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Also, don't wear gloves for dead lifting (I don't use them at all). You want your hands to be the bar and the gloves just add extra distance between hand and bar. If you want to improve your grip strength then do it with your hands nekid.

You might drop a few kilos on the lift when you start doing it but in the long run you'll get better results.

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Yeah there's a couple of guys that make those videos. They're all insanely strong.

I'm not sure if I believe they've got all that muscle from solely training in that park though, like they claim. But maybe.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So how are you getting on Warnock? Or did Christmas upset the routine? It did to mine.

As for me, the bench is progressing nicely again. After being stuck on 5x5x67.5 for seemingly ages, I succeeded at it on the 30th and yesterday at the first time of asking I succeeded at 5x5x70 with plenty to spare. Chuffed with that. Maybe my Christmas 'diet' did help. I reckon the rest my muscles got probably helped too. So I reckon I'll nail 72.5 on Monday. I've stopped increasing the squat so I've kept at 120kg. Tomorrow is the first deadlift (132.5) and overhead (50) of the year. My goal this year is to bench 5x5x85. I reckon it's very do-able. It just seems quite a bit away at the moment :)

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Never heard of it. Had a quick wikilook and it seems to be rumoured to increase lifespan, though I'd need to wait a while to verify it :P What results are you on about? Strength gain? Weight loss? Or something else?

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Muscle gain and fat loss. The theory seems to be that fasting for a period longer than 12 hours reduces insulin and increases growth hormone, leading to lipolysis and muscle growth when coupled with resistance training. Michael Mosley did a documentary on it for Horizon a while back (Eat, fast and live longer).

I do find the nutrition element of fitness the hardest to stick with as I'm constantly having to buy the cheapest foods (student in London), so I'm interested to see whether changing my eating pattern will have an impact.

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At the risk of taking it off topic, I don't think eating healthy is expensive. In fact fruit, fresh veg and cheap butchers cuts are some of the cheapest things to buy and if used right you can make stuff like stews that you can eat for a week from very little outlay. Even things like curries are cheap once you've bought the few spices needed for (again) relative peanuts.

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I suspect I've tweaked something in my neck resulting in an almost constant mild headache in the right rear of me noggin' when I move my head side to side. I'm gonna give the squat a break and see if it improves. I've had it for nearly 2 weeks now. At first I figured it might be a bit of a hangover from all the Christmas gargle but even then I kinda suspected it wasn't. It's nothing major or sore. It's just kinda there and I'd rather it wasn't. And no, before someone says it, I absolutely do not rest the bar on my 7th vertebrae. My neck isn't sore at all.

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ive been back in the gym for about 4 months and lurking in this thread for a bit. 340lbs bench max, so beat my previous max of 315 when i was 26 (34 now!). Been training like a madman (although not a smartman-hence the lurking for tips. Im about 6'0" and 225lbs, with a 21% body fat, although that is prob not too great in accuracy.

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After reading a lot of this thread im going to give stronglifts 5x5 a go starting Monday,

im a bit skeptical that only these few exercises will help develop my smaller muscles such as my arms and that i dont have to do any extra abs exercises

but will give it a try and see what happens

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Has anyone experimented with intermittent fasting (IF)? I'm on the Leangains website and the results seem insane, it seems to get rave reviews on the bodybuilding and T-Nation forums too.

Just started a cut. Once I stall on more traditional methods I'm definitely trying Leangains. Been considering it for the past 6 months. I know some people who've had great results

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After reading a lot of this thread im going to give stronglifts 5x5 a go starting Monday,

im a bit skeptical that only these few exercises will help develop my smaller muscles such as my arms and that i dont have to do any extra abs exercises

but will give it a try and see what happens

I'd add a few isolation exercises as accessory lifts.

Nothing mad, just a couple of sessions of ab crunches a week, set of Bicep curls and some pullups and dips.

Everything else gets worked a lot with the big compound lifts.

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After reading a lot of this thread im going to give stronglifts 5x5 a go starting Monday,

im a bit skeptical that only these few exercises will help develop my smaller muscles such as my arms and that i dont have to do any extra abs exercises

but will give it a try and see what happens

Your arms will get plenty of development with bench presses, deadlifts, rows etc. Also, compound lifts result in greater growth hormone release, which means your whole body will grow more effectively than if you just did isolation work. If you really feel that you need more work on your arms, throw in some pull-ups and chin-ups.

What do you need the ab exercise for? Your abs will develop just fine with squats and deadlifts.

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Go figure. After being stuck at 67.5 bench for over a month, I succeeded over Christmas, then on my first attempt at 70 last Wednesday I succeeded and yesterday my first attempt at 72.5 was a success too :? So, just like that, I'm on 75. Though 72.5 was heavy so I don't think my next bench will be success. Maybe my Christmas 'diet' did the trick :D

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