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Darren Bent


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Bent is an absolutely fantastic finisher, we're just not creating for him and his confidence is low because of it. However, he does not "score goals from nothing", in that he doesn't fashion chances for himself like top strikers do. I can see him on his way out. I don't think he's very happy at all at the moment and I think Lambert has made a bit of a hash of the situation. He shouldn't have ever been given the captaincy, because taking it away was more of an insult than not giving it to him in the first place. I think Bent needs to grow up a little himself, but I don't think his ego will let him. I'd be sad to see him go but if I really try and put a positive spin on it, it'd free up some wages and raise some transfer funds to strengthen in other areas. As usual, we'll just have to see how it all plays out. I'd love nothing more than to keep him and get some players in who can supply him with more chances though.

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If Lambert doesn't like him, or can't fit him into his system, then I think it's in both parties best interests for him to find somewhere else to be honest. I am a fan of his, but if we aren't gonna sign any outright wingers and stick with this narrow system then he's just an expensive passenger.

If we still had Young and Downing, it would be different. But since we don't and with Lambert seemingly not a fan of direct wingers, I think the money we get could buy us some more strength in depth, which we badly need.

Sign a more technical player to go up top playing off Benteke/Gabby, and we won't miss his presence too much I don't think.

Obviously if we do have the money to spend on some quality service for him, then it's a no brainer to keep him. But if we're sell to buy in Jan, he could certainly be sacrificed..

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Gotta remember he's 29 in February. January and the summer may be our last chance to sell him (for a decent fee at least). He doesn't really fit into Lambert's system as stated above.

If we got an offer of £12m+ in January, I'd rip their hand off for it and as long as that money was reinvested in a couple of new players then I really wouldn't be bothered at his departure.

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People can justify letting Bent go as much as they want but the facts are this.. he is our goal scorer and has been our top scorer since he has come to this club (and currently is so in this season so far).

We already struggle to score goals and we are again losing an experienced player.

This Austin link doesn't fill me with confidence as at Villa we usually replace quality players with rubbish.

Smacks of cost cutting and I doubt the club would disagree to be honest, we have heard many times about the wage bill being an issue getting rid of Bent will solve some of it.

I'd be surprised if we see the money fully invested again even so I kind of don't trust Lambert to spend it on a replacement for Bent (on a similar quality level) as he has never dealt with something like this before (with this type of quality player).

Infact it wouldn't surprise me if the club try and pull the "well the Benteke transfer was a replacement for Bent".. worrying times ahead imo.

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As long as lambert gets the money to re-invest, I'm not too fussed about Bent. For every goal he scores he misses two decent chances. He often is a passenger in games. Would much rather have a hard working grafter up front, someone like Ricky Lambert.

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I just caught the back end of Sunday Supplement on Sky and they were part way through discussing DB and him leaving Villa in January. They were discussing the papers but didn't say which paper the article was in but mentioned a bust up with PL. Did anyone see the whole discussion?

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There's a load of drivel in a tabloid today about Dazza B being on his way. No quotes and because of the source I won't be pasting it here. There could be some truth in it but it's currently all speculation. I've always thought he'd finish the season with us but if certain teams are desperate enough who knows what will happen in January.

I get the impression that the media resented him signing for us. From day one it was questioned why he left Sunderland. Every six months he's linked elsewhere as if he's too big for us. I hope he stays.

There was also this Opta stat: Darren Bent has scored 20 PL goals for Villa - 31% of the goals they have scored since he joined. Gabriel Agbonlahor's next highest on eight.

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There's a load of drivel in a tabloid today about Dazza B being on his way. No quotes and because of the source I won't be pasting it here. There could be some truth in it but it's currently all speculation. I've always thought he'd finish the season with us but if certain teams are desperate enough who knows what will happen in January.

I get the impression that the media resented him signing for us. From day one it was questioned why he left Sunderland. Every six months he's linked elsewhere as if he's too big for us. I hope he stays.

There was also this Opta stat: Darren Bent has scored 20 PL goals for Villa - 31% of the goals they have scored since he joined. Gabriel Agbonlahor's next highest on eight.

Indeed. Bent has been consistently linked away from Villa since summer 2011, yet he's still here.
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You're correct, the media resented the fact he joined Us and how dare we spend that much on one player. David Craig on Sky was particularly bitter at the time, denying the move would happen to the very last. He was almost in tears when it was confirmed.

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As long as lambert gets the money to re-invest, I'm not too fussed about Bent. For every goal he scores he misses two decent chances. He often is a passenger in games. Would much rather have a hard working grafter up front, someone like Ricky Lambert.

Lambert seems to like hard working players, however they lack quality. Our lack of quality is our problem and the reason we only have 5 points

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By lack of quality do you mean quality finishing ? With quality finishing we'd probably have won at Newcastle, Spurs and Southampton and possibly beaten WBA. Too many missed chances.

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Bent is an absolutely fantastic finisher, we're just not creating for him and his confidence is low because of it. However, he does not "score goals from nothing", in that he doesn't fashion chances for himself like top strikers do. I can see him on his way out. I don't think he's very happy at all at the moment and I think Lambert has made a bit of a hash of the situation. He shouldn't have ever been given the captaincy, because taking it away was more of an insult than not giving it to him in the first place. I think Bent needs to grow up a little himself, but I don't think his ego will let him. I'd be sad to see him go but if I really try and put a positive spin on it, it'd free up some wages and raise some transfer funds to strengthen in other areas. As usual, we'll just have to see how it all plays out. I'd love nothing more than to keep him and get some players in who can supply him with more chances though.

This has to be the biggest myth surrounding Bent. He is not a fantastic finisher. He's a predatory striker who is good at getting on the end of things. He's a fox in the box type of striker. But he's definitely not a fantastic finisher. If he was a fantastic finisher he wouldn't have struggled so much over the last 18 months as he's have scored long range curlers, bicycle shots, elegant chips and so on that real top class finishers have that make them dangerous in all situations. Bent is fairly pointless unless he has good service, for the very reason that his finishing is nothing special at all. He's a composed finisher and has the right instincts to get into good positions, but technically he's not a good finisher. He just doesn't have the technical ability to score the goals the likes of RVP and Aguero can. He doesn't even score with the variety of the likes of Ba, Cisse and Defoe. In my opinion he really is nothing more than a penalty box predator and his success there is more to do with instinct than technical finishing ability.

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This has to be the biggest myth surrounding Bent. He is not a fantastic finisher. He's a predatory striker who is good at getting on the end of things. He's a fox in the box type of striker. But he's definitely not a fantastic finisher. If he was a fantastic finisher he wouldn't have struggled so much over the last 18 months as he's have scored long range curlers, bicycle shots, elegant chips and so on that real top class finishers have that make them dangerous in all situations. Bent is fairly pointless unless he has good service, for the very reason that his finishing is nothing special at all. He's a composed finisher and has the right instincts to get into good positions, but technically he's not a good finisher. He just doesn't have the technical ability to score the goals the likes of RVP and Aguero can. He doesn't even score with the variety of the likes of Ba, Cisse and Defoe. In my opinion he really is nothing more than a penalty box predator and his success there is more to do with instinct than technical finishing ability.

you mean the head down, smash it as hard as you can at the goal and hope it goes in variety. (although to be fair defoe has got off to a good start this season, his long run for his goal against QPR was impressive).

i think most villa fans will recognise that he hasnt got the technical ability of RVP or Aguero, but he is still an excellent goal scorer. he has 20 in 45 in the league for us, which frankly is amazing given a large part of those games were under mcleish where you couldnt even describe the service as average.

i think the biggest myth surrounding bent is the fact that people assume he just stand 6 yards out waiting for the perfect ball to tap it in. i would look at it another way - it is his superb movement in the box that turns standard crossing or passing situations into chances and goals. it creates a passing or crossing lane for the player with the ball. a lot of strikers dont have that movement, meaning the player with the ball ends up firing it straight at a defender or through the box.

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This has to be the biggest myth surrounding Bent. He is not a fantastic finisher. He's a predatory striker who is good at getting on the end of things. He's a fox in the box type of striker. But he's definitely not a fantastic finisher. If he was a fantastic finisher he wouldn't have struggled so much over the last 18 months as he's have scored long range curlers, bicycle shots, elegant chips and so on that real top class finishers have that make them dangerous in all situations. Bent is fairly pointless unless he has good service, for the very reason that his finishing is nothing special at all. He's a composed finisher and has the right instincts to get into good positions, but technically he's not a good finisher. He just doesn't have the technical ability to score the goals the likes of RVP and Aguero can. He doesn't even score with the variety of the likes of Ba, Cisse and Defoe. In my opinion he really is nothing more than a penalty box predator and his success there is more to do with instinct than technical finishing ability.

This is exactly spot on.

I cant recall bent ever taking a player on, beating his man and smashing it in the top corner. He doesnt make his own chances in the way decent strikers do, he needs to be fed. Villa is about his level, he will never play top level football, and never has done for exactly this reason.- the top clubs need strikers who can create. bent cant. if Villa arent playing well he is useless, he isnt a game changing player .

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