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Fabian Delph


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consistently? give me a break. We have finished average 16th in them 3 seasons and he is supposed to be the "heartbeat" of our team


3 league goals in 3 seasons is pathetic

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Well on that basis, we've no worries of Man City waltzing in for him then have we? :)


Player of the season for the past 2 seasons (should have been past 3) tells you that he is anything but "pathetic".


I think you'll find that the reason for finishing so low in the table is more down to the likes of playing players such as Weiman, Luna, Bennett, etc than it is playing a first choice England midfielder-A player who broke into the England side on the back of average 16th finishes.

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lol at delph "consistently" performing. The fact hes won player of the season shows how shit weve been. The only thing delph has been consistently good at the past couple of years is being able to make it look like hes about to lose the ball and somehow dribble past 2 players with providing some god awful pass/shot in the final third and provide nothing for the team with attacking.

He only improved in the final third a bit towards the second half of this season. obviously hope he continues.

He was quite good at running around making rash tackles though

edit: has benteke never won player of the season for us? How is that possible. The guy has single handedly saved us from relegation 3 seasons in a row

Edited by gharperr
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If you don't think that Delph has consistently performed, I would venture to suggest that you wouldn't know a footballer if one hit you in the face.


The fact that both the England and Man City set ups think different says everything that needs to be said about your drivel. How I wish you were the manager at Man City.

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The Man City transfer policy is not really a good reason to judge a player Mangala, Javi Garcia, Rodwell, Sinclair in recent seasons and its not a great England midfield either


Delph really is very average. Doesnt score enough, create and cant tackle and has no consistency. 1 good game in every 5 game. Delph is one of reasons we are a shit team and if he goes good luck ot him but I wont miss him

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 Delph is one of reasons we are a shit team and if he goes good luck ot him but I wont miss him

That's one way of looking at it, another is that Delph is one of the reasons we're not a shittier team

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If you don't think that Delph has consistently performed, I would venture to suggest that you wouldn't know a footballer if one hit you in the face.


The fact that both the England and Man City set ups think different says everything that needs to be said about your drivel. How I wish you were the manager at Man City.


ill give you a bit of a hint about delph and man city. If he wasnt english...they wouldnt be interested :o! Now go use your amazing footballing knowledge you have to figure out why that is.

Oh and england: Yes we have some clearly amazing CM's dont we...How tough it was for delph to break into the england national team.

Im not saying hes not a good player. He just isnt consistent enough (or was in the 2years you said) for what he should be doing for his role in the team.

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If you don't think that Delph has consistently performed, I would venture to suggest that you wouldn't know a footballer if one hit you in the face.


The fact that both the England and Man City set ups think different says everything that needs to be said about your drivel. How I wish you were the manager at Man City.


ill give you a bit of a hint about delph and man city. If he wasnt english...they wouldnt be interested :o! Now go use your amazing footballing knowledge you have to figure out why that is.

Oh and england: Yes we have some clearly amazing CM's dont we...How tough it was for delph to break into the england national team.



Well I've had a bit of a think about it and I'm just wondering why its Delph and not Westwood that is linked to Man City?


I'm reading that Delph is really very average, doesn't score enough, doesn't create enough and has 1 good game in 5 :o


I would have thought £8million for him would be money for old rope then? Funny how anyone with half a brain would sooner keep him than have £8 million in the kitty.

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jfc. Because Delph is better than westwood?. He also has a higher ceiling.  And delph is infinitely better than the 3 HG players theyre going to have to register so 8m to replace one of them is worth it. 

To use your logic. why isnt EVERY team spurs+ in for him. 8m is an absolute steal for a "2 year consistent, england international, mancity-level wanted" player. If delph wasnt english, man city would not be interested. Hes just an ok squad-filler/backup player for the price talked so they dont have to register one of their terrible HG players. 

Still hasnt been consistent over 2 years for the role he plays for the side.

Final edit and last thing ill say about this conversation (unless you make some redic silly comment):    Interest from a team does not mean a player has performed consistently over a large timeframe.

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But does this logic not apply to all teams?


Is it only Man City who are restricted to HG players? Be careful what you wish for. If there is an £8mil get out clause then you can bet your bottom dollar that Spurs, along with others will bi sniffing


The fact of the matter is, regardless of the HG situation, Man City wouldn't sign any Tom Dick or Harry just because he was English-They still go for the best out there and I'll let you into a little secret-The players that start for England ARE the best that's out there.


If Delph were to leave, it is highly unlikely that we could replace him like for like. It is bordering on insanity to suggest otherwise

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Well yeh, theyre having to register three total unknown HG players who will NEVER get onto the bench. Thats the whole point...The other teams have homegrown players who are a significant upgrade to the 3 of mancitys so they dont NEED to sign delph (or someone similar)....
And this still has nothing to do with him being consistent over 2 years lol.

im done. gg

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They don't NEED to fill the homegrown quota, it's just that you can only have a given amount of non-homegrown players in your squad and the rest is to be filled by homegrown ones. If they had no intention of playing someone bought as homegrown then they're as well not bothering and just leaving the squad a man light

Which a team competing on four fronts will not want.

They had far more home grown players than Chelsea did last season (Chelsea "competed on four fronts" 5 men short)

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They don't NEED to fill the homegrown quota, it's just that you can only have a given amount of non-homegrown players in your squad and the rest is to be filled by homegrown ones. If they had no intention of playing someone bought as homegrown then they're as well not bothering and just leaving the squad a man light

Which a team competing on four fronts will not want.

They had far more home grown players than Chelsea did last season (Chelsea "competed on four fronts" 5 men short)


im pretty sure Chelsea ran insanely well/lucky with not getting many injuries last season (so the lack of depth of the squad wasnt stretched/tested allowing them to do better than arsenal/city as they had more of their first 11 squad on the pitch on average). The only player i can remember being significantly injured throughout was costa, and that was mostly towards end of the season when they had the season wrapped up

Not saying that you are...but obviously looking at one season stretch of only 1 team to prove that you dont need a full-squad depth to "compete on four fronts" is incredibly results orientated, very selective and silly. Sample size is far too small for such a high-variance league

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They don't NEED to fill the homegrown quota, it's just that you can only have a given amount of non-homegrown players in your squad and the rest is to be filled by homegrown ones. If they had no intention of playing someone bought as homegrown then they're as well not bothering and just leaving the squad a man light

Which a team competing on four fronts will not want.
They had far more home grown players than Chelsea did last season (Chelsea "competed on four fronts" 5 men short)

im pretty sure Chelsea ran insanely well/lucky with not getting many injuries last season (so the lack of depth of the squad wasnt stretched/tested allowing them to do better than arsenal/city as they had more of their first 11 squad on the pitch on average).

Not saying that you are...but obviously looking at one season stretch of only 1 team to prove that you dont need a full-squad depth to "compete on four fronts" is incredibly results orientated, very selective and silly. Sample size is far to small

Well then it's a good job that's not what I'm doing at all isn't it. Isa said a team wouldn't want that, I was just stating a team with one of the best coaches worldwide at the helm have done that, so presumably did want that, for the last 2 years.

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Tbh as well, are players really THAT bothered about the Euros? Worle cups etc used to be the pinnacle of a players career. Now I don't believe it is.

He's a regular for England right now. That may not continue forever, this could be his one chance to play at a major tournament for his country.

Yes they care. Very much so.

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Well then it's a good job that's not what I'm doing at all isn't it. Isa said a team wouldn't want that, I was just stating a team with one of the best coaches worldwide at the helm have done that, so presumably did want that, for the last 2 years.

Fair point. In Chelsea's case they have maybe the best youth team in the world currently and I believe Mourinho has been instructed to bring more of those through. So they were seemingly happy to use some of those to bulk up the squad.

Edit: Also, Mourinho historically isn't as big an advocate of the 'big squad'. He prefers settled line-ups and having versatile players who can cover a few positions. But he is an exception in that regard.

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The Man City transfer policy is not really a good reason to judge a player Mangala, Javi Garcia, Rodwell, Sinclair in recent seasons and its not a great England midfield either


Delph really is very average. Doesnt score enough, create and cant tackle and has no consistency. 1 good game in every 5 game. Delph is one of reasons we are a shit team and if he goes good luck ot him but I wont miss him

Delph certainly is not 'very average', he's an above average premier league midfielder who has been punching below his weight at this club for the past 2 seasons, he's easily good enough for a lot of top half sides.


Now, I don't for a minute think he's Man City quality, but at the end of the day, he's clearly a confident bloke who wants to test himself at the highest possible level. No one can blame him for moving to club like Man City, not only will he get a lot more money but he will have the chance to compete for trophies and play in the champions league, he'd be dumb to turn down such an opportunity. 

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