really don’t think we will see the best of our players until next season.
  8. M_Afro

    Ezri Konsa

    We have 4 good centre backs at the club now for the first time in years. To think that Chester is fifth choice is remarkable. You can really see how we are trying to build a competitive squad. It will take time but I’m sure we’ll get there with our owners.
  9. The whole of society is now geared towards instant gratification. You can watch box sets in a night where in the past you would have to do it over a period of 2 months. You get instant access to information on your phone when previously you would have had to go to a library. In short, people have forgotten how to be patient. Add to that the fact that you can instantly share your views whilst still in an emotional state! It’s a recipe for disaster. People have also lost the ability to see the bigger picture. Player A having a bad game = Player A is shit! I watched the match last night and Traore looks like an absolute world beater. I remember people on here calling him all sorts of things. I feel the same about lots of our summer signings. It is too early to write any of them off but in VT world most are not fit to play for Sutton Town. I remember as a kid waiting patiently for my Commodore 64 to load a game for me to play only for it to crash at the last minute. I didn’t lose my shit I just started again and read a bit more of Roy of the Rovers! Technology is a wonderful thing to which we all benefit significantly but it also has it’s downsides.
  10. We definitely would not have gone up last season without Jack but our all round team is much better now than last season. We would also have close to £100m burning a hole in our pockets following his sale. I would back us to bounce straight back up with a few carefully selected additions. Hopefully it will be immaterial as another win tomorrow sparks our climb back up the table to safety (said in hope more than any real expectation! :-)).
  11. I believe that Watford have one of the oldest teams in the league whereas we have one of the youngest. Surely that could work in our favour after such a short space in between matches? Watford have also been utter rank for most of 2019. If we can start strongly and put them under early pressure I think 3 points is there for the taking. Come on you Villa boys!!!!!
  12. Oh I do hope not! I know absolutely nothing about him but a quick google search tells me he is a young, diminutive and lightweight centre mid! We need power
  13. Target was poor yesterday but he was offered absolutely zero support from either Marvellous or AEG/Trez. We seem incapable of retaining a good defensive shape when we lose possession. It must be driving Dean and JT mad! It is so easy for any opposition midfield to get beyond ours and attack the flanks at will.
  14. Long is an interesting one. He is 32 and so it would need to be free and on a short term basis but he could play the role that we need him to play very well in my opinion. It would also be hilarious to witness the meltdown on here if we signed a striker who threatens the goal even less than Wesley .
  15. Pukki will never happen because (pick whichever you like): 1. Norwich will not sell him, 2. If they did you would have to pay a fortune, 3. Our board (thankfully) will not be spending a fortune on a 29 year old, 4. He really isn’t that good (similar to Hogan at Brentford it has just clicked for him at Norwich) Norwich have at least 3 or 4 players who are much better than Pukki. Absolutely love Buendia
  16. We won yesterday with him starting. Just sayin!
  17. I wonder if Chelsea would consider loaning Loftus Cheek. He is about due back from injury and they may let him go out for the remainder of the season to get him fully match fit. He would enable Jack to stay out wide and give us a creative threat down the middle. Add a pacy winger down the right and we would be transformed, particularly away from VP.
  18. He is another good football player who lacks pace. We have loads of those already. I like Snoddy but his time at VP has passed
  19. He is the best dribbler in the league. How he has not been capped by England yet is absurd. I really think that he could play for anybody. I would love to see him in a team with pace and movement. He would wreak havoc!
  20. We are lacking size and pace everywhere. Please only sign fast or big players or preferably both! One of the reasons that Wes is so deep is our inability/lack of threat to run in behind. A couple of pacy players would push the defence back, enable Wes to play higher up the pitch and also provide more space for the midfield players. Think back to the early Gabby and Young days. Teams were so scared of their pace that they used to always keep defenders fairly deep in their own half. It enabled Carew much higher up the pitch and our midfield were able to pick up second balls in and around the box.
  21. I think that Wesley is at his most effective dropping short to link the play and then making late runs into the box looking to get on the end of cut backs. Sadly, at the moment, none of our wide players are getting to the byline and pulling the ball back. He does need to work on other parts of his game but all the noise from the club suggests that he is doing just that. He has the attributes to be a good PL striker and I really hope he gets there with us.
  22. We have had more bad luck than good so far and it has clearly affected our confidence. Today was maybe the point when our luck started to turn. There is hope that Mings will be back on Saturday. It’s a big call to drop either of today’s centre halfs but I would throw Mings straight back in for Konsa. I know it will slightly unbalance us but Watford are a physical side and I think we will need both Ty and big Hause to match up against them. I think a point would actually be a decent result on Saturday although 3 would be most welcome.
  23. We are only half way through and a lot can change. Hopefully we have been through our terrible spell now and will find a bit of form to climb the table. We really are going to miss SJM and therefore a couple of well judged signings will be key to our success as well as avoiding any more injuries and suspensions.
  24. I actually thought that his general play was ok today. He definitely has ability but just seems another who is low in confidence. He will get better again in time.
  25. I think these players are better than those. We also have a much better structure in place than back then. We are on the up but it is never going to be continual upward motion.
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