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The Welfare System and Children


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Obviously the true amount is hard to find, as so many people spend such a lot of their time trying to lie about and conceal it, including contributors to this site.

Lots of VTers with millions squirrelled away in Zurich bank accounts you reckon?! :shock:

Who said that...?

Are you saying that Tax evasion/Trident/Avoidence does not happen...?

Did you not see the "including contributors to this site" bit? I don't think anybody on here has Trident in their back garden, no.


What on Earth are you on about - Do you even no what Trident is. If you do I would love to here your views on it...?

Has any one mentioned that some one has Trident in there back garden...! was it reported in the Daily Mail...? If so it must be true.

When was Trident last used...?

Do we really need to have Trident...?

Thats the point....Not does some one have it in their Garden....!


Sigh. I await the end of the school holidays with impatience, Off Topic used to be the one place you could expect a decent discussion.

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Obviously the true amount is hard to find, as so many people spend such a lot of their time trying to lie about and conceal it, including contributors to this site.

Lots of VTers with millions squirrelled away in Zurich bank accounts you reckon?! :shock:

Who said that...?

Are you saying that Tax evasion/Trident/Avoidence does not happen...?

Did you not see the "including contributors to this site" bit? I don't think anybody on here has Trident in their back garden, no.


What on Earth are you on about - Do you even no what Trident is. If you do I would love to here your views on it...?

Has any one mentioned that some one has Trident in there back garden...! was it reported in the Daily Mail...? If so it must be true.

When was Trident last used...?

Do we really need to have Trident...?

Thats the point....Not does some one have it in their Garden....!


Sigh. I await the end of the school holidays with impatience, Off Topic used to be the one place you could expect a decent discussion.

Your looking forward to the new term - good to hear, Dont forget your uniform, dinner money and your hat

Quite an intelligent one then - Nice to see you couldnt answer the questions.

Stick to the x factor page



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Hmmm. Social mobility.

Ironically, it was probably easier in the "bad old days" when I wor a lad. Back then, you had your working class who actually had jobs to do, in manufacturing industry, etc., a middle class of managers, teachers and other "professionals", and the aristocracy.

If you came from a working class family like I did, you either got a job in the factory, or you went to grammar school and university (full grant, natch) and had the chance to get one of those middle class jobs. Less than 5% of the population had a degree, and it was highly prized, unlike now.

Nowadays, education costs a **** fortune, and everybody is chasing spurious "service industry" jobs, but with no fallback for the non-academic types - the manufacturing industries are long gone. So if you don't succeed academically, you're probably condemned to a life on welfare, with all the lack of self-esteem that goes with it. The alternative? Thirty thousand quid of debt (for starters), and a 2.2 B.A. in media studies and fashion design from the university of shitsville, which is going to get you precisely nowhere.

It ain't good.

EDIT: (Continued some time later...) I think what I'm getting at is that the British working class has, if not exactly ceased to exist, at best shrunk catastrophically - to be replaced by an underclass who have little hope of betterment.

This started to happen in the depression of the 1930s, but was reversed by an upturn in heavy manufacturing (largely boosted by the coming of WWII).

This time even a war won't help, as wars are fought by computers and missiles, not by ships and tanks.

And it's exacerbated by the race/immigration factor. The Windrush generation of West Indian immigrants faced horrendous racism, but they did on the whole find it easy to get jobs (that's why they'd been invited here in the first place) - labourers, factory workers, nurses etc.

And the south Asian influx (again, despite facing white predjudice) had more of a tradition of entrepreneurialism, (hence all the corner shops and restaurants), and betterment through education.

But the former jobs have dwindled, and the latter careers are massively oversubscribed.

What do employers do in times of a labour glut? They lower wages and increase hours, because they know people are desperate. It's all very well castigating a single mother for living off benefits, but if the alternative is a shit job that won't cover the cost of childcare, can you blame her?

And of course there ARE people willing to do those jobs - the next generation of immigrants (e.g. the eastern Europeans), who are already so badly off they will put up with it. And so they are exploited - but then exploitation is what capitalism is all about, after all - AND hated by the indigenous poor locals into the bargain.

Meanwhile, the sink estates and the run-down terraces are full of disenfranchised youth (often the children of the unemployed themselves) - black, white, Asian - with no future, little money, and a bombardment by the media of the message: "Look! Toys! Things! Stuff! Have it! Have it NOW!" And people wonder why they don't behave like The Famous Five.

I'm glad I'm not starting out again now from the council estate I grew up on. This time I don't think I'd have a chance.

Sounds similar (with some differences) to what my country has (and still is) experienced for decades.

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.. I think what I'm getting at is that the British working class has, if not exactly ceased to exist, at best shrunk catastrophically - to be replaced by an underclass who have little hope of betterment...
The longer post is very interesting and probably pretty close to the truth, but the quoted bit seems at odds with how things seem from here.

I'm not really sure how anyone defines, exactly, various "classes" but I would assume that the people who clean, who build, who repair, who sell, who serve, who call-centre, who manufacture, who dismantle, who install, who pick and dig, who drive, who cook ...etc are what most people would assume to be workers or working class.

Yes some people from abroadia have come to the UK and do some of that, but there's still a F-ton of UK born people who do all this stuff. People who basically have to do what they're told, when they're told.

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Wow he didn't say that very well observed and a fantastic contribution to this thread - What shall we talk about now, perhaps what exactly do bears get up to in woods or perhaps what came first the chicken or the egg. I am sure you would be able to make another superb contribution.........!


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As a teenage mom and a single mom, I personally experience the shitty people who breed kids out there who aint fit to be classed as a parent!

My solution to this crappy system is unless you have paid into the system you shouldnt be allowed to take out the system! I was working from 16, I had my son at 18 worked nights to feed him put clothes on his back and roof over his head.

Yes i ve gone on to have other children but they were a result of a 5yr relationship that went tits up due to the death of my son, but I went back to work when my son was 6 weeks old and I am currently not working due to having a disabled child, but i have just applied to work for betterware so i can take my disabled daughter to work with me and I am hoping to start working soon!

These lazy moms who's 5year olds are at school and who sit on their fat asses all day smoking and drinking should be stopped. People who have never paid into the system should not be given council houses, I had to rent privately my first place and it was pokey. I never spend a penny of my kids money on anything but stuff for my children..

My other problem is people who dont know their kids dads......if they are that incapable of closing their legs and taking a name of the person who is gonna impregnate them then hell should they have kids......and that is aimed at my sister!!

Dads should pay for their kids but into trust funds so incapable mothers dont spend it on drugs and drink!

Oh and vouchers wouldnt work much as i got milk vouchers and the postman used to steal my vouchers!!!!

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As a teenage mom and a single mom, I personally experience the shitty people who breed kids out there who aint fit to be classed as a parent!

My solution to this crappy system is unless you have paid into the system you shouldnt be allowed to take out the system! I was working from 16, I had my son at 18 worked nights to feed him put clothes on his back and roof over his head.

Yes i ve gone on to have other children but they were a result of a 5yr relationship that went tits up due to the death of my son, but I went back to work when my son was 6 weeks old and I am currently not working due to having a disabled child, but i have just applied to work for betterware so i can take my disabled daughter to work with me and I am hoping to start working soon!

These lazy moms who's 5year olds are at school and who sit on their fat asses all day smoking and drinking should be stopped. People who have never paid into the system should not be given council houses, I had to rent privately my first place and it was pokey. I never spend a penny of my kids money on anything but stuff for my children..

My other problem is people who dont know their kids dads......if they are that incapable of closing their legs and taking a name of the person who is gonna impregnate them then hell should they have kids......and that is aimed at my sister!!

Dads should pay for their kids but into trust funds so incapable mothers dont spend it on drugs and drink!

Oh and vouchers wouldnt work much as i got milk vouchers and the postman used to steal my vouchers!!!!

Firstly appologies for the death of your son you sound like a brave and committed mother.

You seem very passionate about this and very angry I dont know if you have read through previous posts.

I have a few questions for you

you seem very angry that people aren't being part of society/community

"These lazy moms who's 5year olds are at school and who sit on their fat asses all day smoking and drinking should be stopped"

Why do you think these Mums are not working - were they born with this attitude, is it because they had a lack of role models when they were growing up, a lack of education, a lack of cultural capital, little aspirations, did they grew up around people who were unemployed.

How can you expect the majority of these people to be part of a community when they have not been given a community to be part of....? This mainly stems from an underclass current which has been created by the Cameron's mentor Thatcher. Plus with a little help from the Daily mail...!

3-4 Million people were made unemployed in the 1980s through manufacturing industries which were viscously shut down. These jobs had for a long time provided lots of families with a hard working ethic, when these jobs were taken away so was the work ethic. 3-4 million people had 3-4 million wives/ girlfriends who had children and so the underclass was born unfortunately.

What amazes me, is the staggering lack of ignorance from some that some how think getting away with £ 60 + on Benefits is worse then a businessman evading 10 millions pounds per year through tax evasion/avoidance which is the equivalent to estimates of between 40 -120 billion pounds per year...!

Are you more concerned about a single mum getting benefits then a businessman getting away with 10 million though tax evasion/avoidance. If so then this is the problem

Then you have got Trident as well...! What are your view on this 2 billion for something we have never used and we are never hopefully/likely going to use...!

Can you answer me this....?

How many School, education resources center, loans, capital enterprise schemes, policemen, Doctors, Fireman, social workers, youth club centers, Houses, jobs, local businesses, ect ect ect could 1 Billion pounds pay for let alone 120 billion pay for.( The amount estimated by our current government for tax evasion/avoidance)

people need to get things in to perspective and stop going along with the Tabloid trash with is consumed so readily and ignorantly on a consistent basis.

In Villa terms its a bit like moaning about getting rid of Hogg and Osbourne when we have got rid of Downing, Young and Millner - RIDICULOUS

Do you think this would then help with Social Mobility.....?

Great to hear you views.

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