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Yeah I won't be changing that. I might make more of my calories into (naturally occuring) protein but I won't be increasing my ~1,500 daily intake (except over Christmas ...). If my diet is holding me back then I'll just lift what I can lift. At the end of the day once you're in good shape then that's all that matters :thumb:

Yep. if that's your goal then go for it.

But I would say that regardless of goals, 1500 is still very low.

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It's a 200 breakfast, a 600 lunch and a 700 dinner. It really is plenty IMO. Obviously it'll vary give or take but essentially that's it and I really don't scrimp. I'd say I use my calories a lot more efficiently than most. Very little processed food means the same volume with fewer calories.

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I don't doubt it fills you up.

I was just talking in terms of calorific intake.

To give a comparison, when I was cutting and losing about 1.5lb of fat a week, I was eating 2,700 calories.

(by the way, I'm not telling you to change or anything, just explaining why I think it's low)

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No I know. We're just having a chat :D Other than the gym I've a sedentary lifestyle and the appetite of your average American Walmart customer. If I eat 2,700 I'd probably balloon. In fact I know I would.

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Fair enough.

But yeah, to go back to lifting, I would guess that might be what's holding you back, and will continue to.

It would be interesting, actually, if you did continue to lift over xmas and see if you did make some gains while you're eating more.

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That would be interesting. Won't happen though because Christmas will be spent in Dublin and there'll be a lot of alcohol. That's two reasons I won't be near a gym :)

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Think I'll start on Madcow in the new year. Whaddya think? Is it good? I'm only really progressing consistently on the deadlift whereas the others have stagnated.

Drop the weights 20% and start building them up slowly again. Deadload. It's what I'm currently doing and I've burst through my plataeu.

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I'm back to my max now after my week or so of slacking. Got to 23 reps of 67.5 bench yesterday so hopefully Saturday will be success. 122.5 squat and 80 pendlay so I'm happy again :)

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It's just Starting strength as I understand it.

23 reps = 5 sets of 5 (but I assume he failed after 3 reps of the final set?)

Drop the weights 20% and start building them up slowly again. Deadload. It's what I'm currently doing and I've burst through my plataeu.

This is basically what MadCow does anyway so he'd be on the same track :thumb:

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**** my back yesterday deadlifting :(

4th rep @ 157.5kg and I lifted it weird. Hips stayed too highg so it was all in the back I knew I was **** it up as I lifted.

Didn't hurt too bad at the time, still managed a 5th rep at that weight (with much better form), but this morning it's agony.

So it goes to show kids, make sure your form is good!

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Ouch! I love deadlift but its very easy to injure yourself by accident, I find my form goes as I try and grip the bar! Some gyms actually ban deadlift (which is ridiculous!).

A little tip for bench.... After you do your 1 rep max, drop down and do 5 push ups quickly. It helps your fast twitch muscles which in turn helps your acceleration. I pushed through my plateau after a week of doing this.

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Oh **** it sorry to hear that Stevo. Hopefully nothing serious. Of all the lifts, I 'respect' the deadlift by far the most. Quite apart from it being typically the heaviest lift you'll do, it's also the one that can damage you the most; as you guys made sure to tell me :) It's the one lift I made 100% sure I knew the perfect form for before I started on stronglifts (thank you Rippetoe) and thankfully I've yet to have any issues with it. My biggest problem is slippy grip and I'm happy for that to be my only problem.

Banning deadlift is f**king daft. Better to ban idiot members who haven't a clue. Though that's probably not a wise business decision given that you'd lose half of your weightlifting membership.

Get well soon Stevo. At least it gives you licence to take it handy over Chrimbo.

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It's a back injury I've had in the past so I know it'll go away (touch of Sciatica I believe) but yeah I'll have to rest it for a week I think. I'll still hit the gym on the weekend but I'll keep it to presses and skip the squats and the DLs next week.

Yeah I usually make sure that my form is perfect on DLs. On this 4th rep I was thinking about whether to stop briefly and readjust my grip and then decided at the last minute to just pull it anyway. I think with that going through my head I forgot to think about my lwoer back (which is usually ALL I think about). Even the guy I train with straight away said I need to be careful!

For grip, I can't recommend liquid chalk enough. You can buy it online for a fiver (for a bottle that will last you months). Stick a drop on your hands, rub it in, let it dry (seconds) and lift away. Instantly cures a slippy grip, and doesn't leave a mess all over the gym (apart from on your hands).

Honestly, if anyone wants to fix grip problems, that's your starting point.

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I did some 140kg dead lifting on Monday and a guy told me I would 'hurt myself lifting that much'. Scoffed at him, bost out my reps and unloaded. Next guy starts dead lifting after me (obviously seeing me do it made him want to try) and the form was atrocious. Only had about 80kg on the bar, but he was proper hunched over, not bending his legs and was thrusting his hips forward like a pelvic thrust at the top of the lift.

I laughed, I cried, I pitied.

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