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General Next Manager Topic?? (everything other than Lambert)


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Unless the new manager coming in has been out of work for some time and would just be glad to get the job such as Bruce or Curbs, then to pry a current Premiership manager away from his club will have to include a promise from the chairman to provide funds for a major rebuilding job. They simply won't come otherwise.

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I think if massive backing from the chairman was on the cards we'd have had better managers than McLaren and McLeish lined up.

I agree in principle that we need a new approach, but it will take any manager more than a summer to sort this mess out, and I really dont think there's the patience around the club to sit through another rubbish season.

On the other hand I wouldn't fancy being the manager stepping in to the job either, for that reason I think we'd struggle to get any of the names being thrown around. I'd imagine the manager's all stick together and like the media most probably consider McLeish to be unfairly treated by the Villa fans, I doubt that would inspire them to fill his shoes.

For those reasons more than anything else I think we'll keep McLeish, not because he's doing well but because there's little interest from elsewhere.

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I think people are expecting an instant massive turnaround when we appoint a new manager. The reality is our squad isnt good enough and any manager coming in will struggle IMO.

I disagree. I don't think people expect a massive turnaround. Most people aren't that stupid. They know we no longer have Young, Downing, Barry & Milner. They know this squad isn't the one that got us 6th. But there is a realistic expectation of some kind of a turnaround. If you accept that McLeish is a poor manager and that for a long time we weren't a million miles off midtable, then ANY kind of a better manager should have us midtable with the squad we have right now over the course of a season.

If you don't think we could be higher with what we have then it follows that you must think McLeish has done a representative job with what was at his disposal and by extension that he hasn't failed.

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I'd like Martinez, Billic, Poyet.

Fresh from the ever reliable source of information that is Twitter:

Dean Jones ‏ @DJones_People

Slaven Bilic to leave Croatia job = He's on his way to the Prem

If true, you'd have to think it's to West Brom right? But I guess you never know in football...

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I think people are expecting an instant massive turnaround when we appoint a new manager. The reality is our squad isnt good enough and any manager coming in will struggle IMO.

I disagree. I don't think people expect a massive turnaround. Most people aren't that stupid. They know we no longer have Young, Downing, Barry & Milner. They know this squad isn't the one that got us 6th. But there is a realistic expectation of some kind of a turnaround. If you accept that McLeish is a poor manager and that for a long time we weren't a million miles off midtable, then ANY kind of a better manager should have us midtable with the squad we have right now over the course of a season.

If you don't think we could be higher with what we have then it follows that you must think McLeish has done a representative job with what was at his disposal and by extension that he hasn't failed.

I'd accept us being safe with 6 or 7 games to go.

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I think people are expecting an instant massive turnaround when we appoint a new manager. The reality is our squad isnt good enough and any manager coming in will struggle IMO.

I disagree. I don't think people expect a massive turnaround. Most people aren't that stupid. They know we no longer have Young, Downing, Barry & Milner. They know this squad isn't the one that got us 6th. But there is a realistic expectation of some kind of a turnaround. If you accept that McLeish is a poor manager and that for a long time we weren't a million miles off midtable, then ANY kind of a better manager should have us midtable with the squad we have right now over the course of a season.

If you don't think we could be higher with what we have then it follows that you must think McLeish has done a representative job with what was at his disposal and by extension that he hasn't failed.

Exactly. However, a new manager would be able to at least give us a couple more wins (and less draws) and have the team playing in a way that isn't soul-crushing and negative.
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If you don't think we could be higher with what we have then it follows that you must think McLeish has done a representative job with what was at his disposal and by extension that he hasn't failed.

It's not as simple as that, mostly it depends on the manager or rather the type of manager. Get MoN in here and we'll be midtable easy, the players know his style of football and are comfortable with it, he's a better McLeish.

However, get a footballing manager in here and I think we get worse before we get better, a lot of the players at the club simply cant adapt to that type of play, hence the reasons Houllier struggled last season with what is largely considered to be a better squad than we have now.

The only thing that may affect that is the summer transfer window, but I really cant see the numbers of players leaving and coming in needed to make a change in style work.

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Unless there is a massive turnaround 'BOF' then it will be Groundhog Day next season again. I simply don't think that bringing in a new manager and asking him to work under the same present conditions will result in much of an improvement. Our squad is just too poor in quality.

For me its all about the right combination this time. The right manager with the right funds to take the club by the scruff of the neck and turn it around.

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You're right in a broader context stanthemanisgod but I don't think it particularly applies in McLeish's case. He hasn't tried to overly change the way these players play. Houllier had one season which is not long enough to stamp any long lasting effect on a footballer. Before that not enough of them played in footballing sides that could explain our form. He simply managed them badly.

However, to go back to your point, that is the one worry I would have about bringing Martinez in. His would be a seismic shift in our footballing ethos whereas Lambert would be able to work with what we have. He could take his tactics and formations and apply them to our players and he'd be able to get them comfortably and immediately up the league. Martinez might work out wonderfully and to be honest I think he would succeed, but we might have that initial dip.

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I don't understand how you can think that Morpheus. Honestly I don't. If you think any manager would only do as well as McLeish has, then you must think McLeish has done fairly OK and that it is solely down to the 'present conditions' rather than him contributing too.

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I think the next manager, can lift the side and in reality it won't be hard to improve on this season will it? We should be finishing mid-table, also this crap about McLeish not having money, he had £20million, more money than he ever had at Birmingham and he messed it up. He purchased N'Zogbia who has been awful, purchased a RB we didn't need, bought in an injury prone midfielder. He tactically hasn't got a clue.

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Gardner, Herd & Lichaj will be one season more ready aswell. They'll have the likes of Johnson knocking on the door too. In fairness to Eck, we were almost demanding that N'Zogbia be signed to replace Downing. We did also need a rightback with Luke Young leaving. Though Hutton hasn't worked out (I thought he would). At the time they looked like good signings, particularly N'Zogbia.

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Gardner, Herd & Lichaj will be one season more ready aswell. They'll have the likes of Johnson knocking on the door too. In fairness to Eck, we were almost demanding that N'Zogbia be signed to replace Downing. We did also need a rightback with Luke Young leaving. Though Hutton hasn't worked out (I thought he would). At the time they looked like good signings, particularly N'Zogbia.

Herd had played at RB and played against possibly the most direct winger in the league and got no joy out of him, plus we had Cuellar, Lichaj, we desperately needed a LB. We also needed a CM who could win the ball but we bought in Jenas. As for N'Zogbia, I still have faith with a better manager we will see a better N'Zogbia.

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Mad to not go for AVB, older players are not in the same class as Drogba so can **** right off if they try and unsettle the style, KMac would complement his type of play and we already are the project that he was trying to achieve at Chelsea.

Could be the best thing ever that his reputation was tarnished, ahhh speculation in a foreign language, brilliant!

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