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It IS a bit modern for me, true. It's an experiment. 


I read somewhere that they were heavily influenced by Genesis. I must say that on first listen I can't see that at all - it just sounds like Radiohead. Not a bad thing, but not exactly... exciting. 

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If you like Elbow, or there's something there for you, try I am Kloot or Cherry Ghost. The last but one Kloot Album "Sky At Night" is just genius, and it's of no time and any time.

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If you like Elbow, or there's something there for you, try I am Kloot or Cherry Ghost. The last but one Kloot Album "Sky At Night" is just genius, and it's of no time and any time.


Ah, now I've heard a bit of I Am Kloot, and I thought they had a bit too much of the Gallagher-ish "irritating Manc" about them. 


They are also the favourite band of a particularly irritating Manc I have to work with, which doesn't help. 

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It IS a bit modern for me, true. It's an experiment. 


I read somewhere that they were heavily influenced by Genesis. I must say that on first listen I can't see that at all - it just sounds like Radiohead. Not a bad thing, but not exactly... exciting. 

I've tried to like Elbow but they are cack.


Grounds For Divorce is superb, but that apart they are, as mentioned above, coma inducing.


And the vocalist looks like Jonny Vegas

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Yes. I made a mistake. I was familiar with a few of their better known songs (e.g. that thing with the swooping strings that's always on BBC TV trailers), and they sounded OK.


Then (as Xann knows) I got into the band Big Big Train, in a big big way. And - almost to a man - BBT fans on their FB page were raving about how great Elbow are - the old "If you like that, you'll like this" thing.


So I took a flyer on that first album. Damn, wish I'd checked it out on YouTube first. It is - as Rob rightly says - utter cack. Boring, boring, boring. It's going to a charity shop. You live and learn.


Quite a relief to get back to today's car CD: 




Much maligned it its day, but at least it has some dynamics, some light and shade, unlike Elbow.

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Yes. I made a mistake. I was familiar with a few of their better known songs (e.g. that thing with the swooping strings that's always on BBC TV trailers), and they sounded OK.

Then (as Xann knows) I got into the band Big Big Train, in a big big way. And - almost to a man - BBT fans on their FB page were raving about how great Elbow are - the old "If you like that, you'll like this" thing.

So I took a flyer on that first album. Damn, wish I'd checked it out on YouTube first. It is - as Rob rightly says - utter cack. Boring, boring, boring. It's going to a charity shop. You live and learn.

Quite a relief to get back to today's car CD:


Much maligned it its day, but at least it has some dynamics, some light and shade, unlike Elbow.

jethro tull are so cool in their own way, love their sound, not to keen on their late 70s or 80s stuff though, stand up and shout with that awesome album cover is cool
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