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Gym Routine


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It looks fine. If your planning on hitting each body part twice a week then I’d suggest leaving at least 4 days between training each body part so say back/biceps on a Monday then again on a Friday. Don’t then think you should again train back/bicpes on a Monday the following week though as really that is not enough rest so the following week you would train back/biceps Tuesday/Saturday. The following week Wednesday/Sunday and so on…

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I plan on being back active in this thread in the near future. Through circumstances some of my doing and some not, I've been away from the gym for a few months now but I'm dying to get back. All going well, March will be my return :)

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Exactly how i approach dieting, mark.


6 days a week (usually monday tgo Saturday) I'm super strict. I won't pretend I don't have the odd biscuit when somebody brings them into work, but I'm pretty disciplined.


But one day a week, usually Sunday, I eat what I want. Helps your metabolism but more importantly for me, it helps you psychologically.

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It looks fine. If your planning on hitting each body part twice a week then I’d suggest leaving at least 4 days between training each body part so say back/biceps on a Monday then again on a Friday. Don’t then think you should again train back/bicpes on a Monday the following week though as really that is not enough rest so the following week you would train back/biceps Tuesday/Saturday. The following week Wednesday/Sunday and so on…


Cheers Mark, I generally listen to my body so more than likely will be leaving those gaps for rest



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Very weird how that works.  I normally do 5 days on 2 days off.  The day after that 2 days off I feel the best and look the best. 


Moved on to 5x5 stronglifts now.  Previous to that I was doing the following.


Day 1


Heavy weights


5 x 6


Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, reverse lunge, step up DBs


Day 2


Light weights




Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, DB row, Burpees


Day 3


Medium weights




Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, bicep curl/tri extension superset, squat jumps

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It would injure me. As YGabbana says, you wouldn't be able to lift too heavy. I'd rather go at them, particularly the deadlift at 100%, but less frequently.

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Cheers Mark,

I'm actually putting together my own plan. I prefer to do that than copy someone elses or at least use one as a base and switch in some of my own movements.

I'll post it up when i'm done. So far for the upper body split I have:


Incline Dumbbell Press (Chest)

Flat Bench or Decline Press (Chest)

Flyes (Chest)

Seated OHP (Delts)

Upright Rows (Delts)

Lateral Raises (Delts)

OH Extension or Single Arm OH Extension (Tricep)

French Press (Tricep)

Close Grip Bench Press Incline or Flat (Tricep)


Deadlifts (Lower Back)

Incline dumbbell Rows (Mid Back)

Hyperextensions (Lower Back)


Seated Incline Curls (Bicep)

Wide Grip Barbell Curls (Biceps)

Close Grip Barbell Curls (Biceps)

Barbell Wrist Curls (Forearms)

Reverse Wrist Curls (Forearms)

Mostly 2 sets per exercise. 8-12 reps.

I'd strongly recommend that you reconsider the volume of work you're doing on your bis, tris and maybe even your delts in comparison to your chest and particularly your back, particularly considering that compound movements will hit these anyway. Just look at the size of the muscles. You should also look at doing more rowing/pulling movements to balance out the pressing you're doing. Face-pulls, TRX rows, band pull-aparts are all awesome.

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So i did that particular workout last night. I agree that the smaller muscles need to be hit less but this is what I actually did.


Close Grip Barbell Curl   4 x 12

Wide Grip Barbell Curl    4 x 12

Incline Bicep Curl           2 x 10


Incline Row                   4 x 12

Incline Row Barbell        4 x 12

Good Morning               4 x 10

Sumo High Pull              4 x 12


Wrist Curl                     2 x 10

Reverse Wrist Curl        2 x 10


Bicep focus was quite high but that's because I haven't worked them in isolation for a while. To be honest I was just trying to change up as many exercises as I could using free weights.

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The 5x5 routine is 3 times a week


Workout A



Bench Press

Barbell Row


Workout B



Deadlift (1x5)

Overhead Press


So alternate between the two. ABA  BAB etc


I started off lighter and adding weight on each week.  Before I started this the heaviest I was Squatting was 80kg, deadlift was 75kg and benchpress was 80kg.  So not heavy really.

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The 5x5 routine is 3 times a week

Workout A


Bench Press

Barbell Row

Workout B


Deadlift (1x5)

Overhead Press

So alternate between the two. ABA BAB etc

I started off lighter and adding weight on each week. Before I started this the heaviest I was Squatting was 80kg, deadlift was 75kg and benchpress was 80kg. So not heavy really.

5x5 is a routine for strength, 5 sets of 5 reps per exercise, your still not doing enough exercises per body part imo, i dont know what your goals are but maybe a PPL routine would be better
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I am not trying to get big.  Stay the same weight but reduce my body fat and become more cut.  I tried my original routine on the advice of a friend of mine who is a pretty good personal trainer.    Tbh it worked great at first but I wanted to mix it up.  Stronglifts 5x5 is something that I have heard a lot of people do.  So I checked out the website and started following it.  Its ok but I don't feel as worked out as I did before.


Whats the PPL routine?

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The 5x5 routine is fine. I've done it myself (or a variant of it) and it works.


What I would advise is adding some accessory exercises in there, just like a set of bicep curls once a week, some good mornings, tricep dips etc.

Maybe do 2 days a week where you add some accessories after your workout, and the other day do some core/ab stuff.


Nothing too big, heavy compound lifts will work you out just fine.

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Taken me a while to get sorted with the gym (sport card from work took until now to come through) but I'm going to do the Strong Lifts programme.


Supplemented with cardio on the bike/rowing and trying to eat right.


There's a 3 month fitness challenge at work to lose the most fat %.


I've been doing some bicep curls/tricep dips as an extra too.


Advice for eating right? For example today, I had cereal when I woke up. Having pasta with veg an meat for lunch and rice cakes with some sort of protein for dinner. Getting fruit/veg into my diet is what I'm finding the hardest which is mad because I love the,.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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