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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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. Author and former professor of nuclear physics Dr. Gerald Schroeder compares the likelihood of mere chance being the cause behind the universe and life to the odds of winning the lottery three times in a row:

“Before you collect your third winnings, you will be on your way to jail for having rigged the results. The probability of winning three in a row, or three in a lifetime, is so small as to be negligible.”

Julie, how many times do you need to be told? Evolution is not a process of mere chance! It is a process of mutation strictly filtered through natural selection, there's no 'chance' about it!

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I cant be bothered.But thats easily explained.


Look up the RIGHT university...Its located in Brighton. Not that it matters.

Im worn out....You guys win...I cant be bothered to keep refuting everything you say with posting links to proper qualified people in the said field to explain the whys and hows.

All I can say to rest of you reading this thread...Just keep an open mind and dont believe all see in the media and on TV....Remember they once told us Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, what a load of bollox that was. They dont know sh1t!

Proper new age scientists(not just your old foggies of yesteryear) are more and more turning to creation(of some sort) due to flaws in evolution. They search in the bible and see it has substance not to be denied.

Good luck in your travels....And Julie dont let them grind you down...They know Jack Sh1t!

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there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science.

You keep repeating this, but haven't explained what this evidence is that's making people question the standards of science and 'anthrapology'.

Please expand on this a bit.

I gave a link earlier in the thread to a 45 minute slide show concerning Out of Place artifacts. It has NOTHING to do with the Watchtower. It is a collection of evidence put together by Klaus Dona. It is only a small sample but nevertheless interesting and asks some very pertinent questions as to the true History of Mankind.

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I cant be bothered.But thats easily explained.

Stop putting your hands up and saying "I can't be bothered" or "do your own research", if it's so easy to explain, explain it!

Im worn out....You guys win...I cant be bothered to keep refuting everything you say with posting links to proper qualified people in the said field to explain the whys and hows.

You're yet to post a link to any material by qualified people. You've repeatedly posted links to creationist websites or to material written by people who don't have relevant qualifications or have been repeatedly shown up as putting forth bad science.

All I can say to rest of you reading this thread...Just keep an open mind and dont believe all see in the media and on TV....Remember they once told us Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, what a load of bollox that was. They dont know sh1t!

Open mind? You're the one that started this thread just to preach a load of nonsense about magic boats and mythical floods. You have come into this thread 'knowing' that you are right, and you leave still 'knowing' that you are right despite the number of times that your posts have been proven incorrect. The frustrating thing about you fundies is that you are completely closed minded, you reject or ignore any and all evidence that contradicts your beliefs, and even worse, see this as a point of virtue!

Proper new age scientists(not just your old foggies of yesteryear) are more and more turning to creation(of some sort) due to flaws in evolution. They search in the bible and see it has substance not to be denied.

Simply not true. If you spent any time with any real scientists, instead of just believing the crap you're taught in church you'd know that creationism and intelligent design are regarded by the scientific community as having the same merit as 'flat earth theory'.

Good luck in your travels....And Julie dont let them grind you down...They know Jack Sh1t!

Clearly. What do you do exactly? What makes you qualified to question all of modern science? What do you know that we don't?

Steakandcheese and JulieB - you're both decently intelligent human beings, I urge you to go and actually learn something about science from real scientists. Open a biology textbook if needs be. Read some scientific journals or articles, there are thousands of them available for free on google scholar.

Open your minds, put down your Bibles and come into the real world.

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Julie, how many times do you need to be told? Evolution is not a process of mere chance! It is a process of mutation strictly filtered through natural selection, there's no 'chance' about it!

Dr. Gerald Schroeder's words were referring to the Origin of Life and the Universe NOT Evolution.

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Julie, how many times do you need to be told? Evolution is not a process of mere chance! It is a process of mutation strictly filtered through natural selection, there's no 'chance' about it!

Dr. Gerald Schroeder's words were referring to the Origin of Life and the Universe NOT Evolution.

The origin of life is directly related to abiogenesis and evolution. As for the origin of the universe being mere 'chance', you are suggesting an even more improbable event in that a supreme being popped into existence by 'chance'. Be honest and admit that the nature of universal origin is currently unknown to all. One day we may learn what really happened, but for now we know nothing, and it is better to accept a lack of knowledge than to simply say 'God did it, you can't prove otherwise, I win! NANANANANANA'

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Are you having a laugh Anthony or what?

I specifically remember being lambasted on VT for including Evolution and the Origin of Life & the Universe under the same wrapper by one VT poster as proof that I didn't understand Science.

I note with interest absolutely no comment that two Scientists with Nuclear Physics degrees have become Jehovah's Witnesses one who

was actually studying the Bible and assessing Evolution as at the same time as obtaining his doctorate in theoretical nuclear physics.

Both of whom expressed their beleifs openly to their peers and employers without ridicule or fear of redundancy and continued to both

serve their God and their particular chosen field of Science successfully.

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I note with interest absolutely no comment that two Scientists with Nuclear Physics degrees have become Jehovah's Witnesses one who was actually studying the Bible and assessing Evolution as at the same time as obtaining his doctorate in theoretical nuclear physics.

Both of whom expressed their beleifs openly to their peers and employers without ridicule or fear of redundancy and continued to both serve their God and their particular chosen field of Science successfully.

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Are you having a laugh Anthony or what?

I specifically remember being lambasted on VT for including Evolution and the Origin of Life & the Universe under the same wrapper by one VT poster as proof that I didn't understand Science.

I note with interest absolutely no comment that two Scientists with Nuclear Physics degrees have become Jehovah's Witnesses one who

was actually studying the Bible and assessing Evolution as at the same time as obtaining his doctorate in theoretical nuclear physics.

Both of whom expressed their beleifs openly to their peers and employers without ridicule or fear of redundancy and continued to both

serve their God and their particular chosen field of Science successfully.

They're not under the same banner, but saying that a comment on the origin of life is not a comment on evolution is incorrect. Your comment about the nuclear physicists is largely irrelevant, it is in no doubt that there will be some scientists who do hold fundamentalist religious beliefs, but these are no more than a handful in comparison to the millions of scientists who believe creationism to be nothing more than a fairy tale.

You also made an important point about these JWs expressing their beliefs to their peers and not having to fear redundancy - this is because scientists, for the most part, aren't dicks. If a person is a talented nuclear physicist, who can competently perform the job that is asked of them, that is all that matters. Whether they believe in fairies, Gods, demons, angels etc. is up to them, the only requirement is that their personal beliefs do not interfere with their scientific endeavours.

Personally, if I ran a physics department and found out two of my researchers were creationists, it wouldn't bother me one jot. I might think that they were completely batshit insane, but I wouldn't discriminate against them if they continued to produce good work.

edit: I'd like to contrast the above with the possibility of the opposite - a JW who goes to university to study biology and later returns to his KH thinking evolution to be accurate, well evidenced and a far more likely explanation of the origin of human life on Earth. What kind of response would they get? Would the members of the congregation welcome him with open arms? Or would they revile him as an apostate under the influence of Satan?

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Previous page Mike. I have not got time to trail through endless research on t'internet to try and match your exact criteria but at least it was a couple of Scientists with Nuclear Physics degrees whose life stories I vaguely remembered so I had a quick search.

Edit: Of course neither Nuclear Physists are Creationists, however they beleive in Creation (their is a difference) but your secondary requirement was a belief in the Bible including of course the Flood account.

Anthony if Universities can withold their ridicule from valued members of their staff who are Jehovah's Witnesses why is it that VT members think it's right and proper to goad and ridicule JWs even in threads which has no connection to any religious subject? Not that it any longer bothers me...I just think it's a bit sad.

edit: I'd like to contrast the above with the possibility of the opposite - a JW who goes to university to study biology and later returns to his KH thinking evolution to be accurate, well evidenced and a far more likely explanation of the origin of human life on Earth. What kind of response would they get? Would the members of the congregation welcome him with open arms? Or would they revile him as an apostate under the influence of Satan?

I'm sure these will exist however NO child of any Jehovah's Witness is baptised as a child it is up to each one to make their own decision. Two of my children have attended University and obtained degrees. All three have chosen not to follow their mother's faith. However contrary to your post I supported them and in fact made sacrifices financially so that I could help them with living costs while they obtained their degrees. I've never stopped loving them and they are made more than welcome by me when they come home and indeed by all of the congregation. One of my sons lives in Newcastle and members of another congregation who I am good friends with have assisted him and he has a home with them whenever he wants.

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.I cant be bothered to keep refuting everything you say with posting links to proper qualified people in the said field to explain the whys and hows.

As I keep pointing out, you haven't managed to do that once. All your scientists are fakes, fraudsters and charlatans. They are part of a huge fraudulent industry that milks money from the 40% of the American population that believes this crap. The 40% of the American population are the dumbest, there is actually a correlation between IQ and believing in this young earth creationism, the higher the IQ the lesser the chance you believe this crap

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And perhaps a good place to wrap up is that as I alluded to last night ANY VT Atheists who took part in Halloween celebrations a few nights ago were actually commemerating the Flood and it's consequences, whilst no doubt scoffing at this thread and the deluge as an event.

The Encyclopedia Americana says: “Elements of the customs connected with Halloween can be traced to a Druid ceremony in pre-Christian times. The Celts had festivals for two major gods—a sun god and a god of the dead (called Samhain), whose festival was held on November 1, the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The festival of the dead was gradually incorporated into Christian ritual.”—(1977), Vol. 13, p. 725.

The book The Worship of the Dead points to this origin: “The mythologies of all the ancient nations are interwoven with the events of the Deluge . . . The force of this argument is illustrated by the fact of the observance of a great festival of the dead in commemoration of the event, not only by nations more or less in communication with each other, but by others widely separated, both by the ocean and by centuries of time. This festival is, moreover, held by all on or about the very day on which, according to the Mosaic account, the Deluge took place, viz., the seventeenth day of the second month—the month nearly corresponding with our November.” (London, 1904, Colonel J. Garnier, p. 4) Thus these celebrations actually began with an honoring of people whom God had destroyed because of their badness in Noah’s day.
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