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If I do too many chin ups or if I go a while without them and then go back to them, I will have damn near pulled my ab muscles by the end, so I know they are very much being activated.

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Anti-extension and anti-rotation exercises like roll-outs, RKC planks, Pallof presses and suitcase carries are awesome for strengthening the core and are worth doing even if your abs aren't visible, as they can help with the big lifts. But sometimes it's good just to get a bit of a pump with some old school crunches and raises. 

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I'm pretty lean everywhere else, it's just the lower stomach that is protruding out a little.

I would have thought crunches, obliques and planks would have done the job, i just tend to skip abs more than any other body part.  I train 4-5 times a week plus play footy so I get my cardio out of that.

Goal is to add more mass, max in the gym i would do approx 5 minutes of cardio lol

It's something I'm going to accept as I too aim to put on more muscle mass, other than 45 minutes of boxing each week I'm not doing much which would give me definition in the abs region. Once I've reached a size I'm happy with I'll do some form of cut phase with more cardio and a lean diet. Then again, I rarely get my top off for anyone other than the Mrs so I'd much rather have good shape in a t-shirt than ripped abs!

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I'm pretty lean everywhere else, it's just the lower stomach that is protruding out a little.

I would have thought crunches, obliques and planks would have done the job, i just tend to skip abs more than any other body part.  I train 4-5 times a week plus play footy so I get my cardio out of that.

Goal is to add more mass, max in the gym i would do approx 5 minutes of cardio lol

It's something I'm going to accept as I too aim to put on more muscle mass, other than 45 minutes of boxing each week I'm not doing much which would give me definition in the abs region. Once I've reached a size I'm happy with I'll do some form of cut phase with more cardio and a lean diet. Then again, I rarely get my top off for anyone other than the Mrs so I'd much rather have good shape in a t-shirt than ripped abs!

ha ha I'm the same, more about the chest and sleeve hugging t shirt effect for me right now

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Ok I'm putting a stop to this now. Had a heavy weekend that we won't go into here and today was my first trip back to gym. Have you ever left the gym like it was a shock to the system, like you were ill with shivering muscles? Well that was me this evening. Got everything done but it was much harder than it should have been and I was only fit for bed. Back on the straight and narrow from tomorrow. F**k that.

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If I do too many chin ups or if I go a while without them and then go back to them, I will have damn near pulled my ab muscles by the end, so I know they are very much being activated.

One thing I never did, that maybe I should have made at least an attempt at is a chin up .....or for me chins up 

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I've been going to the gym for 3 years now (properly) and I still struggle with pull ups.

I can manage a pretty decent set of 10 but it takes everything out of me. The sets that follow will be 6, 4, 3 or something like that.

I'm still not strong enough for my weight to manage it.

But when I started I literally couldn't do a single one. So I'm getting there!

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I have a weird issue with pull-ups. Like Stevo, my consecutive bodyweight sets drop off significantly (13,10,9,7 last time out). However, I can do 4 sets of 6 with 25kg around my waist no problem. I've tried adding 25kg after three bodyweight sets and still hit 6 reps. I can't figure out why my reps on the fourth set reps are always similar, even if I'm 25kg lighter... 

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It's just bodyweight, for me anyway, is a lot to pull in that movement.

I weigh 95kg ish. I wouldn't be able to lat pulldown anywhere near that (with decent form anyway) and it's a similar movement.

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I'm 110kg so that probably has something to do with it but I can't imagine I'd be able to lift 25kg more for the nearly the same amount of reps on my final set for any other exercise!

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any of you great hulks out there ever tried intermittent fasting?

I've decided to give it a go for a month to recalibrate as it were. Started yesterday on the 'leans gains' approach which is essentially a 16 hour fast followed by an 8 hour eating window where you get all of your calories whether it be on a bulk, cut or maintenance.

Now the only issue I have is it is recommended that you break your fast post workout with your biggest meal and only consume BCAAs as your source of pre workout nutrition. I understand the logic behind that but I'm not sure how well that's going enhance my performance in the gym. In actual fact I think it's more likely to inhibit it. I can possibly understand it if you train first thing in the morning but like many I train around 5pm.

i had no problem at all with fasting yesterday. Didn't have my first meal until 2pm and I actually felt more alert and energised than I did when I ate breakfast.

So my question is has anybody tried intermittent fasting or fasted weight training? If so how was it for you?

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I haven't tried it but I thought about it for a while. The body building forum I frequented a year or two ago (Don't go on it anymore) had some people who loved it and had had serious results (these are proper lifters, not some "omg I lost 20 pounds in 5 days" adverts)

From what I remember there are variations of leangains that incorporate one or two pre workout meals. It might be worth trying to find those as it might fit in better with your timings.

That's what stopped me from pursuing it seriously. I don't workout until 8 or 9 at night so having my main feed post workout just doesn't work at all. I'd be eating most of my calories at 10pm.

I'd love to know how you get on with it. Like I said, there seem to be some serious lifters/bodybuilders who have had success with it.

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