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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hi General,

I know you dont like discussing transfers and your not in the know as such.. but im sure you know some things and dont want to reveal! I understand that... but just for 'expectational' purposes... are any signings going to be big signings ie.. over 10 million on one player.. or a big name signing? are these high profile players being looked at or have we spoken to any in the past but not worked out?

Its just so i dont be disappointed when so-so players are brought in only! I dont mind if they come along with a few high profile signings. Sorry again to bring it up :)

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Bit of a 'PS'.

I know you don't like answering transfer-related questions, but I'm sure you've gathered by now how important signings are to the fans? Whether the Board like it or not, part of the commercial allure of the Premier League is the speculation and sensation that goes with transfer activity. The reason you are asked so many questions is that Randy doesnt speak to the fans directly and MON doesnt like to dilvuge his thoughts.

You and the Board really need to think about how you address this issue. Saying words to the affect of 'we like to conduct our business behind closed doors' is professional, you're right, but we, the fans, who pay the wages and support the club's existence (along with Randy) want to know what's going on, what kind of players we're looking at (positions and numbers would be a start) and 'where we are'.

I'm sorry if this reality doesnt meet with the way the Board likes things to be done, but the reality of high petrol prices doesnt meet with the way I like to drive my car. That's just tough, isnt it?

Thanks - it's great to be able to discuss matters like this with Board members direct. I'm sorry if it's a bit difficult but it's not all going to be 'number of season tickets sold to-date' or 'directions to the train station' questions, is it?

General, I would like to say that I think that how we conduct our business is how we should be conducting it.

General, i would like to add my support here, it is frustrating but it is for the good of the club.

Can you imagine if we had let Germany know about the plans for the D Day landings?

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Hi General,

When is Barry going to sign that new contract? :winkold:

But seriously, thank you for that mammoth post a couple of pages back. We have a board of the utmost integrity and sense, and I fully trust that the end of this saga will not only result in the best deal for the club, but will strengthen the bond in the squad around players who are 100% committed to helping OUR club push into the top four. It's excellent to hear players like Ashley, Curtis and Nigel showing their ambition, but I fully believe that they want to do that here. And I believe in a few years time we will prove ourselves to be a top side in England, if not pushing into Europe's elite.

And our summer signings will truely reflect that ambition.

Keep up the good work. And try and get some time off.

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I understand that the club can not comment on players from other clubs (take note Liverpool), find it unwise not to comment on the type of players because of the unsettling effect it might have on the players currently playing in these positions. And telling everyone we will spend £X millions in the summer will only reveal to the selling clubs how much they can charge.

It would still be nice to know what to expect, so if you can come up with something a little more concrete it would of course be welcome. Remember, we are like little children on Christmas eve, wondering what Santa will bring this year. It will of course be revealed eventually, but it's a long wait until the end of August...

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On the subject of AVTV, I signed up to it again last summer after a call from the people selling it. I use a Mac rather than a PC, and during the 2006/7 season couldn't hear the commentaries or watch the videos. I was assured that the website would be updated for 2007/8 so signed up for another year - living abroad it would be great for me to have the service.

The promise never came true and so I've spent getting on for £70 in the last two years and had only normal website access for the privilege. It's disappointing to say the least...


I have the same problem!! I'm traveling abroad and sometimes I don't get a chance to catch the matches on TV, so I turn to the commentary on AVTV that I paid for. It never works on the MAC!! This is a big issue but I never mentioned it because it was typical for me to find a Windows computer. But I'd prefer to use my Mac!! Can this please be looked at!

Gracias, Brendan

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I know it's a bit early but could you find out if the youths shirts will be available in long sleeve.

This is important to me as my 12 year old has always supported ManU,but says this season he wants a long sleeve Villa top with 7 Young on the back.

Thank you in advance and I hope you can see why this is an issue for me. :)

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I asked this before but don't think you answered. Have you read Paul McGraths autobiography Back From The Brink. If not i would highly recommend it.

Very difficult to discover just what he went through. It also is kind of tragically ironic that a man who is loved and totally adored by so many can struggle to feel his own self worth. I can't imagine any villa fan gets through his story without a heavy heart. He is / and probably always will be the most loved player to pull on the shirt.

He was the most tallented player we ever got to watch on the pitch. If you get the chance to see some of his performances the year he won the PFA player of the year it will give you an insight into what makes a Legend at villa park. And you will also get to see how we appreciate players who put everything into every game.

You will also get to see some bloody cracking football.

The mcgrath story will also show you that, we don't require our players to perfect, but that they should follow his example and forget any issues ( Speculation about tranfering to a 'bigger' club could be an example.) they have when they step onto the pitch the only thing on their mind is giving their all for the shirt.

If you have already read the book and seen any of our games from that time period, can you see why at villa he is refered to as God ( Watching the way he played when he could not train, destroyed knees, and a huge alcohol problem has no other explaiation but a miracle. Bloody unbelievable).

And if so, does it help you see what wins the villa fans over. We can be an ungratefull moaning lot at times, and i imagine you can get very frustrated at our constant need for reausuring and lack of faith. But just look at how we repay and love those who show us that they will give everything they have for Aston Villa, that its in their hearts.

We never forget it. Listen next time your at a game, when a Paul McGrath song starts from in the ground, we all still love the man as much today as when he played.

It could not hurt the players to realise what makes a Villa hero. Go that extra mile for us and you will be thanked and remembered for it log after your career is finished.

Hopefully we can provide the success, but i wonder what will mean more when a player is an old man. The medals they won or that they can has left such an impression that their name is still being sung by thousands of people who still love and appreciate your effort. Which would you prefer if it was you ?

Sorry if i am telling you something you already know, but when you experience how we respond, first hand, to a player who gets even close to earning the support Big Paul gets . You will not be able to fully appreciate how they can lift the crowd and attmosphere. I hope you experience it in your time here.

I though Gareth Barry would achieve that status , which is a shame. The extreme affection that Mellberg will always get from us should give you some idea.

Thanks for giving us the oppertunity to let you know what we feel. Never let the repetative / doubting post get to you. The press and speculation in this country around football is so intense and confusing that we never know what to believe, and get frustrated. But i promise when you see / experience how much we show our appreciation for people like Paul McGrath. You will see the best of the Fans.


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Hi General,

Firstly I would just like to echo the views of many on here, and say thanks for all the good work you guys have put in to put our club firmly back on the map.

As we are all aware, the transfer season is well and truly in overdrive. My question is how is a transfer actually done? I’m sure most of us know the basics but I am interested to know exactly what goes on to make a transfer happen? Who is involved? What do the FA require etc…?

I understand you cannot disclose individual cases, but I thought perhaps this could be a way for us to understand what goes on behind the scenes & also answer a question I have always wanted to know!

Once again thanks, keep up the good work & I’m looking forward to the new season!

Up the Villa…

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General Krulak here:

1. hobbo: You may feel better for getting "it off your chest" but all you have done is cranked up my frustration level a few notches. Your post seems to take for granted that each transfer season we sit on our hands for the first 3/4th of the season and then pick up the scraps at the end. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Today we are working the transfer issue! Yesterday we were working the transfer issue! Tomorrow we will be working the transfer issue! We have brought in good players! We have spent money! Take a look at the roster and look at the players we have brought in....there are some quality lads there and they are the type of players that MON wants. Not every player who has a "single" name is the type who will fit in our system...yes, a "Fido" might sound like a good name to get but all he is interested in is a bone!! :lol: MON knows who he wants and who he needs...today and for the future...and is GOING AFTER THEM!! I sometimes feel that people believe it is as simple as picking up the phone...calling the manager/owner and putting in an offer and just waiting. :? It does NOT work that way. There are agents who fit right in the middle of all of this and add a degree of complexity that is amazing. There are other clubs who are also looking for "good players." There are regulations that must be followed, legal steps to be taken, etc. etc. When you, hobbo, make a comment like you make...it may lighten your load but it also indicates that you are not giving much thought to your statement. What makes a "failed" window??? That we didn't get a player of the calibre that you wanted?? That we somehow missed a possibility? Simply put, every window, to AVFC, as been pretty darn successful. Most were unhappy with this past winter BUT, the players we would have wanted just were not available. Not too many Clubs are going to be peddling their good players in the middle of the season.

2. Hobbo: You also want more "communications." Positions, numbers, amount to spend, etc. etc. Why would that make ANY sense to put on an open web site????? Why would you want your club to tip off our opposition and alert agents that they have a potential "goose that laid the golden egg"?? Come on!! PLEASE calm down about Transfers...we are working the issue...we are not sitting on our hands...Randy WILL support a budget that MON desires. I honestly do NOT know what more I can say about this.

3. We have sold approximately 12,000 season tickets so far...ahead of schedule. You will be able to purchase tickets at the Center City store in about two weeks.

4. We are looking at the collection box idea right now. As you can imagine, there are a few issues we need to resolve in this area.

5. Leaving after the game. At the end of a game, we would like to reach the situation where a fan, group of fans, family, etc. feel they have a good reason to remain at Villa Park to enjoy the area. Right now, we are not where we want to be to make that a reality. We are working on it.

6. Holte pub. As I have said before, we recognize the admission policy did not work too well this past year and we are looking at ways of improving itl. Bodymoor Heath. I do NOT recall ever having said that people cannot get a look at our training ground. What I might have said is that we have not set up a tour apparatus yet...but we will be doing so.

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Hey General,

I know its closed season but can you have a word with the boys who are in charge of AVTV Online. I'm paying the same amount this month as I would do during the season but there's been hardly any new videos recently. I think we've been lucky to get 1 a week. I understand the season is over but there should be more regular updates for us paying customers.


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Not every player who has a "single" name is the type who will fit in our system...yes, a "Fido" might sound like a good name to get but all he is interested in is a bone!!

Amusing that this is, I'm not sure I ever alluded to wanting 'single name' players. Still, you're probably right.

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General krulak here:

1. Roger up on the AVTV on line....I will get on it.

2. Hobbo: Interesting that out of my entire post you pick up on the tongue in cheek comment. Re-read....there are some important points that were made. You may not like them but they are my answer...whether liked or not. I can't do better than that.

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Just a quick note to say how excellent the ticket off staff were today, I popped in to renew 3 tickets including moving one to another seat and it was all sorted in a few minutes.

Hats off to Nikki Keye and her team!

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Hello Again General.. thanks for replying as below..

General Krulak here:

5. Leaving after the game. At the end of a game, we would like to reach the situation where a fan, group of fans, family, etc. feel they have a good reason to remain at Villa Park to enjoy the area. Right now, we are not where we want to be to make that a reality. We are working on it.

I don't know if I'm missing the point General, or if you are ! What I am trying to say is I for one already WOULD prefer to stay in the Ground longer after the end of the game - without any incentives etc, (other than be able to have a cuppa and watch the TV for 15 minutes), yet at the Q & A session the Club said basically to the effect that as everybody left so quickly it didn't appear there was any 'demand' - yet how could there be when we have to leave ?

Likewise before the game the doors now open much later than they did two years ago, yet I know you have said the Club would like fans in longer...

Anyway, I'm sure there are more crucial things going on so I won't keep on ! Suffice to say if the doors are open longer at the beginning / end you may see people spending longer anyway ..

As always, thanks for listening..

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General, this may have been answered already but is there any chance of a better selection of lagers on match day? I understand you probably have an exclusive deal going on but quite frankly it's disgusting and it would be nice to be able to have a pint of Stella/Carlsberg Export/Red Stripe/anything nice!

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General, with regard to the official website, are the club contractually obliged to stay with PremiumTV, what are the plans going forward, have the club considered hosting and developing the site themselves?


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On that,

I'd just like to say the new website is much better than the old one - it's easier to use and it gives all the information we need (even if we'd like it to say "Villa have signed xxxxx" a few more times ;)

Personally I think it does exactly what we need from an OS.

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Hello General,

I have yet to post on thread as I haven't had a question that I deem necessary of taking up your time however having read the same old questions being fired at you in the main I would just like to say that for every fan with his/her head in the clouds complaining about what we appear to be/not be doing there are 10 fans I'm sure extremely happy with the club.

I am honestly proud to be a Villa fan at present, the Acorns deal is brilliant and the club is moving forward, for the first time in years I'm trully excited about what we can achieve next year without being unrealistic. I trust MON and the Board 100%.

Keep up the good work!!

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As an ex-military (RAF) man I find it very reassuring to have a military man in such a position at Aston Villa F.C.

I have a question/possible suggestion:

What would your take be on a Military Match Day to support all of our troops in Afghan/Iraq etc? It is just an idea but I believe it could give the crowd a great lift prior to the match seeing RAF/Army/Navy personal Marching on to the pitch with Aston Villa, and maybe a donation to one of the many Armed Forces charities. This may be best suited to the Aston Villa vs Manchester United game as this has caused us some problems in the past ;-)

Best Regards,


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Before my post can I just say that a) I agree with you about transfers but B) I can understand the frustration of Hobbo. We live for football , and inparticular, Villa - we just crave something to talk about and get our "juices flowing" - thats all.

Two things and yes one is related to Barry - but a genuine question.

1. Re Barry. Will there be a point (or is it now) where Villa turn around to Liverpool and say "Look, we have told you our stance, unless you meet our criteria by (such and such a date) that is the end of the matter - ie: put a deadline on it, because, although it doesn't affect our transfers, I would have thought it will affect the training / prep for season - ie: we need to appoint a new captain if he does go (well I would have thought we will if he stays anyway, can't see how you can have a guy who has said he wants to leave as captain), start planning starting team for Intertoto etc....

2. Has this whole sordid business put Villa off dealing with Liverpool in the future (presume you can't answer that)

3. It has been reported that Barrys testimonial was scheduled for Aug. 9th and has now been shelved , being replaced by a friendly - is there any truth to any of that ?.

4. Is the Acorns deal one year - and if so, are we renogotiating with sponsors for next year.

5. If so, a suggestion. If you could pay for the season ticket over twelve months , and instead of paying interest, the Villa put, lets say a £2 pm charge on - giving that to Acorns, everyone would be a winner - Villa fans would get their tickets at the going rate, we would keep ST renewals up and Acorns would be guarenteed half a million quid every year from Villa fans. - what do you think.

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